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MODULE icedyn_rdgrft
   !!                       ***  MODULE icedyn_rdgrft ***
   !!    sea-ice : Mechanical impact on ice thickness distribution
   !! History :       !  2006-02  (M. Vancoppenolle) Original code
   !!            4.0  !  2018     (many people)      SI3 [aka Sea Ice cube]
#if defined key_si3
   !!   'key_si3'                                       SI3 sea-ice model
   !!   ice_dyn_rdgrft       : ridging/rafting of sea ice
   !!   ice_dyn_rdgrft_init  : initialization of ridging/rafting of sea ice
   !!   ice_strength         : ice strength calculation
   USE dom_oce        ! ocean domain
   USE phycst         ! physical constants (ocean directory)
   USE sbc_oce , ONLY : sss_m, sst_m   ! surface boundary condition: ocean fields
   USE ice1D          ! sea-ice: thermodynamics
   USE ice            ! sea-ice: variables
   USE icetab         ! sea-ice: 1D <==> 2D transformation
   USE icevar         ! sea-ice: operations
   USE icectl         ! sea-ice: control prints
   USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager
   USE iom            ! I/O manager library
   USE lib_mpp        ! MPP library
   USE lib_fortran    ! fortran utilities (glob_sum + no signed zero)
   USE lbclnk         ! lateral boundary conditions (or mpp links)
   USE timing         ! Timing


   PUBLIC   ice_dyn_rdgrft        ! called by icestp
   PUBLIC   ice_dyn_rdgrft_init   ! called by icedyn
   PUBLIC   ice_strength          ! called by icedyn_rhg_evp

   INTEGER ::              nice_str   ! choice of the type of strength
   !                                        ! associated indices:
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   np_strh79     = 1   ! Hibler 79
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   np_strr75     = 2   ! Rothrock 75
   INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   np_strcst     = 3   ! Constant value

   ! Variables shared among ridging subroutines
   REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:)     ::   closing_net     ! net rate at which area is removed    (1/s)
      !                                                               ! (ridging ice area - area of new ridges) / dt
   REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:)     ::   opning          ! rate of opening due to divergence/shear
   REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:)     ::   closing_gross   ! rate at which area removed, not counting area of new ridges
   REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   ::   apartf          ! participation function; fraction of ridging/closing associated w/ category n
   REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   ::   hrmin           ! minimum ridge thickness
   REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   ::   hrmax           ! maximum ridge thickness
   REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   ::   hraft           ! thickness of rafted ice
   REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   ::   hi_hrdg         ! thickness of ridging ice / mean ridge thickness
   REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   ::   aridge          ! participating ice ridging
   REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:)   ::   araft           ! participating ice rafting
   REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) ::   ze_i_2d
   REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) ::   ze_s_2d
   REAL(wp), PARAMETER ::   hrdg_hi_min = 1.1_wp    ! min ridge thickness multiplier: min(hrdg/hi)
   REAL(wp), PARAMETER ::   hi_hrft     = 0.5_wp    ! rafting multipliyer: (hi/hraft)
   ! ** namelist (namdyn_rdgrft) **
   LOGICAL  ::   ln_str_R75       ! ice strength parameterization: Rothrock 75
   REAL(wp) ::   rn_pe_rdg        !    coef accounting for frictional dissipation
   LOGICAL  ::   ln_str_CST       ! ice strength parameterization: Constant
   REAL(wp) ::   rn_str           !    constant value of ice strength
   LOGICAL  ::   ln_str_smooth    ! ice strength spatial smoothing
   LOGICAL  ::   ln_distf_lin     ! redistribution of ridged ice: linear (Hibler 1980)
   LOGICAL  ::   ln_distf_exp     ! redistribution of ridged ice: exponential
   REAL(wp) ::   rn_murdg         !    gives e-folding scale of ridged ice (m^.5)
   REAL(wp) ::   rn_csrdg         ! fraction of shearing energy contributing to ridging
   LOGICAL  ::   ln_partf_lin     ! participation function linear (Thorndike et al. (1975))
   REAL(wp) ::   rn_gstar         !    fractional area of young ice contributing to ridging
   LOGICAL  ::   ln_partf_exp     ! participation function exponential (Lipscomb et al. (2007))
   REAL(wp) ::   rn_astar         !    equivalent of G* for an exponential participation function
   LOGICAL  ::   ln_ridging       ! ridging of ice or not
   REAL(wp) ::   rn_hstar         !    thickness that determines the maximal thickness of ridged ice
   REAL(wp) ::   rn_porordg       !    initial porosity of ridges (0.3 regular value)
   REAL(wp) ::   rn_fsnwrdg       !    fractional snow loss to the ocean during ridging
   REAL(wp) ::   rn_fpndrdg       !    fractional pond loss to the ocean during ridging
   LOGICAL  ::   ln_rafting       ! rafting of ice or not
   REAL(wp) ::   rn_hraft         !    threshold thickness (m) for rafting / ridging
   REAL(wp) ::   rn_craft         !    coefficient for smoothness of the hyperbolic tangent in rafting
   REAL(wp) ::   rn_fsnwrft       !    fractional snow loss to the ocean during rafting
   REAL(wp) ::   rn_fpndrft       !    fractional pond loss to the ocean during rafting
   !! * Substitutions
#  include "do_loop_substitute.h90"
   !! NEMO/ICE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018)
   !! $Id: icedyn_rdgrft.F90 15549 2021-11-28 20:00:36Z clem $
   !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence     (./LICENSE)

   INTEGER FUNCTION ice_dyn_rdgrft_alloc()
      !!                ***  ROUTINE ice_dyn_rdgrft_alloc ***
      ALLOCATE( closing_net(jpij)  , opning(jpij)      , closing_gross(jpij) ,               &
         &      apartf(jpij,0:jpl) , hrmin  (jpij,jpl) , hraft(jpij,jpl) , aridge(jpij,jpl), &
         &      hrmax (jpij,jpl)   , hi_hrdg(jpij,jpl) , araft(jpij,jpl) ,                   &
         &      ze_i_2d(jpij,nlay_i,jpl), ze_s_2d(jpij,nlay_s,jpl), STAT=ice_dyn_rdgrft_alloc )

      CALL mpp_sum ( 'icedyn_rdgrft', ice_dyn_rdgrft_alloc )
      IF( ice_dyn_rdgrft_alloc /= 0 )   CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP',  'ice_dyn_rdgrft_alloc: failed to allocate arrays'  )
   END FUNCTION ice_dyn_rdgrft_alloc

