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MODULE timing
   !!                     ***  MODULE  timing  ***
   !! History : 4.0  ! 2001-05  (R. Benshila)

   !!   timming_init    : initialize timing process
   !!   timing_start    : start Timer
   !!   timing_stop     : stop  Timer
   !!   timing_reset    : end timing variable creation
   !!   timing_finalize : compute stats and write output in calling w*_info
   !!   timing_ini_var  : create timing variables
   !!   timing_listing  : print instumented subroutines in ocean.output
   !!   wcurrent_info   : compute and print detailed stats on the current CPU
   !!   wave_info       : compute and print averaged statson all processors
   !!   wmpi_info       : compute and write global stats
   !!   supress         : suppress an element of the timing linked list
   !!   insert          : insert an element of the timing linked list
   USE in_out_manager  ! I/O manager
   USE dom_oce         ! ocean domain
   USE lib_mpp


   PUBLIC   timing_init, timing_finalize   ! called in nemogcm module
   PUBLIC   timing_reset                   ! called in step module
   PUBLIC   timing_start, timing_stop      ! called in each routine to time

#if ! defined key_mpi_off
   INCLUDE 'mpif.h'

   ! Variables for fine grain timing
   TYPE timer
      CHARACTER(LEN=20)  :: cname
      CHARACTER(LEN=20)  :: surname
      INTEGER :: rank
      REAL(wp)  :: t_cpu, t_clock, tsum_cpu, tsum_clock, tmax_cpu, tmax_clock, tmin_cpu, tmin_clock, tsub_cpu, tsub_clock
      INTEGER :: ncount, ncount_max, ncount_rate
      INTEGER :: niter
      LOGICAL :: l_tdone
      TYPE(timer), POINTER :: next => NULL()
      TYPE(timer), POINTER :: prev => NULL()
      TYPE(timer), POINTER :: parent_section => NULL()
   END TYPE timer

   TYPE alltimer
      CHARACTER(LEN=20), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: cname => NULL()
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: tsum_cpu   => NULL()
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: tsum_clock => NULL()
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: niter => NULL()
      TYPE(alltimer), POINTER :: next => NULL()
      TYPE(alltimer), POINTER :: prev => NULL()
   END TYPE alltimer

   TYPE(timer), POINTER :: s_timer_root => NULL()
   TYPE(timer), POINTER :: s_timer      => NULL()
   TYPE(timer), POINTER :: s_timer_old      => NULL()

   TYPE(timer), POINTER :: s_wrk        => NULL()
   REAL(wp) :: t_overclock, t_overcpu
   LOGICAL :: l_initdone = .FALSE.
   INTEGER :: nsize

   ! Variables for coarse grain timing
   REAL(wp) :: tot_etime, tot_ctime
   REAL(kind=wp), DIMENSION(2)     :: t_elaps, t_cpu
   REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: all_etime, all_ctime
   INTEGER :: nfinal_count, ncount, ncount_rate, ncount_max
   INTEGER, DIMENSION(8)           :: nvalues
   CHARACTER(LEN=8), DIMENSION(2)  :: cdate
   CHARACTER(LEN=10), DIMENSION(2) :: ctime
   CHARACTER(LEN=5)                :: czone

   ! From of ouput file (1/proc or one global)   !RB to put in nammpp or namctl
   LOGICAL :: ln_onefile = .TRUE.
   LOGICAL :: lwriter
   !! NEMO/OCE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018)
   !! $Id: timing.F90 14834 2021-05-11 09:24:44Z hadcv $
   !! Software governed by the CeCILL license (see ./LICENSE)

   SUBROUTINE timing_start(cdinfo)
      !!               ***  ROUTINE timing_start  ***
      !! ** Purpose :   collect execution time
      CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: cdinfo
       IF(ASSOCIATED(s_timer) ) s_timer_old => s_timer
      ! Create timing structure at first call of the routine
       CALL timing_ini_var(cdinfo)
   !   write(*,*) 'after inivar ', s_timer%cname

      ! ici timing_ini_var a soit retrouve s_timer et fait return soit ajoute un maillon
      ! maintenant on regarde si le call d'avant corrsspond a un parent ou si il est ferme
      IF( .NOT. s_timer_old%l_tdone ) THEN
         s_timer%parent_section => s_timer_old
         s_timer%parent_section => NULL()

      s_timer%l_tdone = .FALSE.
      IF( .NOT. l_istiled .OR. ntile == 1 ) s_timer%niter = s_timer%niter + 1      ! All tiles count as one iteration
      s_timer%t_cpu = 0.
      s_timer%t_clock = 0.

