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lbc_lnk_neicoll_generic.h90 15 KiB
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SUBROUTINE lbc_lnk_neicoll_/**/PRECISION( cdname, ptab, cd_nat, psgn, kfld, kfillmode, pfillval, khls, lsend, lrecv, ld4only )
Guillaume Samson's avatar
Guillaume Samson committed
      CHARACTER(len=*)              , INTENT(in   ) ::   cdname      ! name of the calling subroutine
      TYPE(PTR_4d_/**/PRECISION),  DIMENSION(:), INTENT(inout) ::   ptab        ! pointer of arrays on which apply the b.c.
      CHARACTER(len=1), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in   ) ::   cd_nat      ! nature of array grid-points
      REAL(PRECISION),  DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in   ) ::   psgn        ! sign used across the north fold boundary
      INTEGER                       , INTENT(in   ) ::   kfld        ! number of pt3d arrays
      INTEGER ,             OPTIONAL, INTENT(in   ) ::   kfillmode   ! filling method for halo over land (default = constant)
      REAL(PRECISION),      OPTIONAL, INTENT(in   ) ::   pfillval    ! background value (used at closed boundaries)
      INTEGER ,             OPTIONAL, INTENT(in   ) ::   khls        ! halo size, default = nn_hls
      LOGICAL, DIMENSION(8),OPTIONAL, INTENT(in   ) ::   lsend, lrecv  ! communication with other 4 proc
      LOGICAL,              OPTIONAL, INTENT(in   ) ::   ld4only     ! if .T., do only 4-neighbour comm (ignore corners)
      INTEGER  ::    ji,  jj,  jk , jl,  jf, jn      ! dummy loop indices
      INTEGER  ::   ipi, ipj, ipk, ipl, ipf          ! dimension of the input array
      INTEGER  ::   ip0i, ip1i, im0i, im1i
      INTEGER  ::   ip0j, ip1j, im0j, im1j
      INTEGER  ::   ishti, ishtj, ishti2, ishtj2
      INTEGER  ::   iszS, iszR
      INTEGER  ::   ierr
      INTEGER  ::   ihls, idx
      INTEGER  ::   impi_nc
      INTEGER  ::   ifill_nfd
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(4)  ::   iwewe, issnn
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(8)  ::   isizei, ishtSi, ishtRi, ishtPi
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(8)  ::   isizej, ishtSj, ishtRj, ishtPj
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(8)  ::   ifill, iszall
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(8)  ::   jnf
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE  ::   iScnt, iRcnt    ! number of elements to be sent/received
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE  ::   iSdpl, iRdpl    ! displacement in halos arrays
      LOGICAL, DIMENSION(8)  ::   llsend, llrecv
      REAL(PRECISION) ::   zland
      LOGICAL  ::   ll4only                                    ! default: 8 neighbourgs
      ! ----------------------------------------- !
      !     1. local variables initialization     !
      ! ----------------------------------------- !
      ipi = SIZE(ptab(1)%pt4d,1)
      ipj = SIZE(ptab(1)%pt4d,2)
      ipk = SIZE(ptab(1)%pt4d,3)
      ipl = SIZE(ptab(1)%pt4d,4)
      ipf = kfld
      IF( narea == 1 .AND. numcom == -1 ) CALL mpp_report( cdname, ipk, ipl, ipf, ld_lbc = .TRUE. )
      ! take care of optional parameters
      ihls = nn_hls       ! default definition
      IF( PRESENT( khls ) )   ihls = khls
      IF( ihls > n_hlsmax ) THEN
         WRITE(ctmp1,*) TRIM(cdname), '  is calling lbc_lnk with khls > n_hlsmax : ', khls, '>', n_hlsmax
         CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', ctmp1 )
      IF( ipi /= Ni_0+2*ihls ) THEN
         WRITE(ctmp1,*) TRIM(cdname), ' is calling lbc_lnk with an input array which does not match ihls along i: ', ipi, ihls, Ni_0
         CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', ctmp1 )
      IF( ipj /= Nj_0+2*ihls ) THEN
         WRITE(ctmp1,*) TRIM(cdname), ' is calling lbc_lnk with an input array which does not match ihls along j:', ipj, ihls , Nj_0
         CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', ctmp1 )
      ll4only = .FALSE.    ! default definition
      IF( PRESENT(ld4only) )   ll4only = ld4only
      impi_nc = mpi_nc_com8(ihls)   ! default
      IF( ll4only )   impi_nc = mpi_nc_com4(ihls)
      zland = 0._wp                                     ! land filling value: zero by default
      IF( PRESENT( pfillval ) )   zland = pfillval      ! set land value
      ! define llsend and llrecv: logicals which say if mpi-neibourgs for send or receive exist or not.
