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sbccpl.F90 166 KiB
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MODULE sbccpl
   !!                       ***  MODULE  sbccpl  ***
   !! Surface Boundary Condition :  momentum, heat and freshwater fluxes in coupled mode
   !! History :  2.0  ! 2007-06  (R. Redler, N. Keenlyside, W. Park) Original code split into flxmod & taumod
   !!            3.0  ! 2008-02  (G. Madec, C Talandier)  surface module
   !!            3.1  ! 2009_02  (G. Madec, S. Masson, E. Maisonave, A. Caubel) generic coupled interface
   !!            3.4  ! 2011_11  (C. Harris) more flexibility + multi-category fields
   !!            4.2  ! 2020-12  (G. Madec, E. Clementi)  wave coupling updates

   !!   namsbc_cpl      : coupled formulation namlist
   !!   sbc_cpl_init    : initialisation of the coupled exchanges
   !!   sbc_cpl_rcv     : receive fields from the atmosphere over the ocean (ocean only)
   !!                     receive stress from the atmosphere over the ocean (ocean-ice case)
   !!   sbc_cpl_ice_tau : receive stress from the atmosphere over ice
   !!   sbc_cpl_ice_flx : receive fluxes from the atmosphere over ice
   !!   sbc_cpl_snd     : send     fields to the atmosphere
   USE dom_oce         ! ocean space and time domain
   USE sbc_oce         ! Surface boundary condition: ocean fields
   USE trc_oce         ! share SMS/Ocean variables
   USE sbc_ice         ! Surface boundary condition: ice fields
   USE sbcapr          ! Stochastic param. : ???
   USE sbcdcy          ! surface boundary condition: diurnal cycle
   USE sbcwave         ! surface boundary condition: waves
   USE phycst          ! physical constants
   USE isf_oce , ONLY : l_isfoasis, fwfisf_oasis ! ice shelf boundary condition
#if defined key_si3
   USE ice            ! ice variables
   USE cpl_oasis3     ! OASIS3 coupling
   USE geo2ocean      !
   USE oce     , ONLY : ts, uu, vv, ssh, fraqsr_1lev
   USE ocealb         !
   USE eosbn2         !
   USE sbcrnf  , ONLY : l_rnfcpl
#if defined key_cice
   USE ice_domain_size, only: ncat
#if defined key_si3
   USE icevar         ! for CALL ice_var_snwblow
   USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager
   USE iom            ! NetCDF library
   USE lib_mpp        ! distribued memory computing library
   USE lbclnk         ! ocean lateral boundary conditions (or mpp link)

#if defined key_oasis3
   USE mod_oasis, ONLY : OASIS_Sent, OASIS_ToRest, OASIS_SentOut, OASIS_ToRestOut

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Guillaume Samson committed


   PUBLIC   sbc_cpl_init      ! routine called by sbcmod.F90
   PUBLIC   sbc_cpl_rcv       ! routine called by icestp.F90
   PUBLIC   sbc_cpl_snd       ! routine called by step.F90
   PUBLIC   sbc_cpl_ice_tau   ! routine called by icestp.F90
   PUBLIC   sbc_cpl_ice_flx   ! routine called by icestp.F90
   PUBLIC   sbc_cpl_alloc     ! routine called in sbcice_cice.F90

   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_otx1   =  1   ! 3 atmosphere-ocean stress components on grid 1
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_oty1   =  2   !
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_otz1   =  3   !
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_otx2   =  4   ! 3 atmosphere-ocean stress components on grid 2
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_oty2   =  5   !
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_otz2   =  6   !
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_itx1   =  7   ! 3 atmosphere-ice   stress components on grid 1
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_ity1   =  8   !
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_itz1   =  9   !
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_itx2   = 10   ! 3 atmosphere-ice   stress components on grid 2
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_ity2   = 11   !
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_itz2   = 12   !
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_qsroce = 13   ! Qsr above the ocean
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_qsrice = 14   ! Qsr above the ice
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_qsrmix = 15
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_qnsoce = 16   ! Qns above the ocean
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_qnsice = 17   ! Qns above the ice
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_qnsmix = 18
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_rain   = 19   ! total liquid precipitation (rain)
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_snow   = 20   ! solid precipitation over the ocean (snow)
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_tevp   = 21   ! total evaporation
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_ievp   = 22   ! solid evaporation (sublimation)
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_sbpr   = 23   ! sublimation - liquid precipitation - solid precipitation
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_semp   = 24   ! solid freshwater budget (sublimation - snow)
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_oemp   = 25   ! ocean freshwater budget (evap - precip)
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_w10m   = 26   ! 10m wind
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_dqnsdt = 27   ! d(Q non solar)/d(temperature)
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_rnf    = 28   ! runoffs
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_cal    = 29   ! calving
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_taum   = 30   ! wind stress module
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_co2    = 31
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_topm   = 32   ! topmeltn
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_botm   = 33   ! botmeltn
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_sflx   = 34   ! salt flux
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_toce   = 35   ! ocean temperature
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_soce   = 36   ! ocean salinity
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_ocx1   = 37   ! ocean current on grid 1
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_ocy1   = 38   !
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_ssh    = 39   ! sea surface height
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_fice   = 40   ! ice fraction
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_e3t1st = 41   ! first T level thickness
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_fraqsr = 42   ! fraction of solar net radiation absorbed in the first ocean level
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_mslp   = 43   ! mean sea level pressure
   !**  surface wave coupling  **
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_hsig   = 44   ! Hsig
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_phioc  = 45   ! Wave=>ocean energy flux
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_sdrftx = 46   ! Stokes drift on grid 1
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_sdrfty = 47   ! Stokes drift on grid 2
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_wper   = 48   ! Mean wave period
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_wnum   = 49   ! Mean wavenumber
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_wstrf  = 50   ! Stress fraction adsorbed by waves
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_wdrag  = 51   ! Neutral surface drag coefficient
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_charn  = 52   ! Chranock coefficient
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_twox   = 53   ! wave to ocean momentum flux
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_twoy   = 54   ! wave to ocean momentum flux
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_tawx   = 55   ! net wave-supported stress
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_tawy   = 56   ! net wave-supported stress
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_bhd    = 57   ! Bernoulli head. waves' induced surface pressure
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_tusd   = 58   ! zonal stokes transport
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_tvsd   = 59   ! meridional stokes tranmport
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_isf    = 60
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_icb    = 61
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_ts_ice = 62   ! Sea ice surface temp
   !!INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpr_qtrice = 63   ! Transmitted solar thru sea-ice

