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        ! Drainage through brine network (permeability)
        !!! drainage due to ice permeability - Darcy's law

        ! sea water level
        msno = 0._wp
        DO jl = 1 , jpl
          msno = msno + v_s(ji,jj,jl) * rhos
        END DO
        floe_weight = ( msno + rhoi*vt_i(ji,jj) + rho0*zvolp(ji,jj) ) / at_i(ji,jj)
        hsl_rel = floe_weight / rho0 &
                - ( ( sum(betan(:)*a_i(ji,jj,:)) / at_i(ji,jj) ) + alfan(1) )

        deltah = hpond - hsl_rel
        pressure_head = grav * rho0 * max(deltah, 0._wp)

        ! drain if ice is permeable
        permflag = 0

        IF (pressure_head > 0._wp) THEN
           DO jl = 1, jpl-1
              IF ( hicen(jl) /= 0._wp ) THEN

              !IF (hicen(jl) > 0._wp) THEN           !js: from CICE 5.1.2

                 perm = 0._wp ! MV ugly dummy patch
                 CALL ice_thd_pnd_perm(t_i(ji,jj,:,jl),  sz_i(ji,jj,:,jl), perm) ! bof
                 IF (perm > 0._wp) permflag = 1

                 drain = perm*a_ip(ji,jj,jl)*pressure_head*rDt_ice / &
                 zdvolp(ji,jj) = zdvolp(ji,jj) + min(drain, zvolp(ji,jj))
                 zvolp(ji,jj) = max(zvolp(ji,jj) - drain, 0._wp)

                 diag_dvpn_drn(ji,jj) = - drain ! diag (could be better coded)

                 IF (zvolp(ji,jj) < epsi10) THEN
                    zdvolp(ji,jj) = zdvolp(ji,jj) + zvolp(ji,jj)
                    zvolp(ji,jj) = 0._wp
                 END IF
             END IF
          END DO

           ! adjust melt pond dimensions
           IF (permflag > 0) THEN
              ! recompute pond depth
             CALL ice_thd_pnd_depth(reduced_aicen, asnon, hsnon, alfan, zvolp(ji,jj), cum_max_vol, hpond, m_index)
              DO jl = 1, m_index
                 h_ip(ji,jj,jl) = hpond - alfan(jl) + alfan(1)
                 a_ip(ji,jj,jl) = reduced_aicen(jl)
              END DO
              !zapond = sum(a_ip(1:m_index))       !js: from CICE 5.1.2; not in Icepack1.1.0-6-gac6195d
           END IF
        END IF ! pressure_head

        ! remove water from the snow
        ! total melt pond volume in category does not include snow volume
        ! snow in melt ponds is not melted

        ! MV here, it seems that we remove some meltwater from the ponds, but I can't really tell
        ! how much, so I did not diagnose it
        ! so if there is a problem here, nobody is going to see it...

        ! Calculate pond volume for lower categories
        DO jl = 1,m_index-1
           v_ip(ji,jj,jl) = a_ip(ji,jj,jl) * h_ip(ji,jj,jl) & ! what is not in the snow
                          - (rhos/rhow) * asnon(jl) * min(hsnon(jl), h_ip(ji,jj,jl))
        END DO

        ! Calculate pond volume for highest category = remaining pond volume

        ! The following is completely unclear to Martin at least
        ! Could we redefine properly and recode in a more readable way ?

        ! m_index = last category with melt pond

        IF (m_index == 1) v_ip(ji,jj,m_index) = zvolp(ji,jj) ! volume of mw in 1st category is the total volume of melt water

        IF (m_index > 1) THEN
          IF (zvolp(ji,jj) > sum( v_ip(ji,jj,1:m_index-1))) THEN
             v_ip(ji,jj,m_index) = zvolp(ji,jj) - sum(v_ip(ji,jj,1:m_index-1))
             v_ip(ji,jj,m_index) = 0._wp
             h_ip(ji,jj,m_index) = 0._wp
             a_ip(ji,jj,m_index) = 0._wp
             ! If remaining pond volume is negative reduce pond volume of
             ! lower category
             IF ( zvolp(ji,jj) + epsi10 < SUM(v_ip(ji,jj,1:m_index-1))) &
              v_ip(ji,jj,m_index-1) = v_ip(ji,jj,m_index-1) - sum(v_ip(ji,jj,1:m_index-1)) + zvolp(ji,jj)
          END IF
        END IF

