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         sdf(jf)%nreclast   = -1 ! Set to non zero default value to avoid errors, is updated to meaningful value during fld_clopn
         sdf(jf)%igrd       = 0
         sdf(jf)%ibdy       = 0
         sdf(jf)%imap       => NULL()
         sdf(jf)%ltotvel    = .FALSE.
         sdf(jf)%lzint      = .FALSE.
      END DO
      IF(lwp) THEN      ! control print
         IF( .NOT.PRESENT( knoprint) ) THEN
            WRITE(numout,*) TRIM( cdcaller )//' : '//TRIM( cdtitle )
            WRITE(numout,*) (/ ('~', jf = 1, LEN_TRIM( cdcaller ) ) /)
         WRITE(numout,*) '   fld_fill : fill data structure with information from namelist '//TRIM( cdnam )
         WRITE(numout,*) '   ~~~~~~~~'
         WRITE(numout,*) '      list of files and frequency (>0: in hours ; <0 in months)'
         DO jf = 1, SIZE(sdf)
            WRITE(numout,*) '      root filename: '  , TRIM( sdf(jf)%clrootname ), '   variable name: ', TRIM( sdf(jf)%clvar )
            WRITE(numout,*) '         frequency: '      ,       sdf(jf)%freqh       ,   &
               &                  '   time interp: '    ,       sdf(jf)%ln_tint     ,   &
               &                  '   climatology: '    ,       sdf(jf)%ln_clim
            WRITE(numout,*) '         weights: '        , TRIM( sdf(jf)%wgtname    ),   &
               &                  '   pairing: '        , TRIM( sdf(jf)%vcomp      ),   &
               &                  '   data type: '      ,       sdf(jf)%clftyp      ,   &
               &                  '   land/sea mask:'   , TRIM( sdf(jf)%lsmname    )
            call flush(numout)
         END DO
   END SUBROUTINE fld_fill

   SUBROUTINE wgt_list( sd, kwgt )
      !!                    ***  ROUTINE wgt_list  ***
      !! ** Purpose :   search array of WGTs and find a weights file entry,
      !!                or return a new one adding it to the end if new entry.
      !!                the weights data is read in and restructured (fld_weight)
      TYPE( FLD ), INTENT(in   ) ::   sd        ! field with name of weights file
      INTEGER    , INTENT(  out) ::   kwgt      ! index of weights
      INTEGER ::   kw, nestid   ! local integer
      !! search down linked list 
      !! weights filename is either present or we hit the end of the list
      !! because agrif nest part of filenames are now added in iom_open
      !! to distinguish between weights files on the different grids, need to track
      !! nest number explicitly
      nestid = 0
#if defined key_agrif
      nestid = Agrif_Fixed()
      DO kw = 1, nxt_wgt-1
         IF( ref_wgts(kw)%wgtname == sd%wgtname .AND. &
             ref_wgts(kw)%nestid  == nestid) THEN
            kwgt = kw
      END DO
      kwgt = nxt_wgt
      CALL fld_weight( sd )
   END SUBROUTINE wgt_list

   SUBROUTINE wgt_print( )
      !!                    ***  ROUTINE wgt_print  ***
      !! ** Purpose :   print the list of known weights
      INTEGER ::   kw   !
      DO kw = 1, nxt_wgt-1
         WRITE(numout,*) 'weight file:  ',TRIM(ref_wgts(kw)%wgtname)
         WRITE(numout,*) '      ddims:  ',ref_wgts(kw)%ddims(1),ref_wgts(kw)%ddims(2)
         WRITE(numout,*) '     numwgt:  ',ref_wgts(kw)%numwgt
         WRITE(numout,*) '     jpiwgt:  ',ref_wgts(kw)%jpiwgt
         WRITE(numout,*) '     jpjwgt:  ',ref_wgts(kw)%jpjwgt
         WRITE(numout,*) '    botleft:  ',ref_wgts(kw)%botleft
         WRITE(numout,*) '   topright:  ',ref_wgts(kw)%topright
         IF( ref_wgts(kw)%cyclic ) THEN
            WRITE(numout,*) '       cyclical'
            IF( ref_wgts(kw)%overlap > 0 ) WRITE(numout,*) '              with overlap of ', ref_wgts(kw)%overlap
            WRITE(numout,*) '       not cyclical'
         IF( ASSOCIATED(ref_wgts(kw)%data_wgt) )  WRITE(numout,*) '       allocated'
      END DO
   END SUBROUTINE wgt_print