   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jprcv      = 62   ! total number of fields received

   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_fice   =  1   ! ice fraction sent to the atmosphere
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_toce   =  2   ! ocean temperature
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_tice   =  3   ! ice   temperature
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_tmix   =  4   ! mixed temperature (ocean+ice)
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_albice =  5   ! ice   albedo
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_albmix =  6   ! mixed albedo
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_hice   =  7   ! ice  thickness
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_hsnw   =  8   ! snow thickness
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_ocx1   =  9   ! ocean current on grid 1
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_ocy1   = 10   !
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_ocz1   = 11   !
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_ivx1   = 12   ! ice   current on grid 1
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_ivy1   = 13   !
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_ivz1   = 14   !
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_co2    = 15
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_soce   = 16   ! ocean salinity
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_ssh    = 17   ! sea surface height
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_qsroce = 18   ! Qsr above the ocean
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_qnsoce = 19   ! Qns above the ocean
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_oemp   = 20   ! ocean freshwater budget (evap - precip)
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_sflx   = 21   ! salt flux
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_otx1   = 22   ! 2 atmosphere-ocean stress components on grid 1
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_oty1   = 23   !
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_rnf    = 24   ! runoffs
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_taum   = 25   ! wind stress module
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_fice2  = 26   ! ice fraction sent to OCE (by SAS when doing SAS-OCE coupling)
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_e3t1st = 27   ! first level depth (vvl)
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_fraqsr = 28   ! fraction of solar net radiation absorbed in the first ocean level
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_ficet  = 29   ! total ice fraction
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_ocxw   = 30   ! currents on grid 1
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_ocyw   = 31   ! currents on grid 2
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_wlev   = 32   ! water level
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_fice1  = 33   ! first-order ice concentration (for semi-implicit coupling of atmos-ice fluxes)
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_a_p    = 34   ! meltpond area fraction
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_ht_p   = 35   ! meltpond thickness
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_kice   = 36   ! sea ice effective conductivity
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_sstfrz = 37   ! sea surface freezing temperature
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jps_ttilyr = 38   ! sea ice top layer temp

   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jpsnd      = 38   ! total number of fields sent

#if ! defined key_oasis3
   ! Dummy variables to enable compilation when oasis3 is not being used
   INTEGER                    ::   OASIS_Sent        = -1
   INTEGER                    ::   OASIS_SentOut     = -1
   INTEGER                    ::   OASIS_ToRest      = -1
   INTEGER                    ::   OASIS_ToRestOut   = -1

   !                                  !!** namelist namsbc_cpl **
   TYPE ::   FLD_C                     !
      CHARACTER(len = 32) ::   cldes      ! desciption of the coupling strategy
      CHARACTER(len = 32) ::   clcat      ! multiple ice categories strategy
      CHARACTER(len = 32) ::   clvref     ! reference of vector ('spherical' or 'cartesian')
      CHARACTER(len = 32) ::   clvor      ! orientation of vector fields ('eastward-northward' or 'local grid')
      CHARACTER(len = 32) ::   clvgrd     ! grids on which is located the vector fields
   !                                   ! Send to the atmosphere
   TYPE(FLD_C) ::   sn_snd_temp  , sn_snd_alb , sn_snd_thick, sn_snd_crt   , sn_snd_co2,  &
      &             sn_snd_thick1, sn_snd_cond, sn_snd_mpnd , sn_snd_sstfrz, sn_snd_ttilyr
   !                                   ! Received from the atmosphere
   TYPE(FLD_C) ::   sn_rcv_w10m, sn_rcv_taumod, sn_rcv_tau, sn_rcv_dqnsdt, sn_rcv_qsr,  &
      &             sn_rcv_qns , sn_rcv_emp   , sn_rcv_rnf, sn_rcv_ts_ice
   TYPE(FLD_C) ::   sn_rcv_cal, sn_rcv_iceflx, sn_rcv_co2, sn_rcv_mslp, sn_rcv_icb, sn_rcv_isf
   !                                   ! Send to waves
   TYPE(FLD_C) ::   sn_snd_ifrac, sn_snd_crtw, sn_snd_wlev
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