      ! CPU time collection
      CALL CPU_TIME( s_timer%t_cpu  )
      ! clock time collection
#if ! defined key_mpi_off
      s_timer%t_clock= MPI_Wtime()
      CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK(COUNT_RATE=s_timer%ncount_rate, COUNT_MAX=s_timer%ncount_max)
      CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK(COUNT = s_timer%ncount)
!      write(*,*) 'end of start ', s_timer%cname

   END SUBROUTINE timing_start

   SUBROUTINE timing_stop(cdinfo, csection)
      !!               ***  ROUTINE timing_stop  ***
      !! ** Purpose :   finalize timing and output
      CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: cdinfo
      CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: csection
      INTEGER  :: ifinal_count, iperiods
      REAL(wp) :: zcpu_end, zmpitime,zcpu_raw,zclock_raw
      s_wrk => NULL()

      ! clock time collection
#if ! defined key_mpi_off
      zmpitime = MPI_Wtime()
      CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK(COUNT = ifinal_count)
      ! CPU time collection
      CALL CPU_TIME( zcpu_end )

!!$      IF(associated(s_timer%parent_section))then
!!$        write(*,*) s_timer%cname,' <-- ', s_timer%parent_section%cname
!!$      ENDIF

 !     No need to search ... : s_timer has the last value defined in start
 !     s_timer => s_timer_root
 !     DO WHILE( TRIM(s_timer%cname) /= TRIM(cdinfo) )
 !        IF( ASSOCIATED(s_timer%next) ) s_timer => s_timer%next
 !     END DO

      ! CPU time correction
      zcpu_raw = zcpu_end - s_timer%t_cpu - t_overcpu ! total time including child
      s_timer%t_cpu  = zcpu_raw - s_timer%tsub_cpu
  !    IF(s_timer%cname==trim('lbc_lnk_2d'))  write(*,*) s_timer%tsub_cpu,zcpu_end

      ! clock time correction
#if ! defined key_mpi_off
      zclock_raw = zmpitime - s_timer%t_clock - t_overclock ! total time including child
      s_timer%t_clock = zclock_raw - t_overclock - s_timer%tsub_clock
      iperiods = ifinal_count - s_timer%ncount
      IF( ifinal_count < s_timer%ncount )  &
         iperiods = iperiods + s_timer%ncount_max
         zclock_raw = REAL(iperiods) / s_timer%ncount_rate !- t_overclock
         s_timer%t_clock  = zclock_raw - s_timer%tsub_clock
 !     IF(s_timer%cname==trim('lbc_lnk_2d')) write(*,*) zclock_raw , s_timer%tsub_clock

      ! Correction of parent section
      IF( .NOT. PRESENT(csection) ) THEN
         IF ( ASSOCIATED(s_timer%parent_section ) ) THEN
            s_timer%parent_section%tsub_cpu   = zcpu_raw   + s_timer%parent_section%tsub_cpu
            s_timer%parent_section%tsub_clock = zclock_raw + s_timer%parent_section%tsub_clock

      ! time diagnostics
      s_timer%tsum_clock = s_timer%tsum_clock + s_timer%t_clock
      s_timer%tsum_cpu   = s_timer%tsum_cpu   + s_timer%t_cpu
!RB to use to get min/max during a time integration
!      IF( .NOT. l_initdone ) THEN
!         s_timer%tmin_clock = s_timer%t_clock
!         s_timer%tmin_cpu   = s_timer%t_cpu
!      ELSE
!         s_timer%tmin_clock = MIN( s_timer%tmin_clock, s_timer%t_clock )
!         s_timer%tmin_cpu   = MIN( s_timer%tmin_cpu  , s_timer%t_cpu   )
!      ENDIF
!      s_timer%tmax_clock = MAX( s_timer%tmax_clock, s_timer%t_clock )
!      s_timer%tmax_cpu   = MAX( s_timer%tmax_cpu  , s_timer%t_cpu   )
      s_timer%tsub_clock = 0.
      s_timer%tsub_cpu = 0.
      s_timer%l_tdone = .TRUE.
      ! we come back
      IF ( ASSOCIATED(s_timer%parent_section ) ) s_timer => s_timer%parent_section

!      write(*,*) 'end of stop ', s_timer%cname

   END SUBROUTINE timing_stop

   SUBROUTINE timing_init( clname )
      !!               ***  ROUTINE timing_init  ***
      !! ** Purpose :   open timing output file
      INTEGER :: iperiods, istart_count, ifinal_count
      REAL(wp) :: zdum
      LOGICAL :: ll_f
      CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: clname
      CHARACTER(len=20)                      :: cln

      IF( PRESENT(clname) ) THEN   ;   cln = clname
      ELSE                         ;   cln = 'timing.output'

      IF( ln_onefile ) THEN
         IF( lwp) CALL ctl_opn( numtime, cln, 'REPLACE', 'FORMATTED', 'SEQUENTIAL', -1, numout,.TRUE., narea )
         lwriter = lwp
         CALL ctl_opn( numtime, cln, 'REPLACE', 'FORMATTED', 'SEQUENTIAL', -1, numout,.FALSE., narea )
         lwriter = .TRUE.