   SUBROUTINE ice_dyn_rdgrft( kt )
      !!                ***  ROUTINE ice_dyn_rdgrft ***
      !! ** Purpose :   computes the mechanical redistribution of ice thickness
      !! ** Method  :   Steps :
      !!       0) Identify grid cells with ice
      !!       1) Calculate closing rate, divergence and opening
      !!       2) Identify grid cells with ridging
      !!       3) Start ridging iterations
      !!          - prep = ridged and rafted ice + closing_gross
      !!          - shift = move ice from one category to another
      !! ** Details
      !!    step1: The net rate of closing is due to convergence and shear, based on Flato and Hibler (1995).
      !!           The energy dissipation rate is equal to the net closing rate times the ice strength.
      !!    step3: The gross closing rate is equal to the first two terms (open
      !!           water closing and thin ice ridging) without the third term
      !!           (thick, newly ridged ice).
      !! References :   Flato, G. M., and W. D. Hibler III, 1995, JGR, 100, 18,611-18,626.
      !!                Hibler, W. D. III, 1980, MWR, 108, 1943-1973, 1980.
      !!                Rothrock, D. A., 1975: JGR, 80, 4514-4519.
      !!                Thorndike et al., 1975, JGR, 80, 4501-4513.
      !!                Bitz et al., JGR, 2001
      !!                Amundrud and Melling, JGR 2005
      !!                Babko et al., JGR 2002
      !!     This routine is based on CICE code and authors William H. Lipscomb,
      !!     and Elizabeth C. Hunke, LANL are gratefully acknowledged
      INTEGER, INTENT(in) ::   kt     ! number of iteration
      INTEGER  ::   ji, jj, jk, jl             ! dummy loop index
      INTEGER  ::   iter, iterate_ridging      ! local integer
      INTEGER  ::   ipti                       ! local integer
      REAL(wp) ::   zfac                       ! local scalar
      INTEGER , DIMENSION(jpij) ::   iptidx        ! compute ridge/raft or not
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij) ::   zdivu, zdelt  ! 1D divu_i & delta_i
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij) ::   zconv         ! 1D rdg_conv (if EAP rheology)
      INTEGER, PARAMETER ::   jp_itermax = 20
      ! controls
      IF( ln_timing    )   CALL timing_start('icedyn_rdgrft')                                                             ! timing
      IF( ln_icediachk )   CALL ice_cons_hsm(0, 'icedyn_rdgrft', rdiag_v, rdiag_s, rdiag_t, rdiag_fv, rdiag_fs, rdiag_ft) ! conservation
      IF( ln_icediachk )   CALL ice_cons2D  (0, 'icedyn_rdgrft',  diag_v,  diag_s,  diag_t,  diag_fv,  diag_fs,  diag_ft) ! conservation

      IF( kt == nit000 ) THEN
         IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)
         IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)'ice_dyn_rdgrft: ice ridging and rafting'
         IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'

      ! 0) Identify grid cells with ice
      at_i(:,:) = SUM( a_i, dim=3 )
      npti = 0   ;   nptidx(:) = 0
      ipti = 0   ;   iptidx(:) = 0
      DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
         IF ( at_i(ji,jj) > epsi10 ) THEN
            npti           = npti + 1
            nptidx( npti ) = (jj - 1) * jpi + ji

      ! 1) Dynamical inputs (closing rate, divergence, opening)
      IF( npti > 0 ) THEN

         ! just needed here
         CALL tab_2d_1d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), zdelt   (1:npti)      , delta_i )
         CALL tab_2d_1d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), zconv   (1:npti)      , rdg_conv )
         ! needed here and in the iteration loop
         CALL tab_2d_1d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), zdivu   (1:npti)      , divu_i) ! zdivu is used as a work array here (no change in divu_i)
         CALL tab_3d_2d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), a_i_2d  (1:npti,1:jpl), a_i   )
         CALL tab_3d_2d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), v_i_2d  (1:npti,1:jpl), v_i   )
         CALL tab_2d_1d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), ato_i_1d(1:npti)      , ato_i )

         DO ji = 1, npti
            ! closing_net = rate at which open water area is removed + ice area removed by ridging
            !                                                        - ice area added in new ridges
            IF( ln_rhg_EVP .OR. ln_rhg_VP ) &
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               &               closing_net(ji) = rn_csrdg * 0.5_wp * ( zdelt(ji) - ABS( zdivu(ji) ) ) - MIN( zdivu(ji), 0._wp )
            IF( ln_rhg_EAP )   closing_net(ji) = zconv(ji)
            IF( zdivu(ji) < 0._wp )   closing_net(ji) = MAX( closing_net(ji), -zdivu(ji) )   ! make sure the closing rate is large enough
            !                                                                                ! to give asum = 1.0 after ridging
            ! Opening rate (non-negative) that will give asum = 1.0 after ridging.
            opning(ji) = closing_net(ji) + zdivu(ji)
         END DO
         ! 2) Identify grid cells with ridging
         CALL rdgrft_prep( a_i_2d, v_i_2d, ato_i_1d, closing_net )

         DO ji = 1, npti
            IF( SUM( apartf(ji,1:jpl) ) > 0._wp .AND. closing_gross(ji) > 0._wp ) THEN
               ipti = ipti + 1
               iptidx     (ipti)   = nptidx     (ji)
               ! adjust to new indices
               a_i_2d     (ipti,:) = a_i_2d     (ji,:)
               v_i_2d     (ipti,:) = v_i_2d     (ji,:)
               ato_i_1d   (ipti)   = ato_i_1d   (ji)
               closing_net(ipti)   = closing_net(ji)
               zdivu      (ipti)   = zdivu      (ji)
               opning     (ipti)   = opning     (ji)
         END DO


      ! grid cells with ridging
      nptidx(:) = iptidx(:)
      npti      = ipti

      ! 3) Start ridging
      IF( npti > 0 ) THEN

         CALL ice_dyn_1d2d( 1 )            ! --- Move to 1D arrays --- !

         iter            = 1
         iterate_ridging = 1
         !                                                        !----------------------!
         DO WHILE( iterate_ridging > 0 .AND. iter < jp_itermax )  !  ridging iterations  !
            !                                                     !----------------------!
            ! Calculate participation function (apartf)
            !       and transfer      function
            !       and closing_gross (+correction on opening)
            CALL rdgrft_prep( a_i_2d, v_i_2d, ato_i_1d, closing_net )

            ! Redistribute area, volume, and energy between categories
            CALL rdgrft_shift

            ! Do we keep on iterating?
            ! Check whether a_i + ato_i = 0
            ! If not, because the closing and opening rates were reduced above, ridge again with new rates
            iterate_ridging = 0
            DO ji = 1, npti
               zfac = 1._wp - ( ato_i_1d(ji) + SUM( a_i_2d(ji,:) ) )
               IF( ABS( zfac ) < epsi10 ) THEN
                  closing_net(ji) = 0._wp
                  opning     (ji) = 0._wp
                  ato_i_1d   (ji) = MAX( 0._wp, 1._wp - SUM( a_i_2d(ji,:) ) )
                  iterate_ridging  = 1
                  zdivu      (ji) = zfac * r1_Dt_ice
                  closing_net(ji) = MAX( 0._wp, -zdivu(ji) )
                  opning     (ji) = MAX( 0._wp,  zdivu(ji) )
            END DO
            iter = iter + 1
            IF( iter  >  jp_itermax )    CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP',  'icedyn_rdgrft: non-converging ridging scheme'  )
         END DO

         CALL ice_dyn_1d2d( 2 )            ! --- Move to 2D arrays --- !


