Manual revision 2022
Revision of NEMO manuals in view of 4.2 official release.
List of pending items compiled by @acoward
Documenting restart options 2.6 Start/restart strategy has no mention of options: nn_stocklist; ln_mskland; ln_cfmeta; nn_write; nn_chunksz; ln_xios_read; nn_wxios -
Updating Space domain sections 3.2.[2-3] (align with information in the migration guide) Space Domain sections are out-of-date w.r.t. contents of the file (correct in the migration guide) -
Possible simplification of wetting and drying 5.9 Wetting and drying two limiters detailed -time to simplify to one recommended method? -
Address highlighted comments in LDF chapter Chap LDF some highlighted comments/questions circa page 125 resolve and amend -
Refresh XIOS chapter 10.1 XIOS out-of-date -mentions key_iomput and XIOS2.5 Needs revising -
Checking SAO: 11.4 SAO Has anyone tested this recently? 11.4.2 In using the standalone observation operator Build instructions has old directory names -
Update stochastic parameterisation documentation 13.2 Stochastic parameterization most of the variables now in the namelist are not mentioned -
Tidy chapter 15 : 15.2 key_c1d key no longer in code - check accuracy of section 15.3 ORCA2 zenodo link to old configuration file 15.3.2 Pre-defined resolution orphaned last sentence?
Additions, deletions and corrections
14.4.1 key_nosignedzero Add recommendation to add this key via the arch files -
14.3.1 closed sea formatting error with extra \ -
5.5.3 dynspg_flt section should be removed -
6.13.5 Interface to CICE No longer supported -delete -
10.5 key_floats no longer supported? - delete -
10.6 key_diadct no longer supported? - delete -
15.5 AMM formatting error extra \
Coding rules refresh
G.4.4.1 Coding rules: argument list should now include time pointer arguments -
G4.2 Array syntax update with tiling in mind? -
G4.7 F90 standard update to F2003? -
G4.10 Loops introduce DO LOOP macros? -
G5.1 Configurations discourage use of keys -
G5.7 PRINT ln_prt outdated -
G.5.8 Precision does this need a statemnet on mixed precision? -
G6.1 Bounds checking key_vecopt_loop mentioned -
G6.4 Memory management UGH! -
G6.5 Optimisation key_vecopt_loop -
G6.7 Parallelism key_mpp_mpi outdated
keys that need checking/changing
all keys revised
in the code but not in the manual | in the manual but not in the code | Clean up CICE interface |
Remove from code
Instructions for '' usage in this branch
./ [-p] [-r version ] manual
Chose one model manual among NEMO SI3 TOP or all (if not provided compile "NEMO")
-p Produce manual with figures and disable draft watermark
-r Specify the release version number of the manual(s) instead of the branch name
The latex function \nlstlocal
allows to load specific namelists from the component folder (e.g. doc/latex/TOP/namelists) rather than from the main one in doc/namelists
(added in in doc/latex/global/highlighting.tex