      IF( lwriter) THEN
         WRITE(numtime,*) '      CNRS - NERC - Met OFFICE - MERCATOR-ocean - CMCC - INGV'
         WRITE(numtime,*) '                             NEMO team'
         WRITE(numtime,*) '                  Ocean General Circulation Model'
         WRITE(numtime,*) '                        version 4.0  (2019) '
         WRITE(numtime,*) '                        Timing Informations '

      ! Compute clock function overhead
#if ! defined key_mpi_off
      t_overclock = MPI_WTIME()
      t_overclock = MPI_WTIME() - t_overclock
      CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK(COUNT_RATE=ncount_rate, COUNT_MAX=ncount_max)
      CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK(COUNT = istart_count)
      CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK(COUNT = ifinal_count)
      iperiods = ifinal_count - istart_count
      IF( ifinal_count < istart_count )  &
          iperiods = iperiods + ncount_max
      t_overclock = REAL(iperiods) / ncount_rate

      ! Compute cpu_time function overhead
      CALL CPU_TIME(zdum)
      CALL CPU_TIME(t_overcpu)

      ! End overhead omputation
      t_overcpu = t_overcpu - zdum
      t_overclock = t_overcpu + t_overclock

      ! Timing on date and time
      CALL DATE_AND_TIME(cdate(1),ctime(1),czone,nvalues)

      CALL CPU_TIME(t_cpu(1))
#if ! defined key_mpi_off
      ! Start elapsed and CPU time counters
      t_elaps(1) = MPI_WTIME()
      CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK(COUNT_RATE=ncount_rate, COUNT_MAX=ncount_max)
   END SUBROUTINE timing_init

   SUBROUTINE timing_finalize
      !!               ***  ROUTINE timing_finalize ***
      !! ** Purpose :  compute average time
      !!               write timing output file
      TYPE(timer), POINTER :: s_temp
      INTEGER :: idum, iperiods, icode
      INTEGER :: ji
      LOGICAL :: ll_ord, ll_averep
      CHARACTER(len=120) :: clfmt
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE ::   timing_glob
      REAL(wp) ::   zsypd   ! simulated years per day (Balaji 2017)
      REAL(wp) ::   zperc, ztot

      ll_averep = .TRUE.

      ! total CPU and elapse
      CALL CPU_TIME(t_cpu(2))
      t_cpu(2)   = t_cpu(2)    - t_cpu(1)   - t_overcpu
#if ! defined key_mpi_off
      t_elaps(2) = MPI_WTIME() - t_elaps(1) - t_overclock
      CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK(COUNT = nfinal_count)
      iperiods = nfinal_count - ncount
      IF( nfinal_count < ncount )  &
          iperiods = iperiods + ncount_max
      t_elaps(2) = REAL(iperiods) / ncount_rate - t_overclock

      ! End of timings on date & time
      CALL DATE_AND_TIME(cdate(2),ctime(2),czone,nvalues)

      ! Compute the numer of routines
      nsize = 0
      s_timer => s_timer_root
      DO WHILE( ASSOCIATED(s_timer) )
         nsize = nsize + 1
         s_timer => s_timer%next
      END DO
      idum = nsize
      CALL mpp_sum('timing', idum)
      IF( idum/jpnij /= nsize ) THEN
         IF( lwriter ) WRITE(numtime,*) '        ===> W A R N I N G: '
         IF( lwriter ) WRITE(numtime,*) ' Some CPU have different number of routines instrumented for timing'
         IF( lwriter ) WRITE(numtime,*) ' No detailed report on averaged timing can be provided'
         IF( lwriter ) WRITE(numtime,*) ' The following detailed report only deals with the current processor'
         IF( lwriter ) WRITE(numtime,*)
         ll_averep = .FALSE.

#if ! defined key_mpi_off
      ! in MPI gather some info
      ALLOCATE( all_etime(jpnij), all_ctime(jpnij) )
                         all_etime , 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,   &
                         MPI_COMM_OCE, icode)
                         all_ctime, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,   &
                         MPI_COMM_OCE, icode)
      tot_etime = SUM(all_etime(:))
      tot_ctime = SUM(all_ctime(:))
      tot_etime = t_elaps(2)
      tot_ctime = t_cpu  (2)