      CALL ice_var_agg( 1 )

      ! controls
      IF( sn_cfctl%l_prtctl )   CALL ice_prt3D('icedyn_rdgrft')                                                           ! prints
      IF( ln_icectl    )   CALL ice_prt     (kt, iiceprt, jiceprt,-1, ' - ice dyn rdgrft - ')                             ! prints
      IF( ln_icediachk )   CALL ice_cons_hsm(1, 'icedyn_rdgrft', rdiag_v, rdiag_s, rdiag_t, rdiag_fv, rdiag_fs, rdiag_ft) ! conservation
      IF( ln_icediachk )   CALL ice_cons2D  (1, 'icedyn_rdgrft',  diag_v,  diag_s,  diag_t,  diag_fv,  diag_fs,  diag_ft) ! conservation
      IF( ln_timing    )   CALL timing_stop ('icedyn_rdgrft')                                                             ! timing
   END SUBROUTINE ice_dyn_rdgrft

   SUBROUTINE rdgrft_prep( pa_i, pv_i, pato_i, pclosing_net )
      !!                ***  ROUTINE rdgrft_prep ***
      !! ** Purpose :   preparation for ridging calculations
      !! ** Method  :   Compute the thickness distribution of the ice and open water
      !!                participating in ridging and of the resulting ridges.
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:)  , INTENT(in) ::   pato_i, pclosing_net
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in) ::   pa_i, pv_i
      INTEGER  ::   ji, jl                     ! dummy loop indices
      REAL(wp) ::   z1_gstar, z1_astar, zhmean, zfac   ! local scalar
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij)        ::   zasum, z1_asum, zaksum   ! sum of a_i+ato_i and reverse
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij,jpl)    ::   zhi                      ! ice thickness
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij,-1:jpl) ::   zGsum                    ! zGsum(n) = sum of areas in categories 0 to n

      z1_gstar = 1._wp / rn_gstar
      z1_astar = 1._wp / rn_astar

      !                       ! Ice thickness needed for rafting
      ! In single precision there were floating point invalids due a sqrt of zhi which happens to have negative values
      ! To solve that an extra check about the value of pv_i was added.
      ! Although adding this condition is safe, the double definition (one for single other for double) has been kept to preserve the results of the sette test.
#if defined key_single

      WHERE( pa_i(1:npti,:) > epsi10 .and. pv_i(1:npti,:) > epsi10 )   ;   zhi(1:npti,:) = pv_i(1:npti,:) / pa_i(1:npti,:)
      WHERE( pa_i(1:npti,:) > epsi10 )   ;   zhi(1:npti,:) = pv_i(1:npti,:) / pa_i(1:npti,:)
      ELSEWHERE                          ;   zhi(1:npti,:) = 0._wp

      ! 1) Participation function (apartf): a(h) = b(h).g(h)
      ! Compute the participation function = total area lost due to ridging/closing
      ! This is analogous to
      !   a(h) = b(h)g(h) as defined in Thorndike et al. (1975).
      !   assuming b(h) = (2/Gstar) * (1 - G(h)/Gstar).
      ! apartf = integrating b(h)g(h) between the category boundaries
      ! apartf is always >= 0 and SUM(apartf(0:jpl))=1
      ! Compute total area of ice plus open water.
      ! This is in general not equal to one because of divergence during transport
      zasum(1:npti) = pato_i(1:npti) + SUM( pa_i(1:npti,:), dim=2 )
      WHERE( zasum(1:npti) > epsi10 )   ;   z1_asum(1:npti) = 1._wp / zasum(1:npti)
      ELSEWHERE                         ;   z1_asum(1:npti) = 0._wp
      ! Compute cumulative thickness distribution function
      ! Compute the cumulative thickness distribution function zGsum,
      ! where zGsum(n) is the fractional area in categories 0 to n.
      ! initial value (in h = 0) = open water area
      zGsum(1:npti,-1) = 0._wp
      zGsum(1:npti,0 ) = pato_i(1:npti) * z1_asum(1:npti)
      DO jl = 1, jpl
         zGsum(1:npti,jl) = ( pato_i(1:npti) + SUM( pa_i(1:npti,1:jl), dim=2 ) ) * z1_asum(1:npti)  ! sum(1:jl) is ok (and not jpl)
      END DO
      IF( ln_partf_lin ) THEN          !--- Linear formulation (Thorndike et al., 1975)
         DO jl = 0, jpl
            DO ji = 1, npti
               IF    ( zGsum(ji,jl)   < rn_gstar ) THEN
                  apartf(ji,jl) = z1_gstar * ( zGsum(ji,jl) - zGsum(ji,jl-1) ) * &
                     &                       ( 2._wp - ( zGsum(ji,jl-1) + zGsum(ji,jl) ) * z1_gstar )
               ELSEIF( zGsum(ji,jl-1) < rn_gstar ) THEN
                  apartf(ji,jl) = z1_gstar * ( rn_gstar     - zGsum(ji,jl-1) ) *  &
                     &                       ( 2._wp - ( zGsum(ji,jl-1) + rn_gstar     ) * z1_gstar )
                  apartf(ji,jl) = 0._wp
            END DO
         END DO
      ELSEIF( ln_partf_exp ) THEN      !--- Exponential, more stable formulation (Lipscomb et al, 2007)
         zfac = 1._wp / ( 1._wp - EXP(-z1_astar) )
         DO jl = -1, jpl
            DO ji = 1, npti
               zGsum(ji,jl) = EXP( -zGsum(ji,jl) * z1_astar ) * zfac
            END DO
         END DO
         DO jl = 0, jpl
            DO ji = 1, npti
               apartf(ji,jl) = zGsum(ji,jl-1) - zGsum(ji,jl)
            END DO
         END DO

      !                                !--- Ridging and rafting participation concentrations
      IF( ln_rafting .AND. ln_ridging ) THEN             !- ridging & rafting
         DO jl = 1, jpl
            DO ji = 1, npti
               aridge(ji,jl) = ( 1._wp + TANH ( rn_craft * ( zhi(ji,jl) - rn_hraft ) ) ) * 0.5_wp * apartf(ji,jl)
               araft (ji,jl) = apartf(ji,jl) - aridge(ji,jl)
            END DO
         END DO
      ELSEIF( ln_ridging .AND. .NOT. ln_rafting ) THEN   !- ridging alone
         DO jl = 1, jpl
            DO ji = 1, npti
               aridge(ji,jl) = apartf(ji,jl)
               araft (ji,jl) = 0._wp
            END DO
         END DO
      ELSEIF( ln_rafting .AND. .NOT. ln_ridging ) THEN   !- rafting alone
         DO jl = 1, jpl
            DO ji = 1, npti
               aridge(ji,jl) = 0._wp
               araft (ji,jl) = apartf(ji,jl)
            END DO
         END DO
      ELSE                                               !- no ridging & no rafting
         DO jl = 1, jpl
            DO ji = 1, npti
               aridge(ji,jl) = 0._wp
               araft (ji,jl) = 0._wp
            END DO
         END DO