      IF     ( PRESENT(lsend) .AND. PRESENT(lrecv) ) THEN   ! localy defined neighbourgs 
         CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'mpp_nc_generic+lsend and lrecv not yet implemented')
      ELSE IF( PRESENT(lsend) .OR.  PRESENT(lrecv) ) THEN
         WRITE(ctmp1,*) TRIM(cdname), '  is calling lbc_lnk with only one of the two arguments lsend or lrecv'
         CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', ctmp1 )
      ELSE                                              ! default neighbours
         llsend(:) = mpiSnei(ihls,:) >= 0
         IF( ll4only )   llsend(5:8) = .FALSE.          ! exclude corners
         llrecv(:) = mpiRnei(ihls,:) >= 0
         IF( ll4only )   llrecv(5:8) = .FALSE.          ! exclude corners
      ! define ifill: which method should be used to fill each parts (sides+corners) of the halos
      ! default definition
      DO jn = 1, 8
         IF(             llrecv(jn) ) THEN   ;   ifill(jn) = jpfillmpi    ! with an mpi communication
         ELSEIF(    l_SelfPerio(jn) ) THEN   ;   ifill(jn) = jpfillperio  ! with self-periodicity
         ELSEIF( PRESENT(kfillmode) ) THEN   ;   ifill(jn) = kfillmode    ! localy defined
         ELSE                                ;   ifill(jn) = jpfillcst    ! constant value (zland)
      END DO
      ! take care of "indirect self-periodicity" for the corners
      DO jn = 5, 8
         IF(.NOT.l_SelfPerio(jn) .AND. l_SelfPerio(jpwe))   ifill(jn) = jpfillnothing   ! no bi-perio but ew-perio: do corners later
         IF(.NOT.l_SelfPerio(jn) .AND. l_SelfPerio(jpso))   ifill(jn) = jpfillnothing   ! no bi-perio but ns-perio: do corners later
      END DO
      ! north fold treatment
      IF( l_IdoNFold ) THEN
         ifill_nfd = ifill(jpno)             ! if we are here, this means llrecv(jpno) = .false. and l_SelfPerio(jpno) = .false.
         ifill( (/jpno/) ) = jpfillnothing   ! we do north fold -> do nothing for northern halo
      ! We first define the localization and size of the parts of the array that will be sent (s), received (r)
      ! or used for periodocity (p). The localization is defined as "the bottom left corner - 1" in i and j directions.
      ! This is a shift that will be applied later in the do loops to pick-up the appropriate part of the array
      ! all definitions bellow do not refer to N[ij][se]0 so we can use it with any local value of ihls
      !                   !                       ________________________
      ip0i =          0   !          im0j = inner |__|________________|__|
      ip1i =       ihls   !   im1j = inner - halo |  |__|__________|__|  |
      im1i = ipi-2*ihls   !                       |  |  |          |  |  |
      im0i = ipi - ihls   !                       |  |  |          |  |  |
      ip0j =          0   !                       |  |  |          |  |  |
      ip1j =       ihls   !                       |  |__|__________|__|  |
      im1j = ipj-2*ihls   !           ip1j = halo |__|__|__________|__|__|
      im0j = ipj - ihls   !              ip0j = 0 |__|________________|__|
      !                   !                    ip0i ip1i        im1i im0i
      iwewe(:) = (/ jpwe,jpea,jpwe,jpea /)   ;   issnn(:) = (/ jpso,jpso,jpno,jpno /)
      !     sides:     west  east south north      ;   corners: so-we, so-ea, no-we, no-ea
      isizei(1:4) = (/ ihls, ihls, Ni_0, Ni_0 /)   ;   isizei(5:8) = ihls              ! i- count
      isizej(1:4) = (/ Nj_0, Nj_0, ihls, ihls /)   ;   isizej(5:8) = ihls              ! j- count
      ishtSi(1:4) = (/ ip1i, im1i, ip1i, ip1i /)   ;   ishtSi(5:8) = ishtSi( iwewe )   ! i- shift send data
      ishtSj(1:4) = (/ ip1j, ip1j, ip1j, im1j /)   ;   ishtSj(5:8) = ishtSj( issnn )   ! j- shift send data
      ishtRi(1:4) = (/ ip0i, im0i, ip1i, ip1i /)   ;   ishtRi(5:8) = ishtRi( iwewe )   ! i- shift received data location
      ishtRj(1:4) = (/ ip1j, ip1j, ip0j, im0j /)   ;   ishtRj(5:8) = ishtRj( issnn )   ! j- shift received data location
      ishtPi(1:4) = (/ im1i, ip1i, ip1i, ip1i /)   ;   ishtPi(5:8) = ishtPi( iwewe )   ! i- shift data used for periodicity
      ishtPj(1:4) = (/ ip1j, ip1j, im1j, ip1j /)   ;   ishtPj(5:8) = ishtPj( issnn )   ! j- shift data used for periodicity
      ! -------------------------------- !