   SUBROUTINE fld_weight( sd )
      !!                    ***  ROUTINE fld_weight  ***
      !! ** Purpose :   create a new WGT structure and fill in data from file,
      !!              restructuring as required
      TYPE( FLD ), INTENT(in) ::   sd   ! field with name of weights file
      INTEGER ::   ji,jj,jn   ! dummy loop indices
      INTEGER ::   inum       ! local logical unit
      INTEGER ::   id         ! local variable id
      INTEGER ::   ipk        ! local vertical dimension
      INTEGER ::   zwrap      ! local integer
      LOGICAL ::   cyclical   ! 
      CHARACTER (len=5) ::   clname   !
      INTEGER , DIMENSION(4) ::   ddims
      INTEGER                ::   isrc
      REAL(dp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::   data_tmp
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      IF( nxt_wgt > tot_wgts ) THEN
        CALL ctl_stop("fld_weight: weights array size exceeded, increase tot_wgts")
      !! new weights file entry, add in extra information
      !! a weights file represents a 2D grid of a certain shape, so we assume that the current
      !! input data file is representative of all other files to be opened and processed with the
      !! current weights file

      !! get data grid dimensions
      id = iom_varid( sd%num, sd%clvar, ddims )

      !! now open the weights file
      CALL iom_open ( sd%wgtname, inum )   ! interpolation weights
      IF( inum > 0 ) THEN

         !! determine whether we have an east-west cyclic grid
         !! from global attribute called "ew_wrap" in the weights file
         !! note that if not found, iom_getatt returns -999 and cyclic with no overlap is assumed
         !! since this is the most common forcing configuration

         CALL iom_getatt(inum, 'ew_wrap', zwrap)
         IF( zwrap >= 0 ) THEN
            cyclical = .TRUE.
         ELSE IF( zwrap == -999 ) THEN
            cyclical = .TRUE.
            zwrap = 0
            cyclical = .FALSE.

         ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%ddims(1) = ddims(1)
         ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%ddims(2) = ddims(2)
         ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%wgtname = sd%wgtname
         ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%overlap = zwrap
         ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%cyclic = cyclical
         ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%nestid = 0
#if defined key_agrif
         ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%nestid = Agrif_Fixed()
         !! weights file is stored as a set of weights (wgt01->wgt04 or wgt01->wgt16)
         !! for each weight wgtNN there is an integer array srcNN which gives the point in
         !! the input data grid which is to be multiplied by the weight
         !! they are both arrays on the model grid so the result of the multiplication is
         !! added into an output array on the model grid as a running sum

         !! two possible cases: bilinear (4 weights) or bicubic (16 weights)
         id = iom_varid(inum, 'src05', ldstop=.FALSE.)
         IF( id <= 0 ) THEN   ;   ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%numwgt = 4
         ELSE                 ;   ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%numwgt = 16

         ALLOCATE( ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%data_jpi(Nis0:Nie0,Njs0:Nje0,4) )
         ALLOCATE( ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%data_jpj(Nis0:Nie0,Njs0:Nje0,4) )
         ALLOCATE( ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%data_wgt(Nis0:Nie0,Njs0:Nje0,ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%numwgt) )

         DO jn = 1,4
            WRITE(clname,'(a3,i2.2)') 'src',jn
            CALL iom_get ( inum, jpdom_global, clname, data_tmp(:,:), cd_type = 'Z' )   !  no call to lbc_lnk
            DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
               isrc = NINT(data_tmp(ji,jj)) - 1
               ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%data_jpi(ji,jj,jn) = 1 + MOD(isrc,  ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%ddims(1))
               ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%data_jpj(ji,jj,jn) = 1 +     isrc / ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%ddims(1)
         END DO

         DO jn = 1, ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%numwgt
            WRITE(clname,'(a3,i2.2)') 'wgt',jn
            CALL iom_get ( inum, jpdom_global, clname, data_tmp(:,:), cd_type = 'Z' )   !  no call to lbc_lnk
            DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
               ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%data_wgt(ji,jj,jn) = data_tmp(ji,jj)
         END DO
         CALL iom_close (inum)
         ! find min and max indices in grid
         ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%botleft( 1) = MINVAL(ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%data_jpi(:,:,:))
         ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%botleft( 2) = MINVAL(ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%data_jpj(:,:,:))
         ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%topright(1) = MAXVAL(ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%data_jpi(:,:,:))
         ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%topright(2) = MAXVAL(ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%data_jpj(:,:,:))

