Tracer conservation for configurations with forward Euler passive-tracer time stepping and time-varying grid-cell volumes
The reference configuration ORCA2_ICE_PISCES
of NEMO version 4.2 does not conserve tracer inventories. By selecting the modified leapfrog passive-tracer time-stepping option, however, tracer conservation can be restored. Further, the built-in computation of basic passive-tracer statistics (module trcrst
, subroutine trc_rst_stat
) is inaccurate when grid-cell volumes vary in time, which hampers rapid validation of tracer-inventory conservation.
The lack of tracer conservation found in the ORCA2_ICE_PISCES
reference configuration can be demonstrated in a simpler configuration by enabling the nonlinear free surface in the GYRE_PISCES
reference configuration,
$ ./makenemo -r GYRE_PISCES -n TEST del_key key_linssh
$ cd cfgs/TEST/EXP00/
$ sed -i -e 's/ln_linssh.*/ln_linssh=.false./' -e 's/ln_hpg_zco.*/ln_hpg_sco=.true./' namelist_cfg
by replacing the PISCES option with the transport of a passive tracer with initial uniform distribution and without external sources and sinks,
$ sed -i -e 's/jp_bgc.*/jp_bgc=1/' -e 's/ln_pisces.*/ln_pisces=.false./' -e 's/ln_my_trc.*/ln_my_trc=.true./' namelist_top_cfg
and by activating forward Euler time stepping for passive tracers,
$ sed -i -e '/&namtrc_run/aln_top_euler=.true./' namelist_top_cfg
The output from the corresponding model run reports a substantial drift in the tracer inventory:
$ grep -e 'DET.*drift' ocean.output | cut -d ':' -f 7
-0.4331065867E-07 %
When selecting the modified leapfrog time-stepping scheme instead,
$ sed -i -e 's/ln_top_euler.*/ln_top_euler=.false./' namelist_top_cfg
the tracer-inventory drift reduces to
$ grep -e 'DET.*drift' ocean.output | cut -d ':' -f 7
-0.1484324163E-09 %
and, after adjusting the grid-cell volumes used for the computation of tracer statistics at the end of the model run,
--- a/src/TOP/trcrst.F90
+++ b/src/TOP/trcrst.F90
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ CONTAINS
DO jk = 1, jpk
- zvol(:,:,jk) = e1e2t(:,:) * e3t(:,:,jk,Krhs) * tmask(:,:,jk)
+ zvol(:,:,jk) = e1e2t(:,:) * e3t(:,:,jk,Kmm) * tmask(:,:,jk)
DO jn = 1, jptra
and subsequent compilation, this drift reduces further to
$ grep -e 'DET.*drift' ocean.output | cut -d ':' -f 7
-0.2386728137E-11 %
which appears to be within the uncertainty that is expected from using double-precision arithmetic operations. After switching back to forward Euler time stepping,
$ sed -i -e 's/ln_top_euler.*/ln_top_euler=.true./' namelist_top_cfg
a new model run reveals the actual tracer-inventory drift of
$ grep -e 'DET.*drift' ocean.output | cut -d ':' -f 7
-0.4322051485E-07 %
for this configuration.
Further analysis suggests that the replication of the "now" tracer concentrations at the "before" time level effectively changes the local tracer inventories (due to a difference between the grid-cell volumes at the "before" and "now" time levels) that are used as the tracer state before the trends of the current time step are added.
It is recommended to implement the forward Euler time stepping independent of the tracer concentrations and vertical scale factors for the "before" time step, which could be achieved by supplying the "now" time-level index as both the "before" and "now" time-level indices to the passive-tracer transport and source subroutines (subroutines trc_trp
and trc_sms
) in this case:
--- a/src/TOP/trcstp.F90
+++ b/src/TOP/trcstp.F90
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ CONTAINS
INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: Kbb, Kmm, Krhs, Kaa ! time level indices
INTEGER :: jk, jn ! dummy loop indices
+ INTEGER :: ibb ! local time-level index
REAL(wp):: ztrai ! local scalar
LOGICAL :: ll_trcstat ! local logical
CHARACTER (len=25) :: charout !
@@ -65,8 +66,10 @@ CONTAINS
IF( ln_timing ) CALL timing_start('trc_stp')
+ ibb = Kbb ! default "before" time-level index
IF( l_1st_euler .OR. ln_top_euler ) THEN ! at nittrc000
rDt_trc = rn_Dt ! = rn_Dt (use or restarting with Euler time stepping)
+ ibb = Kmm ! time-level index used to substitute the "before" with the "now" time level
ELSEIF( kt <= nittrc000 + 1 ) THEN ! at nittrc000 or nittrc000+1
rDt_trc = 2. * rn_Dt ! = 2 rn_Dt (leapfrog)
@@ -100,9 +103,9 @@ CONTAINS
CALL trc_rst_opn ( kt ) ! Open tracer restart file
IF( lrst_trc ) CALL trc_rst_cal ( kt, 'WRITE' ) ! calendar
CALL trc_wri ( kt, Kmm ) ! output of passive tracers with iom I/O manager
- CALL trc_sms ( kt, Kbb, Kmm, Krhs ) ! tracers: sinks and sources
+ CALL trc_sms ( kt, ibb, Kmm, Krhs ) ! tracers: sinks and sources
#if ! defined key_sed_off
- CALL trc_trp ( kt, Kbb, Kmm, Krhs, Kaa ) ! transport of passive tracers
+ CALL trc_trp ( kt, ibb, Kmm, Krhs, Kaa ) ! transport of passive tracers
! Note passive tracers have been time-filtered in trc_trp but the time level
@@ -115,7 +118,7 @@ CONTAINS
IF(lrxios) CALL iom_context_finalize( cr_toprst_cxt )
IF(lwm) CALL FLUSH( numont ) ! flush namelist output
- IF( lrst_trc ) CALL trc_rst_wri ( kt, Kmm, Kaa, Kbb ) ! write tracer restart file
+ IF( lrst_trc ) CALL trc_rst_wri ( kt, Kmm, Kaa, ibb ) ! write tracer restart file
IF( lk_trdmxl_trc ) CALL trd_mxl_trc ( kt, Kaa ) ! trends: Mixed-layer
IF( ln_top_euler ) THEN
In addition, the adjustment of the built-in computation of passive-tracer statistics,
--- a/src/TOP/trcrst.F90
+++ b/src/TOP/trcrst.F90
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ CONTAINS
DO jk = 1, jpk
- zvol(:,:,jk) = e1e2t(:,:) * e3t(:,:,jk,Krhs) * tmask(:,:,jk)
+ zvol(:,:,jk) = e1e2t(:,:) * e3t(:,:,jk,Kmm) * tmask(:,:,jk)
DO jn = 1, jptra
is also recommended.