      ! 2) Transfer function
      ! Compute max and min ridged ice thickness for each ridging category.
      ! Assume ridged ice is uniformly distributed between hrmin and hrmax.
      ! This parameterization is a modified version of Hibler (1980).
      ! The mean ridging thickness, zhmean, is proportional to hi^(0.5)
      !  and for very thick ridging ice must be >= hrdg_hi_min*hi
      ! The minimum ridging thickness, hrmin, is equal to 2*hi
      !  (i.e., rafting) and for very thick ridging ice is
      !  constrained by hrmin <= (zhmean + hi)/2.
      ! The maximum ridging thickness, hrmax, is determined by zhmean and hrmin.
      ! These modifications have the effect of reducing the ice strength
      ! (relative to the Hibler formulation) when very thick ice is ridging.
      ! zaksum = net area removed/ total area removed
      ! where total area removed = area of ice that ridges
      !         net area removed = total area removed - area of new ridges
      zfac = 1._wp / hi_hrft
      zaksum(1:npti) = apartf(1:npti,0)
      DO jl = 1, jpl
         DO ji = 1, npti
            IF ( apartf(ji,jl) > 0._wp ) THEN
               zhmean         = MAX( SQRT( rn_hstar * zhi(ji,jl) ), zhi(ji,jl) * hrdg_hi_min )
               hrmin  (ji,jl) = MIN( 2._wp * zhi(ji,jl), 0.5_wp * ( zhmean + zhi(ji,jl) ) )
               hrmax  (ji,jl) = 2._wp * zhmean - hrmin(ji,jl)
               hraft  (ji,jl) = zhi(ji,jl) * zfac
               hi_hrdg(ji,jl) = zhi(ji,jl) / MAX( zhmean, epsi20 )
               ! Normalization factor : zaksum, ensures mass conservation
               zaksum(ji) = zaksum(ji) + aridge(ji,jl) * ( 1._wp - hi_hrdg(ji,jl) )    &
                  &                    + araft (ji,jl) * ( 1._wp - hi_hrft )
               hrmin  (ji,jl) = 0._wp
               hrmax  (ji,jl) = 0._wp
               hraft  (ji,jl) = 0._wp
               hi_hrdg(ji,jl) = 1._wp
         END DO
      END DO
      ! 3) closing_gross
      ! Based on the ITD of ridging and ridged ice, convert the net closing rate to a gross closing rate.
      ! NOTE: 0 < aksum <= 1
      WHERE( zaksum(1:npti) > epsi10 )   ;   closing_gross(1:npti) = pclosing_net(1:npti) / zaksum(1:npti)
      ELSEWHERE                          ;   closing_gross(1:npti) = 0._wp

      ! correction to closing rate if excessive ice removal
      ! Reduce the closing rate if more than 100% of any ice category would be removed
      ! Reduce the opening rate in proportion
      DO jl = 1, jpl
         DO ji = 1, npti
            zfac = apartf(ji,jl) * closing_gross(ji) * rDt_ice
            IF( zfac > pa_i(ji,jl) .AND. apartf(ji,jl) /= 0._wp ) THEN
               closing_gross(ji) = pa_i(ji,jl) / apartf(ji,jl) * r1_Dt_ice
         END DO
      END DO

      ! 4) correction to opening if excessive open water removal
      ! Reduce the closing rate if more than 100% of the open water would be removed
      ! Reduce the opening rate in proportion
      DO ji = 1, npti
         zfac = pato_i(ji) + ( opning(ji) - apartf(ji,0) * closing_gross(ji) ) * rDt_ice
         IF( zfac < 0._wp ) THEN           ! would lead to negative ato_i
            opning(ji) = apartf(ji,0) * closing_gross(ji) - pato_i(ji) * r1_Dt_ice
         ELSEIF( zfac > zasum(ji) ) THEN   ! would lead to ato_i > asum
            opning(ji) = apartf(ji,0) * closing_gross(ji) + ( zasum(ji) - pato_i(ji) ) * r1_Dt_ice
      END DO
   END SUBROUTINE rdgrft_prep

   SUBROUTINE rdgrft_shift
      !!                ***  ROUTINE rdgrft_shift ***
      !! ** Purpose :   shift ridging ice among thickness categories of ice thickness
      !! ** Method  :   Remove area, volume, and energy from each ridging category
      !!                and add to thicker ice categories.
      INTEGER  ::   ji, jj, jl, jl1, jl2, jk   ! dummy loop indices
      REAL(wp) ::   hL, hR, farea              ! left and right limits of integration and new area going to jl2
      REAL(wp) ::   vsw                        ! vol of water trapped into ridges
      REAL(wp) ::   afrdg, afrft               ! fraction of category area ridged/rafted
      REAL(wp)                  ::   airdg1, oirdg1, aprdg1, virdg1, sirdg1
      REAL(wp)                  ::   airft1, oirft1, aprft1
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij) ::   airdg2, oirdg2, aprdg2, virdg2, sirdg2, vsrdg, vprdg, vlrdg  ! area etc of new ridges
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij) ::   airft2, oirft2, aprft2, virft , sirft , vsrft, vprft, vlrft  ! area etc of rafted ice
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij) ::   ersw             ! enth of water trapped into ridges
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij) ::   zswitch, fvol    ! new ridge volume going to jl2
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij) ::   z1_ai            ! 1 / a
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij) ::   zvti             ! sum(v_i)
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij,nlay_s) ::   esrft     ! snow energy of rafting ice
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij,nlay_i) ::   eirft     ! ice  energy of rafting ice
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij,nlay_s) ::   esrdg     ! enth*volume of new ridges
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij,nlay_i) ::   eirdg     ! enth*volume of new ridges
      INTEGER , DIMENSION(jpij) ::   itest_rdg, itest_rft   ! test for conservation
      LOGICAL , DIMENSION(jpij) ::   ll_shift         ! logical for doing calculation or not
      zvti(1:npti) = SUM( v_i_2d(1:npti,:), dim=2 )   ! total ice volume
      ! 1) Change in open water area due to closing and opening
      DO ji = 1, npti
         ato_i_1d(ji) = MAX( 0._wp, ato_i_1d(ji) + ( opning(ji) - apartf(ji,0) * closing_gross(ji) ) * rDt_ice )
      END DO

      ! 2) compute categories in which ice is removed (jl1)
      DO jl1 = 1, jpl

         IF( nn_icesal /= 2 )  THEN
            CALL tab_2d_1d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), s_i_1d(1:npti), s_i(:,:,jl1) )

         DO ji = 1, npti

            ! set logical to true when ridging
            IF( apartf(ji,jl1) > 0._wp .AND. closing_gross(ji) > 0._wp ) THEN   ;   ll_shift(ji) = .TRUE.
            ELSE                                                                ;   ll_shift(ji) = .FALSE.
            IF( ll_shift(ji) ) THEN   ! only if ice is ridging

               IF( a_i_2d(ji,jl1) > epsi10 ) THEN   ;   z1_ai(ji) = 1._wp / a_i_2d(ji,jl1)
               ELSE                                 ;   z1_ai(ji) = 0._wp

               ! area of ridging / rafting ice (airdg1) and of new ridge (airdg2)
               airdg1 = aridge(ji,jl1) * closing_gross(ji) * rDt_ice
               airft1 = araft (ji,jl1) * closing_gross(ji) * rDt_ice

               airdg2(ji) = airdg1 * hi_hrdg(ji,jl1)
               airft2(ji) = airft1 * hi_hrft

               ! ridging /rafting fractions
               afrdg = airdg1 * z1_ai(ji)
               afrft = airft1 * z1_ai(ji)

               ! volume and enthalpy (J/m2, >0) of seawater trapped into ridges
               IF    ( zvti(ji) <= 10. ) THEN ; vsw = v_i_2d(ji,jl1) * afrdg * rn_porordg                                           ! v <= 10m then porosity = rn_porordg
               ELSEIF( zvti(ji) >= 20. ) THEN ; vsw = 0._wp                                                                         ! v >= 20m then porosity = 0
               ELSE                           ; vsw = v_i_2d(ji,jl1) * afrdg * rn_porordg * MAX( 0._wp, 2._wp - 0.1_wp * zvti(ji) ) ! v > 10m and v < 20m then porosity = linear transition to 0
               ersw(ji) = -rhoi * vsw * rcp * sst_1d(ji)   ! clem: if sst>0, then ersw <0 (is that possible?)