      ! write output file
      IF( lwriter ) WRITE(numtime,*)
      IF( lwriter ) WRITE(numtime,*)
      IF( lwriter ) WRITE(numtime,*) 'Total timing (sum) :'
      IF( lwriter ) WRITE(numtime,*) '--------------------'
      IF( lwriter ) WRITE(numtime,"('Elapsed Time (s)  CPU Time (s)')")
      IF( lwriter ) WRITE(numtime,'(5x,f12.3,1x,f12.3)')  tot_etime, tot_ctime
      IF( lwriter ) WRITE(numtime,*)
#if ! defined key_mpi_off
      IF( ll_averep ) CALL waver_info
      CALL wmpi_info
      IF( lwriter ) CALL wcurrent_info

      clfmt='(1X,"Timing started on ",2(A2,"/"),A4," at ",2(A2,":"),A2," MET ",A3,":",A2," from GMT")'
      IF( lwriter ) WRITE(numtime, TRIM(clfmt)) &
      &       cdate(1)(7:8), cdate(1)(5:6), cdate(1)(1:4),   &
      &       ctime(1)(1:2), ctime(1)(3:4), ctime(1)(5:6),   &
      &       czone(1:3),    czone(4:5)
      clfmt='(1X,  "Timing   ended on ",2(A2,"/"),A4," at ",2(A2,":"),A2," MET ",A3,":",A2," from GMT")'
      IF( lwriter ) WRITE(numtime, TRIM(clfmt)) &
      &       cdate(2)(7:8), cdate(2)(5:6), cdate(2)(1:4),   &
      &       ctime(2)(1:2), ctime(2)(3:4), ctime(2)(5:6),   &
      &       czone(1:3),    czone(4:5)

#if ! defined key_mpi_off
      ALLOCATE(timing_glob(4*jpnij), stat=icode)
      CALL MPI_GATHER( (/compute_time, waiting_time(1), waiting_time(2), elapsed_time/),   &
         &             4, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, timing_glob, 4, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_OCE, icode)
      IF( narea == 1 ) THEN
         WRITE(numtime,*) ' '
         WRITE(numtime,*) ' Report on time spent on waiting MPI messages '
         WRITE(numtime,*) '    total timing measured between nit000+1 and nitend-1 '
         WRITE(numtime,*) '    warning: includes restarts writing time if output before nitend... '
         WRITE(numtime,*) ' '
         DO ji = 1, jpnij
Guillaume Samson's avatar
Guillaume Samson committed
            ztot = SUM( timing_glob(4*ji-3:4*ji-1) )
            WRITE(numtime,'(A28,F11.6,            A34,I8)') 'Computing       time : ',timing_glob(4*ji-3), ' on MPI rank : ', ji
            IF ( ztot /= 0._wp ) zperc = timing_glob(4*ji-2) / ztot * 100.
Guillaume Samson's avatar
Guillaume Samson committed
            WRITE(numtime,'(A28,F11.6,A2, F4.1,A3,A25,I8)') 'Waiting lbc_lnk time : ',timing_glob(4*ji-2)   &
               &                                                         , ' (',      zperc,' %)',   ' on MPI rank : ', ji
            IF ( ztot /= 0._wp ) zperc = timing_glob(4*ji-1) / ztot * 100.
Guillaume Samson's avatar
Guillaume Samson committed
            WRITE(numtime,'(A28,F11.6,A2, F4.1,A3,A25,I8)') 'Waiting  global time : ',timing_glob(4*ji-1)   &
               &                                                         , ' (',      zperc,' %)',   ' on MPI rank : ', ji
            IF ( timing_glob(4*ji) /= 0._wp ) zsypd = rn_Dt * REAL(nitend-nit000-1, wp) / (timing_glob(4*ji) * 365.)
Guillaume Samson's avatar
Guillaume Samson committed
400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877
            WRITE(numtime,'(A28,F11.6,A7,F10.3,A2,A15,I8)') 'Total           time : ',timing_glob(4*ji  )   &
               &                                                         , ' (SYPD: ', zsypd, ')',   ' on MPI rank : ', ji
         END DO

      IF( lwriter ) CLOSE(numtime)
   END SUBROUTINE timing_finalize

   SUBROUTINE wcurrent_info
      !!               ***  ROUTINE wcurrent_info ***
      !! ** Purpose :  compute and write timing output file
      LOGICAL :: ll_ord
      CHARACTER(len=2048) :: clfmt

      ! reorder the current list by elapse time
      s_wrk => NULL()
      s_timer => s_timer_root
         ll_ord = .TRUE.
         s_timer => s_timer_root
         DO WHILE ( ASSOCIATED( s_timer%next ) )
            IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(s_timer%next)) EXIT
            IF ( s_timer%tsum_clock < s_timer%next%tsum_clock ) THEN
               s_wrk = s_timer%next
               CALL insert  (s_timer, s_timer_root, s_wrk)
               CALL suppress(s_timer%next)
               ll_ord = .FALSE.
            IF( ASSOCIATED(s_timer%next) ) s_timer => s_timer%next
         END DO
         IF( ll_ord ) EXIT
      END DO