         ! and therefore dimensions of the input box
         ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%jpiwgt = ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%topright(1) - ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%botleft(1) + 1
         ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%jpjwgt = ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%topright(2) - ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%botleft(2) + 1

         ! shift indexing of source grid
         ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%data_jpi(:,:,:) = ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%data_jpi(:,:,:) - ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%botleft(1) + 1
         ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%data_jpj(:,:,:) = ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%data_jpj(:,:,:) - ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%botleft(2) + 1

         ! create input grid, give it a halo to allow gradient calculations
         ! SA: +3 stencil is a patch to avoid out-of-bound computation in some configuration. 
         ! a more robust solution will be given in next release
         ipk =  SIZE(sd%fnow, 3)
         ALLOCATE( ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%fly_dta(ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%jpiwgt+3, ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%jpjwgt+3 ,ipk) )
         IF( ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%cyclic ) ALLOCATE( ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%col(1,ref_wgts(nxt_wgt)%jpjwgt+3,ipk) )
         nxt_wgt = nxt_wgt + 1
         CALL ctl_stop( '    fld_weight : unable to read the file ' )
   END SUBROUTINE fld_weight

   SUBROUTINE apply_seaoverland( clmaskfile, zfieldo, jpi1_lsm, jpi2_lsm, jpj1_lsm,   &
      &                          jpj2_lsm, itmpi, itmpj, itmpz, rec1_lsm, recn_lsm )
      !!                    ***  ROUTINE apply_seaoverland  ***
      !! ** Purpose :   avoid spurious fluxes in coastal or near-coastal areas
      !!                due to the wrong usage of "land" values from the coarse
      !!                atmospheric model when spatial interpolation is required
      !!      D. Delrosso INGV          
      INTEGER,                   INTENT(in   ) :: itmpi,itmpj,itmpz                    ! lengths
      INTEGER,                   INTENT(in   ) :: jpi1_lsm,jpi2_lsm,jpj1_lsm,jpj2_lsm  ! temporary indices
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(3),     INTENT(in   ) :: rec1_lsm,recn_lsm                    ! temporary arrays for start and length
      REAL(wp),DIMENSION (:,:,:),INTENT(inout) :: zfieldo                              ! input/output array for seaoverland application
      CHARACTER (len=100),       INTENT(in   ) :: clmaskfile                           ! land/sea mask file name
      INTEGER :: inum,jni,jnj,jnz,jc   ! local indices
      REAL(wp),DIMENSION (:,:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: zslmec1             ! local array for land point detection
      REAL(wp),DIMENSION (:,:),  ALLOCATABLE :: zfieldn   ! array of forcing field with undeff for land points
      REAL(wp),DIMENSION (:,:),  ALLOCATABLE :: zfield    ! array of forcing field
      ALLOCATE ( zslmec1(itmpi,itmpj,itmpz), zfieldn(itmpi,itmpj), zfield(itmpi,itmpj) )
      ! Retrieve the land sea mask data
      CALL iom_open( clmaskfile, inum )
      SELECT CASE( SIZE(zfieldo(jpi1_lsm:jpi2_lsm,jpj1_lsm:jpj2_lsm,:),3) )
         CALL iom_get( inum, jpdom_unknown, 'LSM', zslmec1(jpi1_lsm:jpi2_lsm,jpj1_lsm:jpj2_lsm,1),   &
            &          1, kstart = rec1_lsm, kcount = recn_lsm)
         CALL iom_get( inum, jpdom_unknown, 'LSM', zslmec1(jpi1_lsm:jpi2_lsm,jpj1_lsm:jpj2_lsm,:),   &
            &          1, kstart = rec1_lsm, kcount = recn_lsm)
      CALL iom_close( inum )
      DO jnz=1,rec1_lsm(3)             !! Loop over k dimension
         DO jni = 1, itmpi                               !! copy the original field into a tmp array
            DO jnj = 1, itmpj                            !! substituting undeff over land points
               zfieldn(jni,jnj) = zfieldo(jni,jnj,jnz)
               IF( zslmec1(jni,jnj,jnz) == 1. )   zfieldn(jni,jnj) = undeff_lsm
            END DO
         END DO
         CALL seaoverland( zfieldn, itmpi, itmpj, zfield )
         DO jc = 1, nn_lsm
            CALL seaoverland( zfield, itmpi, itmpj, zfield )
         END DO
         !   Check for Undeff and substitute original values
         IF( ANY(zfield==undeff_lsm) ) THEN
            DO jni = 1, itmpi
               DO jnj = 1, itmpj
                  IF( zfield(jni,jnj)==undeff_lsm )   zfield(jni,jnj) = zfieldo(jni,jnj,jnz)
               END DO
            END DO
         zfieldo(:,:,jnz) = zfield(:,:)
      END DO                           !! End Loop over k dimension
      DEALLOCATE ( zslmec1, zfieldn, zfield )
   END SUBROUTINE apply_seaoverland 