        DO jl = 1,m_index
           IF (a_ip(ji,jj,jl) > epsi10) THEN
               h_ip(ji,jj,jl) = v_ip(ji,jj,jl) / a_ip(ji,jj,jl)
              zdvolp(ji,jj) = zdvolp(ji,jj) + v_ip(ji,jj,jl)
              h_ip(ji,jj,jl) = 0._wp
              v_ip(ji,jj,jl)  = 0._wp
              a_ip(ji,jj,jl) = 0._wp
           END IF
        END DO
        DO jl = m_index+1, jpl
           h_ip(ji,jj,jl) = 0._wp
           a_ip(ji,jj,jl) = 0._wp
           v_ip(ji,jj,jl) = 0._wp
        END DO



    END SUBROUTINE ice_thd_pnd_area

    SUBROUTINE ice_thd_pnd_depth(aicen, asnon, hsnon, alfan, zvolp, cum_max_vol, hpond, m_index)
       !!                ***  ROUTINE ice_thd_pnd_depth  ***
       !! ** Purpose :   Compute melt pond depth

       REAL (wp), DIMENSION(jpl), INTENT(IN) :: &
          aicen, &
          asnon, &
          hsnon, &
          alfan, &

       REAL (wp), INTENT(IN) :: &

       REAL (wp), INTENT(OUT) :: &

       INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: &

       INTEGER :: n, ns

       REAL (wp), DIMENSION(0:jpl+1) :: &
          hitl, &

       REAL (wp) :: &
          rem_vol, &
          area, &
          vol, &
          tmp, &
          z0   = 0.0_wp

       ! hpond is zero if zvolp is zero - have we fully drained?

       IF (zvolp < epsi10) THEN
        hpond = z0
        m_index = 0

        ! Calculate the category where water fills up to

        !          |
        !          |
        !          |----------|                                     -- --
        !__________|__________|_________________________________________ ^
        !          |          |             rem_vol     ^                | Semi-filled
        !          |          |----------|-- -- -- - ---|-- ---- -- -- --v layer
        !          |          |          |              |
        !          |          |          |              |hpond
        !          |          |          |----------|   |     |-------
        !          |          |          |          |   |     |
        !          |          |          |          |---v-----|
        !          |          | m_index  |          |         |

        m_index = 0  ! 1:m_index categories have water in them
        DO n = 1, jpl
           IF (zvolp <= cum_max_vol(n)) THEN
              m_index = n
              IF (n == 1) THEN
                 rem_vol = zvolp
                 rem_vol = zvolp - cum_max_vol(n-1)
              END IF
              exit ! to break out of the loop
           END IF
        END DO
        m_index = min(jpl-1, m_index)

        ! semi-filled layer may have m_index different snow in it

        !-----------------------------------------------------------  ^
        !                                                             |  alfan(m_index+1)
        !                                                             |
        !hitl(3)-->                             |----------|          |
        !hitl(2)-->                |------------| * * * * *|          |
        !hitl(1)-->     |----------|* * * * * * |* * * * * |          |
        !hitl(0)-->-------------------------------------------------  |  ^
        !                various snow from lower categories          |  |alfa(m_index)

        ! hitl - heights of the snow layers from thinner and current categories
        ! aicetl - area of each snow depth in this layer

        hitl(:) = z0
        aicetl(:) = z0
        DO n = 1, m_index
           hitl(n)   = max(min(hsnon(n) + alfan(n) - alfan(m_index), &
                                  alfan(m_index+1) - alfan(m_index)), z0)
           aicetl(n) = asnon(n)

           aicetl(0) = aicetl(0) + (aicen(n) - asnon(n))
        END DO

        hitl(m_index+1) = alfan(m_index+1) - alfan(m_index)
        aicetl(m_index+1) = z0

        ! reorder array according to hitl
        ! snow heights not necessarily in height order

        DO ns = 1, m_index+1
           DO n = 0, m_index - ns + 1
              IF (hitl(n) > hitl(n+1)) THEN ! swap order
                 tmp = hitl(n)
                 hitl(n) = hitl(n+1)
                 hitl(n+1) = tmp
                 tmp = aicetl(n)
                 aicetl(n) = aicetl(n+1)
                 aicetl(n+1) = tmp
              END IF
           END DO
        END DO

        ! divide semi-filled layer into set of sublayers each vertically homogenous

        !                                                       | * * * * * * * *
        !                                                       |* * * * * * * * *
        !                                    | * * * * * * * *  | * * * * * * * *
        !                                    |* * * * * * * * * |* * * * * * * * *
        !                 | * * * * * * * *  | * * * * * * * *  | * * * * * * * *
        !                 |* * * * * * * * * |* * * * * * * * * |* * * * * * * * *
        !    aicetl(0)         aicetl(1)           aicetl(2)          aicetl(3)