      ! write current info
      WRITE(numtime,*) 'Detailed timing for proc :', narea-1
      WRITE(numtime,*) '--------------------------'
      WRITE(numtime,*) 'Section             ',            &
      &   'Elapsed Time (s)  ','Elapsed Time (%)  ',   &
      &   'CPU Time(s)  ','CPU Time (%)  ','CPU/Elapsed  ','Frequency'
      s_timer => s_timer_root
      clfmt = '(1x,a,4x,f12.3,6x,f12.3,x,f12.3,2x,f12.3,6x,f7.3,2x,i9)'
      DO WHILE ( ASSOCIATED(s_timer) )
         IF( s_timer%tsum_clock > 0._wp )                                &
            WRITE(numtime,TRIM(clfmt))   s_timer%cname,                  &
            &   s_timer%tsum_clock,s_timer%tsum_clock*100./t_elaps(2),   &
            &   s_timer%tsum_cpu  ,s_timer%tsum_cpu*100./t_cpu(2)    ,   &
            &   s_timer%tsum_cpu/s_timer%tsum_clock, s_timer%niter
         s_timer => s_timer%next
      END DO
   END SUBROUTINE wcurrent_info

#if ! defined key_mpi_off
   SUBROUTINE waver_info
      !!               ***  ROUTINE wcurrent_info ***
      !! ** Purpose :  compute and write averaged timing informations
      TYPE(alltimer), POINTER :: sl_timer_glob_root => NULL()
      TYPE(alltimer), POINTER :: sl_timer_glob      => NULL()
      TYPE(timer), POINTER :: sl_timer_ave_root => NULL()
      TYPE(timer), POINTER :: sl_timer_ave      => NULL()
      INTEGER :: icode
      INTEGER :: ierr
      LOGICAL :: ll_ord
      CHARACTER(len=200) :: clfmt

      ! Initialised the global strucutre
      ALLOCATE(sl_timer_glob_root, Stat=ierr)
      IF(ierr /= 0)THEN
         WRITE(numtime,*) 'Failed to allocate global timing structure in waver_info'
      END IF

      ALLOCATE(sl_timer_glob_root%cname     (jpnij), &
               sl_timer_glob_root%tsum_cpu  (jpnij), &
               sl_timer_glob_root%tsum_clock(jpnij), &
               sl_timer_glob_root%niter     (jpnij), Stat=ierr)
      IF(ierr /= 0)THEN
         WRITE(numtime,*) 'Failed to allocate global timing structure in waver_info'
      END IF
      sl_timer_glob_root%cname(:)       = ''
      sl_timer_glob_root%tsum_cpu(:)   = 0._wp
      sl_timer_glob_root%tsum_clock(:) = 0._wp
      sl_timer_glob_root%niter(:)      = 0
      sl_timer_glob_root%next => NULL()
      sl_timer_glob_root%prev => NULL()
      !ARPDBG - don't need to allocate a pointer that's immediately then
      !         set to point to some other object.
      !ALLOCATE(sl_timer_glob%cname     (jpnij))
      !ALLOCATE(sl_timer_glob%tsum_cpu  (jpnij))
      !ALLOCATE(sl_timer_glob%niter     (jpnij))
      sl_timer_glob => sl_timer_glob_root
      IF( narea .EQ. 1 ) THEN
         sl_timer_ave_root%cname       = ''
         sl_timer_ave_root%t_cpu      = 0._wp
         sl_timer_ave_root%t_clock    = 0._wp
         sl_timer_ave_root%tsum_cpu   = 0._wp
         sl_timer_ave_root%tsum_clock = 0._wp
         sl_timer_ave_root%tmax_cpu   = 0._wp
         sl_timer_ave_root%tmax_clock = 0._wp
         sl_timer_ave_root%tmin_cpu   = 0._wp
         sl_timer_ave_root%tmin_clock = 0._wp
         sl_timer_ave_root%tsub_cpu   = 0._wp
         sl_timer_ave_root%tsub_clock = 0._wp
         sl_timer_ave_root%ncount      = 0
         sl_timer_ave_root%ncount_rate = 0
         sl_timer_ave_root%ncount_max  = 0
         sl_timer_ave_root%niter       = 0
         sl_timer_ave_root%l_tdone  = .FALSE.
         sl_timer_ave_root%next => NULL()
         sl_timer_ave_root%prev => NULL()
         sl_timer_ave => sl_timer_ave_root

      ! Gather info from all processors
      s_timer => s_timer_root
      DO WHILE ( ASSOCIATED(s_timer) )
         CALL MPI_GATHER(s_timer%cname     , 20, MPI_CHARACTER,   &
                         sl_timer_glob%cname, 20, MPI_CHARACTER,   &
                         0, MPI_COMM_OCE, icode)
         CALL MPI_GATHER(s_timer%tsum_clock     , 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,   &
                         sl_timer_glob%tsum_clock, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,   &
                         0, MPI_COMM_OCE, icode)
         CALL MPI_GATHER(s_timer%tsum_cpu     , 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,   &
                         sl_timer_glob%tsum_cpu, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,   &
                         0, MPI_COMM_OCE, icode)
         CALL MPI_GATHER(s_timer%niter     , 1, MPI_INTEGER,   &
                         sl_timer_glob%niter, 1, MPI_INTEGER,   &
                         0, MPI_COMM_OCE, icode)