   SUBROUTINE seaoverland( zfieldn, ileni, ilenj, zfield )
      !!                    ***  ROUTINE seaoverland  ***
      !! ** Purpose :   create shifted matrices for seaoverland application  
      !!      D. Delrosso INGV
      INTEGER                          , INTENT(in   ) :: ileni,ilenj   ! lengths 
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION (ileni,ilenj), INTENT(in   ) :: zfieldn       ! array of forcing field with undeff for land points
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION (ileni,ilenj), INTENT(  out) :: zfield        ! array of forcing field
      REAL(wp) , DIMENSION (ileni,ilenj)   :: zmat1, zmat2, zmat3, zmat4  ! local arrays 
      REAL(wp) , DIMENSION (ileni,ilenj)   :: zmat5, zmat6, zmat7, zmat8  !   -     - 
      REAL(wp) , DIMENSION (ileni,ilenj)   :: zlsm2d                      !   -     - 
      REAL(wp) , DIMENSION (ileni,ilenj,8) :: zlsm3d                      !   -     -
      LOGICAL  , DIMENSION (ileni,ilenj,8) :: ll_msknan3d                 ! logical mask for undeff detection
      LOGICAL  , DIMENSION (ileni,ilenj)   :: ll_msknan2d                 ! logical mask for undeff detection
      zmat8 = eoshift( zfieldn , SHIFT=-1 , BOUNDARY = (/zfieldn(:,1)/)     , DIM=2 )
      zmat1 = eoshift( zmat8   , SHIFT=-1 , BOUNDARY = (/zmat8(1,:)/)       , DIM=1 )
      zmat2 = eoshift( zfieldn , SHIFT=-1 , BOUNDARY = (/zfieldn(1,:)/)     , DIM=1 )
      zmat4 = eoshift( zfieldn , SHIFT= 1 , BOUNDARY = (/zfieldn(:,ilenj)/) , DIM=2 )
      zmat3 = eoshift( zmat4   , SHIFT=-1 , BOUNDARY = (/zmat4(1,:)/)       , DIM=1 )
      zmat5 = eoshift( zmat4   , SHIFT= 1 , BOUNDARY = (/zmat4(ileni,:)/)   , DIM=1 )
      zmat6 = eoshift( zfieldn , SHIFT= 1 , BOUNDARY = (/zfieldn(ileni,:)/) , DIM=1 )
      zmat7 = eoshift( zmat8   , SHIFT= 1 , BOUNDARY = (/zmat8(ileni,:)/)   , DIM=1 )
      zlsm3d  = RESHAPE( (/ zmat1, zmat2, zmat3, zmat4, zmat5, zmat6, zmat7, zmat8 /), (/ ileni, ilenj, 8 /))
      ll_msknan3d = .NOT.( zlsm3d  == undeff_lsm )
      ll_msknan2d = .NOT.( zfieldn == undeff_lsm )  ! FALSE where is Undeff (land)
      zlsm2d = SUM( zlsm3d, 3 , ll_msknan3d ) / MAX( 1 , COUNT( ll_msknan3d , 3 ) )
      WHERE( COUNT( ll_msknan3d , 3 ) == 0._wp )   zlsm2d = undeff_lsm
      zfield = MERGE( zfieldn, zlsm2d, ll_msknan2d )
   END SUBROUTINE seaoverland