               ! volume etc of ridging / rafting ice and new ridges (vi, vs, sm, oi, es, ei)
               virdg1     = v_i_2d (ji,jl1)   * afrdg
               virdg2(ji) = v_i_2d (ji,jl1)   * afrdg + vsw
               vsrdg(ji)  = v_s_2d (ji,jl1)   * afrdg
               sirdg1     = sv_i_2d(ji,jl1)   * afrdg
               sirdg2(ji) = sv_i_2d(ji,jl1)   * afrdg + vsw * sss_1d(ji)
               oirdg1     = oa_i_2d(ji,jl1)   * afrdg
               oirdg2(ji) = oa_i_2d(ji,jl1)   * afrdg * hi_hrdg(ji,jl1)

               virft(ji)  = v_i_2d (ji,jl1)   * afrft
               vsrft(ji)  = v_s_2d (ji,jl1)   * afrft
               sirft(ji)  = sv_i_2d(ji,jl1)   * afrft
               oirft1     = oa_i_2d(ji,jl1)   * afrft
               oirft2(ji) = oa_i_2d(ji,jl1)   * afrft * hi_hrft

               IF ( ln_pnd_LEV .OR. ln_pnd_TOPO ) THEN
                  aprdg1     = a_ip_2d(ji,jl1) * afrdg
                  aprdg2(ji) = a_ip_2d(ji,jl1) * afrdg * hi_hrdg(ji,jl1)
                  vprdg (ji) = v_ip_2d(ji,jl1) * afrdg
                  aprft1     = a_ip_2d(ji,jl1) * afrft
                  aprft2(ji) = a_ip_2d(ji,jl1) * afrft * hi_hrft
                  vprft (ji) = v_ip_2d(ji,jl1) * afrft
                  IF ( ln_pnd_lids ) THEN
                     vlrdg (ji) = v_il_2d(ji,jl1) * afrdg
                     vlrft (ji) = v_il_2d(ji,jl1) * afrft

               ! Ice-ocean exchanges associated with ice porosity
               wfx_dyn_1d(ji) = wfx_dyn_1d(ji) - vsw * rhoi * r1_Dt_ice   ! increase in ice volume due to seawater frozen in voids
               sfx_dyn_1d(ji) = sfx_dyn_1d(ji) - vsw * sss_1d(ji) * rhoi * r1_Dt_ice
               hfx_dyn_1d(ji) = hfx_dyn_1d(ji) + ersw(ji) * r1_Dt_ice          ! > 0 [W.m-2]

               ! Put the snow lost by ridging into the ocean
               !  Note that esrdg > 0; the ocean must cool to melt snow. If the ocean temp = Tf already, new ice must grow.
               wfx_snw_dyn_1d(ji) = wfx_snw_dyn_1d(ji) + ( rhos * vsrdg(ji) * ( 1._wp - rn_fsnwrdg )   &   ! fresh water source for ocean
                  &                                      + rhos * vsrft(ji) * ( 1._wp - rn_fsnwrft ) ) * r1_Dt_ice

               ! virtual salt flux to keep salinity constant
               IF( nn_icesal /= 2 )  THEN
                  sirdg2(ji)     = sirdg2(ji)     - vsw * ( sss_1d(ji) - s_i_1d(ji) )       ! ridge salinity = s_i
                  sfx_bri_1d(ji) = sfx_bri_1d(ji) + sss_1d(ji) * vsw * rhoi * r1_Dt_ice  &  ! put back sss_m into the ocean
                     &                            - s_i_1d(ji) * vsw * rhoi * r1_Dt_ice     ! and get  s_i  from the ocean

               ! Remove area, volume of new ridge to each category jl1
               a_i_2d (ji,jl1) = a_i_2d (ji,jl1) - airdg1    - airft1
               v_i_2d (ji,jl1) = v_i_2d (ji,jl1) - virdg1    - virft(ji)
               v_s_2d (ji,jl1) = v_s_2d (ji,jl1) - vsrdg(ji) - vsrft(ji)
               sv_i_2d(ji,jl1) = sv_i_2d(ji,jl1) - sirdg1    - sirft(ji)
               oa_i_2d(ji,jl1) = oa_i_2d(ji,jl1) - oirdg1    - oirft1
               IF ( ln_pnd_LEV .OR. ln_pnd_TOPO ) THEN
                  a_ip_2d(ji,jl1) = a_ip_2d(ji,jl1) - aprdg1    - aprft1
                  v_ip_2d(ji,jl1) = v_ip_2d(ji,jl1) - vprdg(ji) - vprft(ji)
                  IF ( ln_pnd_lids ) THEN
                     v_il_2d(ji,jl1) = v_il_2d(ji,jl1) - vlrdg(ji) - vlrft(ji)

         END DO ! ji

         ! special loop for e_s because of layers jk
         DO jk = 1, nlay_s
            DO ji = 1, npti
               IF( ll_shift(ji) ) THEN
                  ! Compute ridging /rafting fractions
                  afrdg = aridge(ji,jl1) * closing_gross(ji) * rDt_ice * z1_ai(ji)
                  afrft = araft (ji,jl1) * closing_gross(ji) * rDt_ice * z1_ai(ji)
                  ! Compute ridging /rafting ice and new ridges for es
                  esrdg(ji,jk) = ze_s_2d (ji,jk,jl1) * afrdg
                  esrft(ji,jk) = ze_s_2d (ji,jk,jl1) * afrft
                  ! Put the snow lost by ridging into the ocean
                  hfx_dyn_1d(ji) = hfx_dyn_1d(ji) + ( - esrdg(ji,jk) * ( 1._wp - rn_fsnwrdg )   &                 ! heat sink for ocean (<0, W.m-2)
                     &                                - esrft(ji,jk) * ( 1._wp - rn_fsnwrft ) ) * r1_Dt_ice
                  ! Remove energy of new ridge to each category jl1
                  ze_s_2d(ji,jk,jl1) = ze_s_2d(ji,jk,jl1) * ( 1._wp - afrdg - afrft )
            END DO
         END DO

         ! special loop for e_i because of layers jk
         DO jk = 1, nlay_i
            DO ji = 1, npti
               IF( ll_shift(ji) ) THEN
                  ! Compute ridging /rafting fractions
                  afrdg = aridge(ji,jl1) * closing_gross(ji) * rDt_ice * z1_ai(ji)
                  afrft = araft (ji,jl1) * closing_gross(ji) * rDt_ice * z1_ai(ji)
                  ! Compute ridging ice and new ridges for ei
                  eirdg(ji,jk) = ze_i_2d (ji,jk,jl1) * afrdg + ersw(ji) * r1_nlay_i
                  eirft(ji,jk) = ze_i_2d (ji,jk,jl1) * afrft
                  ! Remove energy of new ridge to each category jl1
                  ze_i_2d(ji,jk,jl1) = ze_i_2d(ji,jk,jl1) * ( 1._wp - afrdg - afrft )
            END DO
         END DO

         ! 3) compute categories in which ice is added (jl2)
         itest_rdg(1:npti) = 0
         itest_rft(1:npti) = 0
         DO jl2  = 1, jpl
            DO ji = 1, npti

               IF( ll_shift(ji) ) THEN

                  ! Compute the fraction of ridged ice area and volume going to thickness category jl2
                  IF( hrmin(ji,jl1) <= hi_max(jl2) .AND. hrmax(ji,jl1) > hi_max(jl2-1) ) THEN
                     hL = MAX( hrmin(ji,jl1), hi_max(jl2-1) )
                     hR = MIN( hrmax(ji,jl1), hi_max(jl2)   )
                     farea    = ( hR      - hL      ) / ( hrmax(ji,jl1)                 - hrmin(ji,jl1)                 )
                     fvol(ji) = ( hR * hR - hL * hL ) / ( hrmax(ji,jl1) * hrmax(ji,jl1) - hrmin(ji,jl1) * hrmin(ji,jl1) )
                     itest_rdg(ji) = 1   ! test for conservation
                     farea    = 0._wp
                     fvol(ji) = 0._wp