         IF( narea == 1 .AND. ASSOCIATED(s_timer%next) ) THEN
            ALLOCATE(sl_timer_glob%next%cname     (jpnij))
            ALLOCATE(sl_timer_glob%next%tsum_cpu  (jpnij))
            ALLOCATE(sl_timer_glob%next%niter     (jpnij))
            sl_timer_glob%next%prev => sl_timer_glob
            sl_timer_glob%next%next => NULL()
            sl_timer_glob           => sl_timer_glob%next
         s_timer => s_timer%next
      END DO

      IF( narea == 1 ) THEN
         ! Compute some stats
         sl_timer_glob => sl_timer_glob_root
         DO WHILE( ASSOCIATED(sl_timer_glob) )
            sl_timer_ave%cname  = sl_timer_glob%cname(1)
            sl_timer_ave%tsum_cpu   = SUM   (sl_timer_glob%tsum_cpu  (:)) / jpnij
            sl_timer_ave%tsum_clock = SUM   (sl_timer_glob%tsum_clock(:)) / jpnij
            sl_timer_ave%tmax_cpu   = MAXVAL(sl_timer_glob%tsum_cpu  (:))
            sl_timer_ave%tmax_clock = MAXVAL(sl_timer_glob%tsum_clock(:))
            sl_timer_ave%tmin_cpu   = MINVAL(sl_timer_glob%tsum_cpu  (:))
            sl_timer_ave%tmin_clock = MINVAL(sl_timer_glob%tsum_clock(:))
            sl_timer_ave%niter      = SUM   (sl_timer_glob%niter     (:))
            IF( ASSOCIATED(sl_timer_glob%next) ) THEN
               sl_timer_ave%next%prev => sl_timer_ave
               sl_timer_ave%next%next => NULL()
               sl_timer_ave           => sl_timer_ave%next
            sl_timer_glob => sl_timer_glob%next
         END DO

         ! reorder the averaged list by CPU time
         s_wrk => NULL()
         sl_timer_ave => sl_timer_ave_root
            ll_ord = .TRUE.
            sl_timer_ave => sl_timer_ave_root
            DO WHILE( ASSOCIATED( sl_timer_ave%next ) )

               IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(sl_timer_ave%next) ) EXIT

               IF ( sl_timer_ave%tsum_clock < sl_timer_ave%next%tsum_clock ) THEN
                  ! Copy data into the new object pointed to by s_wrk
                  s_wrk = sl_timer_ave%next
                  ! Insert this new timer object before our current position
                  CALL insert  (sl_timer_ave, sl_timer_ave_root, s_wrk)
                  ! Remove the old object from the list
                  CALL suppress(sl_timer_ave%next)
                  ll_ord = .FALSE.
               IF( ASSOCIATED(sl_timer_ave%next) ) sl_timer_ave => sl_timer_ave%next
            END DO
            IF( ll_ord ) EXIT
         END DO

         ! write averaged info
         WRITE(numtime,"('Averaged timing on all processors :')")
         WRITE(numtime,"('Section',13x,'Elap. Time(s)',2x,'Elap. Time(%)',2x, &
         &   'CPU Time(s)',2x,'CPU Time(%)',2x,'CPU/Elap',1x,   &
         &   'Max elap(%)',2x,'Min elap(%)',2x,            &
         &   'Freq')")
         sl_timer_ave => sl_timer_ave_root
         clfmt = '((A),E15.7,2x,f6.2,5x,f12.2,5x,f6.2,5x,f7.2,2x,f12.2,4x,f6.2,2x,f9.2)'
         DO WHILE ( ASSOCIATED(sl_timer_ave) )
            IF( sl_timer_ave%tsum_clock > 0. )                                             &
               WRITE(numtime,TRIM(clfmt))   sl_timer_ave%cname(1:18),                      &
               &   sl_timer_ave%tsum_clock,sl_timer_ave%tsum_clock*100.*jpnij/tot_etime,   &
               &   sl_timer_ave%tsum_cpu  ,sl_timer_ave%tsum_cpu*100.*jpnij/tot_ctime  ,   &
               &   sl_timer_ave%tsum_cpu/sl_timer_ave%tsum_clock,                          &
               &   sl_timer_ave%tmax_clock*100.*jpnij/tot_etime,                           &
               &   sl_timer_ave%tmin_clock*100.*jpnij/tot_etime,                           &
               &   sl_timer_ave%niter/REAL(jpnij)
            sl_timer_ave => sl_timer_ave%next
         END DO
   END SUBROUTINE waver_info

