BGC coarsening with OASIS
Reference configuration/test case (to add, chosen or used as template) -
Modifications of versioned files: Fortran routines ( *.[Ffh]90
), namelists (namelist\_*cfg
), outputs settings (*.xml
), ... -
Additional dependencies -
New datasets -
Tools (grids, OASIS interpolation weights)
We propose to split NEMO into two executables (ocean/ice on one hand, BGC on the other hand), reduce BGC resolution and exchange variables via OASIS. Implementation is done in collaboration with CERFACS, Météo-France, Mercator and MetOffice. We share algorithm and developments with the dev_agrif_coarsening branch. This development makes part of the Earth System Modelling Optim-ESM Horizon Europe project.
Description of the coupling interface and coarsening algorithms is already available in :
Maisonnave, E., 2020: Ocean/Biogeochemistry macro-task parallelism in NEMO , Working Note, WN/CMGC/20/31, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
Bricaud, C., Le Sommer, J., Madec, G., Calone, C., Deshayes, J., Ethe, C., Chanut, J., and Levy, M., 2020: Multi-grid algorithm for passive tracer transport in the NEMO ocean circulation model: a case study with the NEMO OGCM (version 3.6), Geosci. Model Dev., 13, 5465–5483,
Maisonnave, E., Berthet, S. & Séférian, R., 2021: OASIS based grid coarsening of TOP-PISCES biogeochemistry in the NEMO ocean model: performance , Technical Report, TR/CMGC/21/201, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France
Maisonnave, E. & Berthet, S., 2022: Biogeochemistry coarsening in NEMO 4.2, Technical Report, to be published