   SUBROUTINE fld_interp( num, clvar, kw, kk, dta, nrec, lsmfile)      
      !!                    ***  ROUTINE fld_interp  ***
      !! ** Purpose :   apply weights to input gridded data to create data
      !!                on model grid
      INTEGER                   , INTENT(in   ) ::   num     ! stream number
      CHARACTER(LEN=*)          , INTENT(in   ) ::   clvar   ! variable name
      INTEGER                   , INTENT(in   ) ::   kw      ! weights number
      INTEGER                   , INTENT(in   ) ::   kk      ! vertical dimension of kk
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(inout) ::   dta     ! output field on model grid
      INTEGER                   , INTENT(in   ) ::   nrec    ! record number to read (ie time slice)
      CHARACTER(LEN=*)          , INTENT(in   ) ::   lsmfile ! land sea mask file name
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) ::   rec1, recn           ! temporary arrays for start and length
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) ::   rec1_lsm, recn_lsm   ! temporary arrays for start and length in case of seaoverland
      INTEGER ::   ii_lsm1,ii_lsm2,ij_lsm1,ij_lsm2    ! temporary indices
      INTEGER ::   ji, jj, jk, jn, jir, jjr           ! loop counters
      INTEGER ::   ipk
      INTEGER ::   ni, nj                             ! lengths
      INTEGER ::   jpimin,jpiwid                      ! temporary indices
      INTEGER ::   jpimin_lsm,jpiwid_lsm              ! temporary indices
      INTEGER ::   jpjmin,jpjwid                      ! temporary indices
      INTEGER ::   jpjmin_lsm,jpjwid_lsm              ! temporary indices
      INTEGER ::   jpi1,jpi2,jpj1,jpj2                ! temporary indices
      INTEGER ::   jpi1_lsm,jpi2_lsm,jpj1_lsm,jpj2_lsm   ! temporary indices
      INTEGER ::   itmpi,itmpj,itmpz                     ! lengths
      REAL(wp),DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE ::   ztmp_fly_dta                 ! local array of values on input grid     
      ipk = SIZE(dta, 3)
      !! for weighted interpolation we have weights at four corners of a box surrounding 
      !! a model grid point, each weight is multiplied by a grid value (bilinear case)
      !! or by a grid value and gradients at the corner point (bicubic case) 
      !! so we need to have a 4 by 4 subgrid surrounding each model point to cover both cases

      !! sub grid from non-model input grid which encloses all grid points in this nemo process
      jpimin = ref_wgts(kw)%botleft(1)
      jpjmin = ref_wgts(kw)%botleft(2)
      jpiwid = ref_wgts(kw)%jpiwgt
      jpjwid = ref_wgts(kw)%jpjwgt

      !! when reading in, expand this sub-grid by one halo point all the way round for calculating gradients
      rec1(1) = MAX( jpimin-1, 1 )
      rec1(2) = MAX( jpjmin-1, 1 )
      rec1(3) = 1
      recn(1) = MIN( jpiwid+2, ref_wgts(kw)%ddims(1)-rec1(1)+1 )
      recn(2) = MIN( jpjwid+2, ref_wgts(kw)%ddims(2)-rec1(2)+1 )
      recn(3) = kk

      !! where we need to put it in the non-nemo grid fly_dta
      !! note that jpi1 and jpj1 only differ from 1 when jpimin and jpjmin are 1
      !! (ie at the extreme west or south of the whole input grid) and similarly for jpi2 and jpj2
      jpi1 = 2 + rec1(1) - jpimin
      jpj1 = 2 + rec1(2) - jpjmin
      jpi2 = jpi1 + recn(1) - 1
      jpj2 = jpj1 + recn(2) - 1

      IF( LEN_TRIM(lsmfile) > 0 ) THEN
      !! indeces for ztmp_fly_dta
      ! --------------------------
         rec1_lsm(1)=MAX(rec1(1)-nn_lsm,1)  ! starting index for enlarged external data, x direction
         rec1_lsm(2)=MAX(rec1(2)-nn_lsm,1)  ! starting index for enlarged external data, y direction
         rec1_lsm(3) = 1                    ! vertical dimension
         recn_lsm(1)=MIN(rec1(1)-rec1_lsm(1)+recn(1)+nn_lsm,ref_wgts(kw)%ddims(1)-rec1_lsm(1)) ! n points in x direction
         recn_lsm(2)=MIN(rec1(2)-rec1_lsm(2)+recn(2)+nn_lsm,ref_wgts(kw)%ddims(2)-rec1_lsm(2)) ! n points in y direction
         recn_lsm(3) = kk                   ! number of vertical levels in the input file