   SUBROUTINE wmpi_info
      !!               ***  ROUTINE wmpi_time  ***
      !! ** Purpose :   compute and write a summary of MPI infos
      INTEGER                            :: idum, icode
      REAL(wp) :: ztot_ratio
      REAL(wp) :: zmax_etime, zmax_ctime, zmax_ratio, zmin_etime, zmin_ctime, zmin_ratio
      REAL(wp) :: zavg_etime, zavg_ctime, zavg_ratio
      REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: zall_ratio
      CHARACTER(LEN=128), dimension(8) :: cllignes
      CHARACTER(LEN=128)               :: clhline, clstart_date, clfinal_date
      CHARACTER(LEN=2048)              :: clfmt

      ! Gather all times
      ALLOCATE( zall_ratio(jpnij), iall_rank(jpnij) )
      IF( narea == 1 ) THEN
         iall_rank(:) = (/ (idum,idum=0,jpnij-1) /)

         ! Compute elapse user time
         zavg_etime = tot_etime/REAL(jpnij,wp)
         zmax_etime = MAXVAL(all_etime(:))
         zmin_etime = MINVAL(all_etime(:))

         ! Compute CPU user time
         zavg_ctime = tot_ctime/REAL(jpnij,wp)
         zmax_ctime = MAXVAL(all_ctime(:))
         zmin_ctime = MINVAL(all_ctime(:))

         ! Compute cpu/elapsed ratio
         zall_ratio(:) = all_ctime(:) / all_etime(:)
         ztot_ratio    = SUM(all_ctime(:))/SUM(all_etime(:))
         zavg_ratio    = SUM(zall_ratio(:))/REAL(jpnij,wp)
         zmax_ratio    = MAXVAL(zall_ratio(:))
         zmin_ratio    = MINVAL(zall_ratio(:))

         ! Output Format
         clhline    ='1x,13("-"),"|",18("-"),"|",14("-"),"|",18("-"),/,'
         cllignes(1)='(1x,"MPI summary report :",/,'
         cllignes(3)='1x,"Process Rank |"," Elapsed Time (s) |"," CPU Time (s) |"," Ratio CPU/Elapsed",/,'
         cllignes(4)='      (4x,i6,4x,"|",f12.3,6x,"|",f12.3,2x,"|",4x,f7.3,/),'
         WRITE(cllignes(4)(1:6),'(I6)') jpnij
         cllignes(5)='1x,"Total        |",f12.3,6x,"|",F12.3,2x,"|",4x,f7.3,/,'
         cllignes(6)='1x,"Minimum      |",f12.3,6x,"|",F12.3,2x,"|",4x,f7.3,/,'
         cllignes(7)='1x,"Maximum      |",f12.3,6x,"|",F12.3,2x,"|",4x,f7.3,/,'
         cllignes(8)='1x,"Average      |",f12.3,6x,"|",F12.3,2x,"|",4x,f7.3)'
         clfmt=TRIM(cllignes(1))// TRIM(cllignes(2))//TRIM(cllignes(3))//          &
           & TRIM(clhline)//TRIM(cllignes(4))//TRIM(clhline)//TRIM(cllignes(5))//  &
           & TRIM(clhline)//TRIM(cllignes(6))//TRIM(clhline)//TRIM(cllignes(7))//  &
           & TRIM(clhline)//TRIM(cllignes(8))
         WRITE(numtime, TRIM(clfmt)) &
             (iall_rank(idum),all_etime(idum),all_ctime(idum),zall_ratio(idum),idum=1, jpnij), &
             tot_etime,     tot_ctime,     ztot_ratio,   &
             zmin_etime,    zmin_ctime,    zmin_ratio,   &
             zmax_etime,    zmax_ctime,    zmax_ratio,   &
             zavg_etime,    zavg_ctime,    zavg_ratio
      END IF
      DEALLOCATE(zall_ratio, iall_rank)
   END SUBROUTINE wmpi_info

   SUBROUTINE timing_ini_var(cdinfo)
      !!               ***  ROUTINE timing_ini_var  ***
      !! ** Purpose :   create timing structure
      CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: cdinfo
      LOGICAL :: ll_section

      IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(s_timer_root) ) THEN
         s_timer_root%cname       = cdinfo
         s_timer_root%t_cpu      = 0._wp
         s_timer_root%t_clock    = 0._wp
         s_timer_root%tsum_cpu   = 0._wp
         s_timer_root%tsum_clock = 0._wp
         s_timer_root%tmax_cpu   = 0._wp
         s_timer_root%tmax_clock = 0._wp
         s_timer_root%tmin_cpu   = 0._wp
         s_timer_root%tmin_clock = 0._wp
         s_timer_root%tsub_cpu   = 0._wp
         s_timer_root%tsub_clock = 0._wp
         s_timer_root%ncount      = 0
         s_timer_root%ncount_rate = 0
         s_timer_root%ncount_max  = 0
         s_timer_root%niter       = 0
         s_timer_root%l_tdone  = .FALSE.
         s_timer_root%next => NULL()
         s_timer_root%prev => NULL()
         s_timer => s_timer_root
         s_wrk => NULL()
         s_timer_old%cname       = cdinfo
         s_timer_old%t_cpu      = 0._wp
         s_timer_old%t_clock    = 0._wp
         s_timer_old%tsum_cpu   = 0._wp
         s_timer_old%tsum_clock = 0._wp
         s_timer_old%tmax_cpu   = 0._wp
         s_timer_old%tmax_clock = 0._wp
         s_timer_old%tmin_cpu   = 0._wp
         s_timer_old%tmin_clock = 0._wp
         s_timer_old%tsub_cpu   = 0._wp
         s_timer_old%tsub_clock = 0._wp
         s_timer_old%ncount      = 0
         s_timer_old%ncount_rate = 0
         s_timer_old%ncount_max  = 0
         s_timer_old%niter       = 0
         s_timer_old%l_tdone  = .TRUE.
         s_timer_old%next => NULL()
         s_timer_old%prev => NULL()