      !     2. Prepare MPI exchanges     !
      ! -------------------------------- !
      ! Allocate local temporary arrays to be sent/received.
      iszS = COUNT( llsend )
      iszR = COUNT( llrecv )
      ALLOCATE( iScnt(iszS), iRcnt(iszR), iSdpl(iszS), iRdpl(iszR) )   ! ok if iszS = 0 or iszR = 0
      iszall(:) = isizei(:) * isizej(:) * ipk * ipl * ipf
      iScnt(:) = PACK( iszall, mask = llsend )                                       ! ok if mask = .false.
      iRcnt(:) = PACK( iszall, mask = llrecv )
      IF( iszS > 0 )   iSdpl(1) = 0
      DO jn = 2,iszS
         iSdpl(jn) = iSdpl(jn-1) + iScnt(jn-1)   ! with _alltoallv: in units of sendtype
      END DO
      IF( iszR > 0 )   iRdpl(1) = 0
      DO jn = 2,iszR
         iRdpl(jn) = iRdpl(jn-1) + iRcnt(jn-1)   ! with _alltoallv: in units of sendtype
      END DO
      ! Allocate buffer arrays to be sent/received if needed
      iszS = SUM(iszall, mask = llsend)                             ! send buffer size
         IF( SIZE(BUFFSND) < iszS )    DEALLOCATE(BUFFSND)          ! send buffer is too small
      iszR = SUM(iszall, mask = llrecv)                             ! recv buffer size
         IF( SIZE(BUFFRCV) < iszR )    DEALLOCATE(BUFFRCV)          ! recv buffer is too small

      ! fill sending buffer with ptab(jf)%pt4d
      idx = 1
      DO jn = 1, 8
         IF( llsend(jn) ) THEN
            ishti = ishtSi(jn)
            ishtj = ishtSj(jn)
            DO jf = 1, ipf  ;  DO jl = 1, ipl  ;  DO jk = 1, ipk  ;  DO jj = 1,isizej(jn)  ;  DO ji = 1,isizei(jn)
               BUFFSND(idx) = ptab(jf)%pt4d(ishti+ji,ishtj+jj,jk,jl)
               idx = idx + 1
            END DO   ;   END DO   ;   END DO   ;   END DO   ;   END DO
      END DO
      ! ------------------------------------------------ !
      !     3. Do all MPI exchanges in 1 unique call     !
      ! ------------------------------------------------ !
      IF( ln_timing ) CALL tic_tac(.TRUE.)
      CALL mpi_neighbor_alltoallv (BUFFSND, iScnt, iSdpl, MPI_TYPE, BUFFRCV, iRcnt, iRdpl, MPI_TYPE, impi_nc, ierr)
      IF( ln_timing ) CALL tic_tac(.FALSE.)
      ! ------------------------- !
      !     4. Fill all halos     !
      ! ------------------------- !