      !  Avoid out of bound
         jpimin_lsm = MAX( rec1_lsm(1)+1, 1 )
         jpjmin_lsm = MAX( rec1_lsm(2)+1, 1 )
         jpiwid_lsm = MIN( recn_lsm(1)-2,ref_wgts(kw)%ddims(1)-rec1(1)+1)
         jpjwid_lsm = MIN( recn_lsm(2)-2,ref_wgts(kw)%ddims(2)-rec1(2)+1)

         jpi1_lsm = 2+rec1_lsm(1)-jpimin_lsm
         jpj1_lsm = 2+rec1_lsm(2)-jpjmin_lsm
         jpi2_lsm = jpi1_lsm + recn_lsm(1) - 1
         jpj2_lsm = jpj1_lsm + recn_lsm(2) - 1

         ztmp_fly_dta(:,:,:) = 0.0
         SELECT CASE( SIZE(ztmp_fly_dta(jpi1_lsm:jpi2_lsm,jpj1_lsm:jpj2_lsm,:),3) )
              CALL iom_get( num, jpdom_unknown, clvar, ztmp_fly_dta(jpi1_lsm:jpi2_lsm,jpj1_lsm:jpj2_lsm,1),   &
                 &          nrec, kstart = rec1_lsm, kcount = recn_lsm)
              CALL iom_get( num, jpdom_unknown, clvar, ztmp_fly_dta(jpi1_lsm:jpi2_lsm,jpj1_lsm:jpj2_lsm,:),   &
                 &          nrec, kstart = rec1_lsm, kcount = recn_lsm)
         END SELECT
         CALL apply_seaoverland(lsmfile,ztmp_fly_dta(jpi1_lsm:jpi2_lsm,jpj1_lsm:jpj2_lsm,:),                  &
                 &                                      jpi1_lsm,jpi2_lsm,jpj1_lsm,jpj2_lsm,                  &
                 &                                      itmpi,itmpj,itmpz,rec1_lsm,recn_lsm)

         ! Relative indeces for remapping
         ii_lsm1 = (rec1(1)-rec1_lsm(1))+1
         ii_lsm2 = (ii_lsm1+recn(1))-1
         ij_lsm1 = (rec1(2)-rec1_lsm(2))+1
         ij_lsm2 = (ij_lsm1+recn(2))-1

         ref_wgts(kw)%fly_dta(:,:,:) = 0.0
         ref_wgts(kw)%fly_dta(jpi1:jpi2,jpj1:jpj2,:) = ztmp_fly_dta(ii_lsm1:ii_lsm2,ij_lsm1:ij_lsm2,:)

         ref_wgts(kw)%fly_dta(:,:,:) = 0.0
         CALL iom_get( num, jpdom_unknown, clvar, ref_wgts(kw)%fly_dta(jpi1:jpi2,jpj1:jpj2,:), nrec, kstart = rec1, kcount = recn)

      !! first four weights common to both bilinear and bicubic
      !! data_jpi, data_jpj have already been shifted to (1,1) corresponding to botleft
      !! note that we have to offset by 1 into fly_dta array because of halo added to fly_dta (rec1 definition)
      dta(:,:,:) = 0._wp
      DO jn = 1,4
         DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,ipk )
            ni = ref_wgts(kw)%data_jpi(ji,jj,jn) + 1
            nj = ref_wgts(kw)%data_jpj(ji,jj,jn) + 1
            dta(ji,jj,jk) = dta(ji,jj,jk) + ref_wgts(kw)%data_wgt(ji,jj,jn) * ref_wgts(kw)%fly_dta(ni,nj,jk)
      END DO