                  ! Compute the fraction of rafted ice area and volume going to thickness category jl2
                  IF( hraft(ji,jl1) <= hi_max(jl2) .AND. hraft(ji,jl1) >  hi_max(jl2-1) ) THEN
                     zswitch(ji) = 1._wp
                     itest_rft(ji) = 1   ! test for conservation
                     zswitch(ji) = 0._wp
                  ! Patch to ensure perfect conservation if ice thickness goes mad
                  ! Sometimes thickness is larger than hi_max(jpl) because of advection scheme (for very small areas)
                  ! Then ice volume is removed from one category but the ridging/rafting scheme
                  ! does not know where to move it, leading to a conservation issue.
                  IF( itest_rdg(ji) == 0 .AND. jl2 == jpl ) THEN   ;   farea = 1._wp   ;   fvol(ji) = 1._wp   ;   ENDIF
                  IF( itest_rft(ji) == 0 .AND. jl2 == jpl )      zswitch(ji) = 1._wp
                  ! Add area, volume of new ridge to category jl2
                  a_i_2d (ji,jl2) = a_i_2d (ji,jl2) + ( airdg2(ji) * farea    + airft2(ji) * zswitch(ji) )
                  oa_i_2d(ji,jl2) = oa_i_2d(ji,jl2) + ( oirdg2(ji) * farea    + oirft2(ji) * zswitch(ji) )
                  v_i_2d (ji,jl2) = v_i_2d (ji,jl2) + ( virdg2(ji) * fvol(ji) + virft (ji) * zswitch(ji) )
                  sv_i_2d(ji,jl2) = sv_i_2d(ji,jl2) + ( sirdg2(ji) * fvol(ji) + sirft (ji) * zswitch(ji) )
                  v_s_2d (ji,jl2) = v_s_2d (ji,jl2) + ( vsrdg (ji) * rn_fsnwrdg * fvol(ji)  +  &
                     &                                  vsrft (ji) * rn_fsnwrft * zswitch(ji) )
                  IF ( ln_pnd_LEV .OR. ln_pnd_TOPO ) THEN
                     v_ip_2d (ji,jl2) = v_ip_2d(ji,jl2) + (   vprdg (ji) * rn_fpndrdg * fvol   (ji)   &
                        &                                   + vprft (ji) * rn_fpndrft * zswitch(ji)   )
                     a_ip_2d (ji,jl2) = a_ip_2d(ji,jl2) + (   aprdg2(ji) * rn_fpndrdg * farea         &
                        &                                   + aprft2(ji) * rn_fpndrft * zswitch(ji)   )
                     IF ( ln_pnd_lids ) THEN
                        v_il_2d (ji,jl2) = v_il_2d(ji,jl2) + (   vlrdg(ji) * rn_fpndrdg * fvol   (ji) &
                           &                                   + vlrft(ji) * rn_fpndrft * zswitch(ji) )


            END DO
            ! Add snow energy of new ridge to category jl2
            DO jk = 1, nlay_s
               DO ji = 1, npti
                  IF( ll_shift(ji) )   &
                     &   ze_s_2d(ji,jk,jl2) = ze_s_2d(ji,jk,jl2) + ( esrdg(ji,jk) * rn_fsnwrdg * fvol(ji)  +  &
                     &                                               esrft(ji,jk) * rn_fsnwrft * zswitch(ji) )
               END DO
            END DO
            ! Add ice energy of new ridge to category jl2
            DO jk = 1, nlay_i
               DO ji = 1, npti
                  IF( ll_shift(ji) )   &
                     &   ze_i_2d(ji,jk,jl2) = ze_i_2d(ji,jk,jl2) + eirdg(ji,jk) * fvol(ji) + eirft(ji,jk) * zswitch(ji)
               END DO
            END DO
         END DO ! jl2
      END DO ! jl1
      ! roundoff errors
      ! In case ridging/rafting lead to very small negative values (sometimes it happens)
      CALL ice_var_roundoff( a_i_2d, v_i_2d, v_s_2d, sv_i_2d, oa_i_2d, a_ip_2d, v_ip_2d, v_il_2d, ze_s_2d, ze_i_2d )
   END SUBROUTINE rdgrft_shift

   SUBROUTINE ice_strength
      !!                ***  ROUTINE ice_strength ***
      !! ** Purpose :   computes ice strength used in dynamics routines of ice thickness
      !! ** Method  :   Compute the strength of the ice pack, defined as the energy (J m-2)
      !!              dissipated per unit area removed from the ice pack under compression,
      !!              and assumed proportional to the change in potential energy caused
      !!              by ridging. Note that only Hibler's formulation is stable and that
      !!              ice strength has to be smoothed
      INTEGER             ::   ji, jj, jl  ! dummy loop indices
      REAL(wp)            ::   z1_3        ! local scalars
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::   zworka           ! temporary array used here
      LOGICAL                   ::   ln_str_R75
      REAL(wp)                  ::   zhi, zcp, rn_pe_rdg
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij) ::   zstrength, zaksum   ! strength in 1D      
      SELECT CASE( nice_str )          !--- Set which ice strength is chosen

      CASE ( np_strr75 )           !== Rothrock(1975)'s method ==!

         ! these 2 param should be defined once for all at the 1st time step
         zcp = 0.5_wp * grav * (rho0-rhoi) * rhoi * r1_rho0   ! proport const for PE
         strength(:,:) = 0._wp
         ! Identify grid cells with ice
         at_i(:,:) = SUM( a_i, dim=3 )
         npti = 0   ;   nptidx(:) = 0
         DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
            IF ( at_i(ji,jj) > epsi10 ) THEN
               npti           = npti + 1
               nptidx( npti ) = (jj - 1) * jpi + ji

         IF( npti > 0 ) THEN
            CALL tab_3d_2d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), a_i_2d  (1:npti,1:jpl), a_i   )
            CALL tab_3d_2d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), v_i_2d  (1:npti,1:jpl), v_i   )
            CALL tab_2d_1d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), ato_i_1d(1:npti)      , ato_i )
            CALL tab_2d_1d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), zstrength(1:npti)     , strength )