      idx = 1
      ! MPI3 bug fix when domain decomposition has 2 columns/rows
      IF (jpni .eq. 2) THEN
         IF (jpnj .eq. 2) THEN
            jnf(1:8) = (/ 2, 1, 4, 3, 8, 7, 6, 5 /)
            jnf(1:8) = (/ 2, 1, 3, 4, 6, 5, 8, 7 /)
         IF (jpnj .eq. 2) THEN
            jnf(1:8) = (/ 1, 2, 4, 3, 7, 8, 5, 6 /)
            jnf(1:8) = (/ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 /)

      DO jn = 1, 8
         ishti = ishtRi(jnf(jn))
         ishtj = ishtRj(jnf(jn))
         SELECT CASE ( ifill(jnf(jn)) )
         CASE ( jpfillnothing )               ! no filling 
         CASE ( jpfillmpi   )                 ! fill with data received by MPI
            DO jf = 1, ipf  ;  DO jl = 1, ipl  ;  DO jk = 1, ipk  ;  DO jj = 1,isizej(jnf(jn))  ;  DO ji = 1,isizei(jnf(jn))
               ptab(jf)%pt4d(ishti+ji,ishtj+jj,jk,jl) = BUFFRCV(idx)
               idx = idx + 1
            END DO   ;   END DO   ;   END DO   ;   END DO   ;   END DO
         CASE ( jpfillperio )                 ! use periodicity
            ishti2 = ishtPi(jnf(jn))
            ishtj2 = ishtPj(jnf(jn))
            DO jf = 1, ipf  ;  DO jl = 1, ipl  ;  DO jk = 1, ipk  ;  DO jj = 1,isizej(jnf(jn))  ;  DO ji = 1,isizei(jnf(jn))
               ptab(jf)%pt4d(ishti+ji,ishtj+jj,jk,jl) = ptab(jf)%pt4d(ishti2+ji,ishtj2+jj,jk,jl)
            END DO   ;   END DO   ;   END DO   ;   END DO   ;   END DO
         CASE ( jpfillcopy  )                 ! filling with inner domain values
            ishti2 = ishtSi(jnf(jn))
            ishtj2 = ishtSj(jnf(jn))
            DO jf = 1, ipf  ;  DO jl = 1, ipl  ;  DO jk = 1, ipk  ;  DO jj = 1,isizej(jnf(jn))  ;  DO ji = 1,isizei(jnf(jn))
               ptab(jf)%pt4d(ishti+ji,ishtj+jj,jk,jl) = ptab(jf)%pt4d(ishti2+ji,ishtj2+jj,jk,jl)
            END DO   ;   END DO   ;   END DO   ;   END DO   ;   END DO
         CASE ( jpfillcst   )                 ! filling with constant value
            DO jf = 1, ipf  ;  DO jl = 1, ipl  ;  DO jk = 1, ipk  ;  DO jj = 1,isizej(jnf(jn))  ;  DO ji = 1,isizei(jnf(jn))
               ptab(jf)%pt4d(ishti+ji,ishtj+jj,jk,jl) = zland
            END DO   ;   END DO   ;   END DO   ;   END DO   ;   END DO
         END SELECT
      END DO

      DEALLOCATE( iScnt, iRcnt, iSdpl, iRdpl )
      IF( iszS > jpi*jpj )   DEALLOCATE(BUFFSND)                    ! blocking Send -> can directly deallocate
      IF( iszR > jpi*jpj )   DEALLOCATE(BUFFRCV)                    ! blocking Recv -> can directly deallocate

      ! potential "indirect self-periodicity" for the corners
      DO jn = 5, 8
         IF( .NOT. l_SelfPerio(jn) .AND. l_SelfPerio(jpwe)  ) THEN   ! no bi-perio but ew-perio: corners indirect definition
            ishti  = ishtRi(jn)
            ishtj  = ishtRj(jn)
            ishti2 = ishtPi(jn)   ! use i- shift periodicity
            ishtj2 = ishtRj(jn)   ! use j- shift recv location: use ew-perio -> ok as filling of the south and north halos now done
            DO jf = 1, ipf  ;  DO jl = 1, ipl  ;  DO jk = 1, ipk  ;  DO jj = 1,isizej(jn)  ;  DO ji = 1,isizei(jn)
               ptab(jf)%pt4d(ishti+ji,ishtj+jj,jk,jl) = ptab(jf)%pt4d(ishti2+ji,ishtj2+jj,jk,jl)
            END DO   ;   END DO   ;   END DO   ;   END DO   ;   END DO
         IF( .NOT. l_SelfPerio(jn) .AND. l_SelfPerio(jpso)  ) THEN   ! no bi-perio but ns-perio: corners indirect definition
            ishti  = ishtRi(jn)
            ishtj  = ishtRj(jn)
            ishti2 = ishtRi(jn)   ! use i- shift recv location: use ns-perio -> ok as filling of the west and east halos now done
            ishtj2 = ishtPj(jn)   ! use j- shift periodicity
            DO jf = 1, ipf  ;  DO jl = 1, ipl  ;  DO jk = 1, ipk  ;  DO jj = 1,isizej(jn)  ;  DO ji = 1,isizei(jn)
               ptab(jf)%pt4d(ishti+ji,ishtj+jj,jk,jl) = ptab(jf)%pt4d(ishti2+ji,ishtj2+jj,jk,jl)
            END DO   ;   END DO   ;   END DO   ;   END DO   ;   END DO
      END DO
      ! ------------------------------- !
      !     5. north fold treatment     !
      ! ------------------------------- !
      IF( l_IdoNFold ) THEN
         IF( jpni == 1 )  THEN   ;   CALL lbc_nfd( ptab, cd_nat, psgn                  , ihls, ipf )   ! self NFold
         ELSE                    ;   CALL mpp_nfd( ptab, cd_nat, psgn, ifill_nfd, zland, ihls, ipf )   ! mpi  NFold
   END SUBROUTINE lbc_lnk_neicoll_/**/PRECISION