      IF(ref_wgts(kw)%numwgt .EQ. 16) THEN

         !! fix up halo points that we couldnt read from file
         IF( jpi1 == 2 ) THEN
            ref_wgts(kw)%fly_dta(jpi1-1,:,:) = ref_wgts(kw)%fly_dta(jpi1,:,:)
         IF( jpi2 + jpimin - 1 == ref_wgts(kw)%ddims(1)+1 ) THEN
            ref_wgts(kw)%fly_dta(jpi2+1,:,:) = ref_wgts(kw)%fly_dta(jpi2,:,:)
         IF( jpj1 == 2 ) THEN
            ref_wgts(kw)%fly_dta(:,jpj1-1,:) = ref_wgts(kw)%fly_dta(:,jpj1,:)
         IF( jpj2 + jpjmin - 1 == ref_wgts(kw)%ddims(2)+1 .AND. jpj2 .LT. jpjwid+2 ) THEN
            ref_wgts(kw)%fly_dta(:,jpj2+1,:) = 2.0*ref_wgts(kw)%fly_dta(:,jpj2,:) - ref_wgts(kw)%fly_dta(:,jpj2-1,:)
         !! if data grid is cyclic we can do better on east-west edges
         !! but have to allow for whether first and last columns are coincident
         IF( ref_wgts(kw)%cyclic ) THEN
            rec1(2) = MAX( jpjmin-1, 1 )
            recn(1) = 1
            recn(2) = MIN( jpjwid+2, ref_wgts(kw)%ddims(2)-rec1(2)+1 )
            jpj1 = 2 + rec1(2) - jpjmin
            jpj2 = jpj1 + recn(2) - 1
            IF( jpi1 == 2 ) THEN
               rec1(1) = ref_wgts(kw)%ddims(1) - ref_wgts(kw)%overlap
               CALL iom_get( num, jpdom_unknown, clvar, ref_wgts(kw)%col(:,jpj1:jpj2,:), nrec, kstart = rec1, kcount = recn)
               ref_wgts(kw)%fly_dta(jpi1-1,jpj1:jpj2,:) = ref_wgts(kw)%col(1,jpj1:jpj2,:)
            IF( jpi2 + jpimin - 1 == ref_wgts(kw)%ddims(1)+1 ) THEN
               rec1(1) = 1 + ref_wgts(kw)%overlap
               CALL iom_get( num, jpdom_unknown, clvar, ref_wgts(kw)%col(:,jpj1:jpj2,:), nrec, kstart = rec1, kcount = recn)
               ref_wgts(kw)%fly_dta(jpi2+1,jpj1:jpj2,:) = ref_wgts(kw)%col(1,jpj1:jpj2,:)
!!$         DO jn = 1,4
!!$            DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,ipk )
!!$               ni = ref_wgts(kw)%data_jpi(ji,jj,jn) + 1
!!$               nj = ref_wgts(kw)%data_jpj(ji,jj,jn) + 1
!!$               dta(ji,jj,jk) = dta(ji,jj,jk)   &
!!$                  ! gradient in the i direction
!!$                  &            + ref_wgts(kw)%data_wgt(ji,jj,jn+4) * 0.5_wp *                                    &
!!$                  &                (ref_wgts(kw)%fly_dta(ni+1,nj  ,jk) - ref_wgts(kw)%fly_dta(ni-1,nj  ,jk))     &
!!$                  ! gradient in the j direction
!!$                  &            + ref_wgts(kw)%data_wgt(ji,jj,jn+8) * 0.5_wp *                                    &
!!$                  &                (ref_wgts(kw)%fly_dta(ni  ,nj+1,jk) - ref_wgts(kw)%fly_dta(ni  ,nj-1,jk))     &
!!$                  ! gradient in the ij direction
!!$                  &            + ref_wgts(kw)%data_wgt(ji,jj,jn+12) * 0.25_wp *                                  &
!!$                  &               ((ref_wgts(kw)%fly_dta(ni+1,nj+1,jk) - ref_wgts(kw)%fly_dta(ni-1,nj+1,jk)) -   &
!!$                  &                (ref_wgts(kw)%fly_dta(ni+1,nj-1,jk) - ref_wgts(kw)%fly_dta(ni-1,nj-1,jk)))
!!$            END_3D
!!$         END DO
         DO jn = 1,4
            DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,ipk )
               ni = ref_wgts(kw)%data_jpi(ji,jj,jn)
               nj = ref_wgts(kw)%data_jpj(ji,jj,jn)
               ! gradient in the i direction
               dta(ji,jj,jk) = dta(ji,jj,jk) + ref_wgts(kw)%data_wgt(ji,jj,jn+4) * 0.5_wp *         &
                  &                (ref_wgts(kw)%fly_dta(ni+2,nj+1,jk) - ref_wgts(kw)%fly_dta(ni  ,nj+1,jk))
         END DO
         DO jn = 1,4
            DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,ipk )
               ni = ref_wgts(kw)%data_jpi(ji,jj,jn)
               nj = ref_wgts(kw)%data_jpj(ji,jj,jn)
               ! gradient in the j direction
               dta(ji,jj,jk) = dta(ji,jj,jk) + ref_wgts(kw)%data_wgt(ji,jj,jn+8) * 0.5_wp *         &
                  &                (ref_wgts(kw)%fly_dta(ni+1,nj+2,jk) - ref_wgts(kw)%fly_dta(ni+1,nj  ,jk))
         END DO
         DO jn = 1,4
            DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,ipk )
               ni = ref_wgts(kw)%data_jpi(ji,jj,jn)
               nj = ref_wgts(kw)%data_jpj(ji,jj,jn)
               ! gradient in the ij direction
               dta(ji,jj,jk) = dta(ji,jj,jk) + ref_wgts(kw)%data_wgt(ji,jj,jn+12) * 0.25_wp * (     &
                  &                (ref_wgts(kw)%fly_dta(ni+2,nj+2,jk) - ref_wgts(kw)%fly_dta(ni  ,nj+2,jk)) -   &
                  &                (ref_wgts(kw)%fly_dta(ni+2,nj  ,jk) - ref_wgts(kw)%fly_dta(ni  ,nj  ,jk)))
         END DO
   END SUBROUTINE fld_interp