            CALL rdgrft_prep( a_i_2d, v_i_2d, ato_i_1d, closing_net )
            zaksum(1:npti) = apartf(1:npti,0) !clem: aksum should be defined in the header => local to module
            DO jl = 1, jpl
               DO ji = 1, npti
                  IF ( apartf(ji,jl) > 0._wp ) THEN
                     zaksum(ji) = zaksum(ji) + aridge(ji,jl) * ( 1._wp - hi_hrdg(ji,jl) )    &
                        &                    + araft (ji,jl) * ( 1._wp - hi_hrft )
               END DO
            END DO
            z1_3 = 1._wp / 3._wp
            DO jl = 1, jpl
               DO ji = 1, npti
                  IF( apartf(ji,jl) > 0._wp ) THEN
                     IF( a_i_2d(ji,jl) > epsi10 ) THEN   ;   zhi = v_i_2d(ji,jl) / a_i_2d(ji,jl)
                     ELSE                                ;   zhi = 0._wp
                     zstrength(ji) = zstrength(ji) -         apartf(ji,jl) * zhi * zhi                  ! PE loss from deforming ice
                     zstrength(ji) = zstrength(ji) + 2._wp * araft (ji,jl) * zhi * zhi                  ! PE gain from rafting ice
                     zstrength(ji) = zstrength(ji) +         aridge(ji,jl) * hi_hrdg(ji,jl) * z1_3 *  & ! PE gain from ridging ice
                        &                                   ( hrmax(ji,jl) * hrmax(ji,jl) +           & ! (a**3-b**3)/(a-b) = a*a+ab+b*b
                        &                                     hrmin(ji,jl) * hrmin(ji,jl) +           &
                        &                                     hrmax(ji,jl) * hrmin(ji,jl) )
               END DO
            END DO
            zstrength(1:npti) = rn_pe_rdg * zcp * zstrength(1:npti) / zaksum(1:npti)
            CALL tab_1d_2d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), zstrength(1:npti), strength )
      CASE ( np_strh79 )           !== Hibler(1979)'s method ==!
         strength(:,:) = rn_pstar * SUM( v_i(:,:,:), dim=3 ) * EXP( -rn_crhg * ( 1._wp - SUM( a_i(:,:,:), dim=3 ) ) )
      CASE ( np_strcst )           !== Constant strength ==!
         strength(:,:) = rn_str
      IF( ln_str_smooth ) THEN         !--- Spatial smoothing
         DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
            IF ( SUM( a_i(ji,jj,:) ) > 0._wp ) THEN
               zworka(ji,jj) = ( 4._wp * strength(ji,jj)              &
                  &                    + strength(ji-1,jj) * tmask(ji-1,jj,1) + strength(ji+1,jj) * tmask(ji+1,jj,1) &
                  &                    + strength(ji,jj-1) * tmask(ji,jj-1,1) + strength(ji,jj+1) * tmask(ji,jj+1,1) &
                  &            ) / ( 4._wp + tmask(ji-1,jj,1) + tmask(ji+1,jj,1) + tmask(ji,jj-1,1) + tmask(ji,jj+1,1) )
               zworka(ji,jj) = 0._wp

         DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
            strength(ji,jj) = zworka(ji,jj)
         CALL lbc_lnk( 'icedyn_rdgrft', strength, 'T', 1.0_wp )
   END SUBROUTINE ice_strength

   SUBROUTINE ice_dyn_1d2d( kn )
      !!                   ***  ROUTINE ice_dyn_1d2d ***
      !! ** Purpose :   move arrays from 1d to 2d and the reverse
      INTEGER, INTENT(in) ::   kn   ! 1= from 2D to 1D   ;   2= from 1D to 2D
      INTEGER ::   jl, jk   ! dummy loop indices
      SELECT CASE( kn )
      !                    !---------------------!
      CASE( 1 )            !==  from 2D to 1D  ==!
         !                 !---------------------!
         ! fields used but not modified
         CALL tab_2d_1d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), sss_1d(1:npti), sss_m(:,:) )
         CALL tab_2d_1d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), sst_1d(1:npti), sst_m(:,:) )
         ! the following fields are modified in this routine
         !!CALL tab_2d_1d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), ato_i_1d(1:npti), ato_i(:,:) )
         !!CALL tab_3d_2d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), a_i_2d(1:npti,1:jpl), a_i(:,:,:) )
         !!CALL tab_3d_2d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), v_i_2d  (1:npti,1:jpl), v_i  (:,:,:) )
         CALL tab_3d_2d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), v_s_2d (1:npti,1:jpl), v_s (:,:,:) )
         CALL tab_3d_2d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), sv_i_2d(1:npti,1:jpl), sv_i(:,:,:) )
         CALL tab_3d_2d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), oa_i_2d(1:npti,1:jpl), oa_i(:,:,:) )
         CALL tab_3d_2d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), a_ip_2d(1:npti,1:jpl), a_ip(:,:,:) )
         CALL tab_3d_2d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), v_ip_2d(1:npti,1:jpl), v_ip(:,:,:) )
         CALL tab_3d_2d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), v_il_2d(1:npti,1:jpl), v_il(:,:,:) )
         DO jl = 1, jpl
            DO jk = 1, nlay_s
               CALL tab_2d_1d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), ze_s_2d(1:npti,jk,jl), e_s(:,:,jk,jl) )
            END DO
            DO jk = 1, nlay_i
               CALL tab_2d_1d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), ze_i_2d(1:npti,jk,jl), e_i(:,:,jk,jl) )
            END DO
         END DO
         CALL tab_2d_1d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), sfx_dyn_1d    (1:npti), sfx_dyn    (:,:) )
         CALL tab_2d_1d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), sfx_bri_1d    (1:npti), sfx_bri    (:,:) )
         CALL tab_2d_1d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), wfx_dyn_1d    (1:npti), wfx_dyn    (:,:) )
         CALL tab_2d_1d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), hfx_dyn_1d    (1:npti), hfx_dyn    (:,:) )
         CALL tab_2d_1d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), wfx_snw_dyn_1d(1:npti), wfx_snw_dyn(:,:) )
         CALL tab_2d_1d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), wfx_pnd_1d    (1:npti), wfx_pnd    (:,:) )
         !                 !---------------------!
      CASE( 2 )            !==  from 1D to 2D  ==!
         !                 !---------------------!
         CALL tab_1d_2d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), ato_i_1d(1:npti), ato_i(:,:) )
         CALL tab_2d_3d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), a_i_2d (1:npti,1:jpl), a_i (:,:,:) )
         CALL tab_2d_3d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), v_i_2d (1:npti,1:jpl), v_i (:,:,:) )
         CALL tab_2d_3d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), v_s_2d (1:npti,1:jpl), v_s (:,:,:) )
         CALL tab_2d_3d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), sv_i_2d(1:npti,1:jpl), sv_i(:,:,:) )
         CALL tab_2d_3d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), oa_i_2d(1:npti,1:jpl), oa_i(:,:,:) )
         CALL tab_2d_3d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), a_ip_2d(1:npti,1:jpl), a_ip(:,:,:) )
         CALL tab_2d_3d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), v_ip_2d(1:npti,1:jpl), v_ip(:,:,:) )
         CALL tab_2d_3d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), v_il_2d(1:npti,1:jpl), v_il(:,:,:) )
         DO jl = 1, jpl
            DO jk = 1, nlay_s
               CALL tab_1d_2d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), ze_s_2d(1:npti,jk,jl), e_s(:,:,jk,jl) )
            END DO
            DO jk = 1, nlay_i
               CALL tab_1d_2d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), ze_i_2d(1:npti,jk,jl), e_i(:,:,jk,jl) )
            END DO
         END DO
         CALL tab_1d_2d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), sfx_dyn_1d    (1:npti), sfx_dyn    (:,:) )
         CALL tab_1d_2d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), sfx_bri_1d    (1:npti), sfx_bri    (:,:) )
         CALL tab_1d_2d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), wfx_dyn_1d    (1:npti), wfx_dyn    (:,:) )
         CALL tab_1d_2d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), hfx_dyn_1d    (1:npti), hfx_dyn    (:,:) )
         CALL tab_1d_2d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), wfx_snw_dyn_1d(1:npti), wfx_snw_dyn(:,:) )
         CALL tab_1d_2d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), wfx_pnd_1d    (1:npti), wfx_pnd    (:,:) )
   END SUBROUTINE ice_dyn_1d2d

