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Guillaume Samson committed
MODULE icecor
   !!                     ***  MODULE  icecor  ***
   !!   sea-ice: Corrections on sea-ice variables at the end of the time step
   !! History :  3.0  !  2006-04  (M. Vancoppenolle) Original code
   !!            3.5  !  2014-06  (C. Rousset)       Complete rewriting/cleaning
   !!            4.0  !  2018     (many people)      SI3 [aka Sea Ice cube]
#if defined key_si3
   !!   'key_si3'                                       SI3 sea-ice model
   !!    ice_cor      : corrections on sea-ice variables
   USE dom_oce        ! ocean domain
   USE phycst         ! physical constants
   USE ice            ! sea-ice: variable
   USE ice1D          ! sea-ice: thermodynamic variables
   USE iceitd         ! sea-ice: rebining
   USE icevar         ! sea-ice: operations
   USE icectl         ! sea-ice: control prints
   USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager
   USE iom            ! I/O manager library
   USE lib_mpp        ! MPP library
   USE lib_fortran    ! fortran utilities (glob_sum + no signed zero)
   USE lbclnk         ! lateral boundary conditions (or mpp links)
   USE timing         ! Timing


   PUBLIC   ice_cor   ! called by icestp.F90

   !! * Substitutions
#  include "do_loop_substitute.h90"
   !! NEMO/ICE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018)
   !! $Id: icecor.F90 15334 2021-10-05 21:18:34Z clem $
   !! Software governed by the CeCILL license (see ./LICENSE)

   SUBROUTINE ice_cor( kt, kn )
      !!               ***  ROUTINE ice_cor  ***
      !! ** Purpose :   Computes corrections on sea-ice global variables at 
      !!              the end of the dynamics (kn=1) and thermodynamics (kn=2)
      INTEGER, INTENT(in) ::   kt    ! number of iteration
      INTEGER, INTENT(in) ::   kn    ! 1 = after dyn ; 2 = after thermo
      INTEGER  ::   ji, jj, jl       ! dummy loop indices
      REAL(wp) ::   zsal, zzc
      ! controls
      IF( ln_timing    )   CALL timing_start('icecor')                                                             ! timing
      IF( ln_icediachk )   CALL ice_cons_hsm(0, 'icecor', rdiag_v, rdiag_s, rdiag_t, rdiag_fv, rdiag_fs, rdiag_ft) ! conservation
      IF( ln_icediachk )   CALL ice_cons2D  (0, 'icecor',  diag_v,  diag_s,  diag_t,  diag_fv,  diag_fs,  diag_ft) ! conservation
      IF( kt == nit000 .AND. lwp .AND. kn == 2 ) THEN
         WRITE(numout,*) 'ice_cor:  correct sea ice variables if out of bounds ' 
         WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~'
      !                             !-----------------------------------------------------
      !                             !  ice thickness must exceed himin (for temp. diff.) !
      !                             !-----------------------------------------------------
      WHERE( a_i(:,:,:) >= epsi20 )   ;   h_i(:,:,:) = v_i(:,:,:) / a_i(:,:,:)
      ELSEWHERE                       ;   h_i(:,:,:) = 0._wp
      WHERE( h_i(:,:,:) < rn_himin )      a_i(:,:,:) = a_i(:,:,:) * h_i(:,:,:) / rn_himin
      !                             !-----------------------------------------------------
      !                             !  ice concentration should not exceed amax          !
      !                             !-----------------------------------------------------
      at_i(:,:) = SUM( a_i(:,:,:), dim=3 )
      DO jl = 1, jpl
         WHERE( at_i(:,:) > rn_amax_2d(:,:) )   a_i(:,:,jl) = a_i(:,:,jl) * rn_amax_2d(:,:) / at_i(:,:)
      END DO    
      !                             !-----------------------------------------------------
      !                             !  Rebin categories with thickness out of bounds     !
      !                             !-----------------------------------------------------
      IF ( jpl > 1 )   CALL ice_itd_reb( kt )
      !                             !-----------------------------------------------------
      IF ( nn_icesal == 2 ) THEN    !  salinity must stay in bounds [Simin,Simax]        !
         !                          !-----------------------------------------------------
         zzc = rhoi * r1_Dt_ice
         DO jl = 1, jpl
            DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
               zsal = sv_i(ji,jj,jl)
               sv_i(ji,jj,jl) = MIN(  MAX( rn_simin*v_i(ji,jj,jl) , sv_i(ji,jj,jl) ) , rn_simax*v_i(ji,jj,jl)  )
               IF( kn /= 0 ) & ! no ice-ocean exchanges if kn=0 (for bdy for instance) otherwise conservation diags will fail
                  &   sfx_res(ji,jj) = sfx_res(ji,jj) - ( sv_i(ji,jj,jl) - zsal ) * zzc   ! associated salt flux
         END DO
      IF( kn /= 0 ) THEN   ! no zapsmall if kn=0 (for bdy for instance) because we do not want ice-ocean exchanges (wfx,sfx,hfx)
         !                                                              otherwise conservation diags will fail
         !                          !-----------------------------------------------------
         CALL ice_var_zapsmall      !  Zap small values                                  !
         !                          !-----------------------------------------------------
      ! controls
      IF( sn_cfctl%l_prtctl ) &
         &                 CALL ice_prt3D   ('icecor')                                                             ! prints
      IF( ln_icectl .AND. kn == 2 ) &
         &                 CALL ice_prt     ( kt, iiceprt, jiceprt, 2, ' - Final state - ' )                       ! prints
      IF( ln_icediachk )   CALL ice_cons_hsm(1, 'icecor', rdiag_v, rdiag_s, rdiag_t, rdiag_fv, rdiag_fs, rdiag_ft) ! conservation
      IF( ln_icediachk )   CALL ice_cons2D  (1, 'icecor',  diag_v,  diag_s,  diag_t,  diag_fv,  diag_fs,  diag_ft) ! conservation
      IF( ln_timing    )   CALL timing_stop ('icecor')                                                             ! timing

   !!   Default option           Dummy module         NO SI3 sea-ice model