   FUNCTION fld_filename( sdjf, kday, kmonth, kyear )
      !!                    ***  FUNCTION fld_filename *** 
      !! ** Purpose :   define the filename according to a given date
      TYPE(FLD), INTENT(in) ::   sdjf         ! input field related variables
      INTEGER  , INTENT(in) ::   kday, kmonth, kyear
      CHARACTER(len = 256) ::   clname, fld_filename

      ! build the new filename if not climatological data
      ! note that sdjf%ln_clim is is only acting on the presence of the year in the file name
      IF( .NOT. sdjf%ln_clim ) THEN   
                                         WRITE(clname, '(a,"_y",i4.4)' ) TRIM( sdjf%clrootname ), kyear    ! add year
         IF( sdjf%clftyp /= 'yearly' )   WRITE(clname, '(a, "m",i2.2)' ) TRIM( clname          ), kmonth   ! add month
         ! build the new filename if climatological data
         IF( sdjf%clftyp /= 'yearly' )   WRITE(clname, '(a,"_m",i2.2)' ) TRIM( sdjf%clrootname ), kmonth   ! add month
      IF(    sdjf%clftyp == 'daily' .OR. sdjf%clftyp(1:4) == 'week' ) &
         &                               WRITE(clname, '(a,"d" ,i2.2)' ) TRIM( clname          ), kday     ! add day

      fld_filename = clname
   END FUNCTION fld_filename

   FUNCTION ksec_week( cdday )
      !!                    ***  FUNCTION ksec_week *** 
      !! ** Purpose :   seconds between 00h of the beginning of the week and half of the current time step
      CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in)   ::   cdday   ! first 3 letters of the first day of the weekly file
      INTEGER                        ::   ksec_week      ! output variable
      INTEGER                        ::   ijul, ishift   ! local integer
      CHARACTER(len=3),DIMENSION(7)  ::   cl_week 
      cl_week = (/"sun","sat","fri","thu","wed","tue","mon"/)
      DO ijul = 1, 7
         IF( cl_week(ijul) == TRIM(cdday) ) EXIT
      END DO
      IF( ijul .GT. 7 )   CALL ctl_stop( 'ksec_week: wrong day for sdjf%clftyp(6:8): '//TRIM(cdday) )
      ishift = ijul * NINT(rday)
      ksec_week = nsec_monday + ishift
      ksec_week = MOD( ksec_week, 7*NINT(rday) )
   END FUNCTION ksec_week

END MODULE fldread