   SUBROUTINE ice_dyn_rdgrft_init
      !!                  ***  ROUTINE ice_dyn_rdgrft_init ***
      !! ** Purpose :   Physical constants and parameters linked
      !!                to the mechanical ice redistribution
      !! ** Method  :   Read the namdyn_rdgrft namelist
      !!                and check the parameters values
      !!                called at the first timestep (nit000)
      !! ** input   :   Namelist namdyn_rdgrft
      INTEGER :: ios, ioptio                ! Local integer output status for namelist read
      NAMELIST/namdyn_rdgrft/ ln_str_H79, rn_pstar, rn_crhg, ln_str_R75, rn_pe_rdg, ln_str_CST, rn_str, ln_str_smooth, &
         &                    ln_distf_lin, ln_distf_exp, rn_murdg, rn_csrdg,            &
         &                    ln_partf_lin, rn_gstar, ln_partf_exp, rn_astar,            &
         &                    ln_ridging, rn_hstar, rn_porordg, rn_fsnwrdg, rn_fpndrdg,  &
         &                    ln_rafting, rn_hraft, rn_craft  , rn_fsnwrft, rn_fpndrft
      READ  ( numnam_ice_ref, namdyn_rdgrft, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 901)
901   IF( ios /= 0 )   CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'namdyn_rdgrft in reference namelist' )
      READ  ( numnam_ice_cfg, namdyn_rdgrft, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 902 )
902   IF( ios >  0 )   CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'namdyn_rdgrft in configuration namelist' )
      IF(lwm) WRITE ( numoni, namdyn_rdgrft )
      IF (lwp) THEN                          ! control print
         WRITE(numout,*) 'ice_dyn_rdgrft_init: ice parameters for ridging/rafting '
         WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
         WRITE(numout,*) '   Namelist namdyn_rdgrft:'
         WRITE(numout,*) '      ice strength parameterization Hibler (1979)              ln_str_H79   = ', ln_str_H79
         WRITE(numout,*) '            1st bulk-rheology parameter                        rn_pstar     = ', rn_pstar
         WRITE(numout,*) '            2nd bulk-rhelogy parameter                         rn_crhg      = ', rn_crhg
         WRITE(numout,*) '      ice strength parameterization Rothrock (1975)            ln_str_R75   = ', ln_str_R75
         WRITE(numout,*) '            coef accounting for frictional dissipation         rn_pe_rdg    = ', rn_pe_rdg         
         WRITE(numout,*) '      ice strength parameterization Constant                   ln_str_CST   = ', ln_str_CST
         WRITE(numout,*) '            ice strength value                                 rn_str       = ', rn_str
         WRITE(numout,*) '      spatial smoothing of the strength                        ln_str_smooth= ', ln_str_smooth
         WRITE(numout,*) '      redistribution of ridged ice: linear (Hibler 1980)       ln_distf_lin = ', ln_distf_lin
         WRITE(numout,*) '      redistribution of ridged ice: exponential                ln_distf_exp = ', ln_distf_exp
         WRITE(numout,*) '            e-folding scale of ridged ice                      rn_murdg     = ', rn_murdg
         WRITE(numout,*) '      Fraction of shear energy contributing to ridging         rn_csrdg     = ', rn_csrdg
         WRITE(numout,*) '      linear ridging participation function                    ln_partf_lin = ', ln_partf_lin
         WRITE(numout,*) '            Fraction of ice coverage contributing to ridging   rn_gstar     = ', rn_gstar
         WRITE(numout,*) '      Exponential ridging participation function               ln_partf_exp = ', ln_partf_exp
         WRITE(numout,*) '            Equivalent to G* for an exponential function       rn_astar     = ', rn_astar
         WRITE(numout,*) '      Ridging of ice sheets or not                             ln_ridging   = ', ln_ridging
         WRITE(numout,*) '            max ridged ice thickness                           rn_hstar     = ', rn_hstar
         WRITE(numout,*) '            Initial porosity of ridges                         rn_porordg   = ', rn_porordg
         WRITE(numout,*) '            Fraction of snow volume conserved during ridging   rn_fsnwrdg   = ', rn_fsnwrdg
         WRITE(numout,*) '            Fraction of pond volume conserved during ridging   rn_fpndrdg   = ', rn_fpndrdg
         WRITE(numout,*) '      Rafting of ice sheets or not                             ln_rafting   = ', ln_rafting
         WRITE(numout,*) '            Parmeter thickness (threshold between ridge-raft)  rn_hraft     = ', rn_hraft
         WRITE(numout,*) '            Rafting hyperbolic tangent coefficient             rn_craft     = ', rn_craft
         WRITE(numout,*) '            Fraction of snow volume conserved during rafting   rn_fsnwrft   = ', rn_fsnwrft
         WRITE(numout,*) '            Fraction of pond volume conserved during rafting   rn_fpndrft   = ', rn_fpndrft
      ioptio = 0
      IF( ln_str_H79    ) THEN   ;   ioptio = ioptio + 1   ;   nice_str = np_strh79       ;   ENDIF
      IF( ln_str_R75    ) THEN   ;   ioptio = ioptio + 1   ;   nice_str = np_strr75       ;   ENDIF
      IF( ln_str_CST    ) THEN   ;   ioptio = ioptio + 1   ;   nice_str = np_strcst       ;   ENDIF
      IF( ioptio /= 1 )    CALL ctl_stop( 'ice_dyn_rdgrft_init: one and only one ice strength option has to be defined ' )
      IF ( ( ln_distf_lin .AND. ln_distf_exp ) .OR. ( .NOT.ln_distf_lin .AND. .NOT.ln_distf_exp ) ) THEN
         CALL ctl_stop( 'ice_dyn_rdgrft_init: choose one and only one redistribution function (ln_distf_lin or ln_distf_exp)' )
      IF( ln_distf_exp ) CALL ctl_stop( 'ice_dyn_rdgrft_init: exponential redistribution function not coded yet (ln_distf_exp)' )
      IF ( ( ln_partf_lin .AND. ln_partf_exp ) .OR. ( .NOT.ln_partf_lin .AND. .NOT.ln_partf_exp ) ) THEN
         CALL ctl_stop( 'ice_dyn_rdgrft_init: choose one and only one participation function (ln_partf_lin or ln_partf_exp)' )
      IF( .NOT. ln_icethd ) THEN
         rn_porordg = 0._wp
         rn_fsnwrdg = 1._wp ; rn_fsnwrft = 1._wp
         rn_fpndrdg = 1._wp ; rn_fpndrft = 1._wp
         IF( lwp ) THEN
            WRITE(numout,*) '      ==> only ice dynamics is activated, thus some parameters must be changed'
            WRITE(numout,*) '            rn_porordg   = ', rn_porordg
            WRITE(numout,*) '            rn_fsnwrdg   = ', rn_fsnwrdg
            WRITE(numout,*) '            rn_fpndrdg   = ', rn_fpndrdg
            WRITE(numout,*) '            rn_fsnwrft   = ', rn_fsnwrft
            WRITE(numout,*) '            rn_fpndrft   = ', rn_fpndrft
      !                              ! allocate arrays
      IF( ice_dyn_rdgrft_alloc() /= 0 )   CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'ice_dyn_rdgrft_init: unable to allocate arrays' )
  END SUBROUTINE ice_dyn_rdgrft_init

   !!   Default option         Empty module           NO SI3 sea-ice model

END MODULE icedyn_rdgrft