         s_timer => s_timer_root
         ! case of already existing area (typically inside a loop)
   !         write(*,*) 'in ini_var for routine : ', cdinfo
         DO WHILE( ASSOCIATED(s_timer) )
            IF( TRIM(s_timer%cname) .EQ. TRIM(cdinfo) ) THEN
 !             write(*,*) 'in ini_var for routine : ', cdinfo,' we return'
               RETURN ! cdinfo is already in the chain
            s_timer => s_timer%next
         END DO

         ! end of the chain
         s_timer => s_timer_root
         DO WHILE( ASSOCIATED(s_timer%next) )
            s_timer => s_timer%next
         END DO

    !     write(*,*) 'after search', s_timer%cname
         ! cdinfo is not part of the chain so we add it with initialisation
    !     write(*,*) 'after allocation of next'

         s_timer%next%cname       = cdinfo
         s_timer%next%t_cpu      = 0._wp
         s_timer%next%t_clock    = 0._wp
         s_timer%next%tsum_cpu   = 0._wp
         s_timer%next%tsum_clock = 0._wp
         s_timer%next%tmax_cpu   = 0._wp
         s_timer%next%tmax_clock = 0._wp
         s_timer%next%tmin_cpu   = 0._wp
         s_timer%next%tmin_clock = 0._wp
         s_timer%next%tsub_cpu   = 0._wp
         s_timer%next%tsub_clock = 0._wp
         s_timer%next%ncount      = 0
         s_timer%next%ncount_rate = 0
         s_timer%next%ncount_max  = 0
         s_timer%next%niter       = 0
         s_timer%next%l_tdone  = .FALSE.
         s_timer%next%parent_section => NULL()
         s_timer%next%prev => s_timer
         s_timer%next%next => NULL()
         s_timer => s_timer%next
      !    write(*,*) 'after allocation'
   END SUBROUTINE timing_ini_var

   SUBROUTINE timing_reset
      !!               ***  ROUTINE timing_reset  ***
      !! ** Purpose :   go to root of timing tree
      l_initdone = .TRUE.
!      IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)
!      IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'timing_reset : instrumented routines for timing'
!      IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~'
      CALL timing_list(s_timer_root)
!      WRITE(numout,*)
   END SUBROUTINE timing_reset

   RECURSIVE SUBROUTINE timing_list(ptr)

      TYPE(timer), POINTER, INTENT(inout) :: ptr
      IF( ASSOCIATED(ptr%next) ) CALL timing_list(ptr%next)
      IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)'   ', ptr%cname
   END SUBROUTINE timing_list

   SUBROUTINE insert(sd_current, sd_root ,sd_ptr)
      !!               ***  ROUTINE insert  ***
      !! ** Purpose :   insert an element in timer structure
      TYPE(timer), POINTER, INTENT(inout) :: sd_current, sd_root, sd_ptr

      IF( ASSOCIATED( sd_current, sd_root ) ) THEN
         ! If our current element is the root element then
         ! replace it with the one being inserted
         sd_root => sd_ptr
         sd_current%prev%next => sd_ptr
      END IF
      sd_ptr%next     => sd_current
      sd_ptr%prev     => sd_current%prev
      sd_current%prev => sd_ptr
      ! Nullify the pointer to the new element now that it is held
      ! within the list. If we don't do this then a subsequent call
      ! to ALLOCATE memory to this pointer will fail.
      sd_ptr => NULL()

   SUBROUTINE suppress(sd_ptr)
      !!               ***  ROUTINE suppress  ***
      !! ** Purpose :   supress an element in timer structure
      TYPE(timer), POINTER, INTENT(inout) :: sd_ptr
      TYPE(timer), POINTER :: sl_temp

      sl_temp => sd_ptr
      sd_ptr => sd_ptr%next
      IF ( ASSOCIATED(sl_temp%next) ) sl_temp%next%prev => sl_temp%prev
      sl_temp => NULL()
    END SUBROUTINE suppress