        ! move up over layers incrementing volume
        DO n = 1, m_index+1

           area = sum(aicetl(:)) - &                 ! total area of sub-layer
                (rhos/rho0) * sum(aicetl(n:jpl+1)) ! area of sub-layer occupied by snow

           vol = (hitl(n) - hitl(n-1)) * area      ! thickness of sub-layer times area

           IF (vol >= rem_vol) THEN  ! have reached the sub-layer with the depth within
              hpond = rem_vol / area + hitl(n-1) + alfan(m_index) - alfan(1)

           ELSE  ! still in sub-layer below the sub-layer with the depth
              rem_vol = rem_vol - vol
           END IF

        END DO

       END IF

    END SUBROUTINE ice_thd_pnd_depth

    SUBROUTINE ice_thd_pnd_perm(ticen, salin, perm)
       !!                ***  ROUTINE ice_thd_pnd_perm ***
       !! ** Purpose :   Determine the liquid fraction of brine in the ice
       !!                and its permeability

       REAL (wp), DIMENSION(nlay_i), INTENT(IN) :: &
          ticen,  &     ! internal ice temperature (K)
          salin         ! salinity (ppt)     !js: ppt according to cice

       REAL (wp), INTENT(OUT) :: &
          perm      ! permeability

       REAL (wp) ::   &
          Sbr       ! brine salinity

       REAL (wp), DIMENSION(nlay_i) ::   &
          Tin, &    ! ice temperature
          phi       ! liquid fraction

       INTEGER :: k

       ! Compute ice temperatures from enthalpies using quadratic formula

       DO k = 1,nlay_i
          Tin(k) = ticen(k) - rt0   !js: from K to degC
       END DO

       ! brine salinity and liquid fraction

       DO k = 1, nlay_i

          Sbr    = - Tin(k) / rTmlt ! Consistent expression with SI3 (linear liquidus)
          ! Best expression to date is that one (Vancoppenolle et al JGR 2019)
          ! Sbr  = - 18.7 * Tin(k) - 0.519 * Tin(k)**2 - 0.00535 * Tin(k) **3
          phi(k) = salin(k) / Sbr

       END DO

       ! permeability

       perm = 3.0e-08_wp * (minval(phi))**3 ! Golden et al. (2007)

   END SUBROUTINE ice_thd_pnd_perm

   SUBROUTINE ice_thd_pnd_init
      !!                  ***  ROUTINE ice_thd_pnd_init   ***
      !! ** Purpose : Physical constants and parameters linked to melt ponds
      !!              over sea ice
      !! ** Method  :  Read the namthd_pnd  namelist and check the melt pond
      !!               parameter values called at the first timestep (nit000)
      !! ** input   :   Namelist namthd_pnd
      INTEGER  ::   ios, ioptio   ! Local integer
      NAMELIST/namthd_pnd/  ln_pnd, ln_pnd_LEV , rn_apnd_min, rn_apnd_max, rn_pnd_flush, &
         &                          ln_pnd_CST , rn_apnd, rn_hpnd,         &
         &                          ln_pnd_TOPO,                           &
         &                          ln_pnd_lids, ln_pnd_alb
      READ  ( numnam_ice_ref, namthd_pnd, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 901)
901   IF( ios /= 0 )   CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'namthd_pnd  in reference namelist' )
      READ  ( numnam_ice_cfg, namthd_pnd, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 902 )
902   IF( ios >  0 )   CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'namthd_pnd in configuration namelist' )
      IF(lwm) WRITE ( numoni, namthd_pnd )
      IF(lwp) THEN                        ! control print
         WRITE(numout,*) 'ice_thd_pnd_init: ice parameters for melt ponds'
         WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
         WRITE(numout,*) '   Namelist namicethd_pnd:'
         WRITE(numout,*) '      Melt ponds activated or not                                 ln_pnd       = ', ln_pnd
         WRITE(numout,*) '         Topographic melt pond scheme                             ln_pnd_TOPO  = ', ln_pnd_TOPO
         WRITE(numout,*) '         Level ice melt pond scheme                               ln_pnd_LEV   = ', ln_pnd_LEV
         WRITE(numout,*) '            Minimum ice fraction that contributes to melt ponds   rn_apnd_min  = ', rn_apnd_min
         WRITE(numout,*) '            Maximum ice fraction that contributes to melt ponds   rn_apnd_max  = ', rn_apnd_max
         WRITE(numout,*) '            Pond flushing efficiency                              rn_pnd_flush = ', rn_pnd_flush
         WRITE(numout,*) '         Constant ice melt pond scheme                            ln_pnd_CST   = ', ln_pnd_CST
         WRITE(numout,*) '            Prescribed pond fraction                              rn_apnd      = ', rn_apnd
         WRITE(numout,*) '            Prescribed pond depth                                 rn_hpnd      = ', rn_hpnd
         WRITE(numout,*) '         Frozen lids on top of melt ponds                         ln_pnd_lids  = ', ln_pnd_lids
         WRITE(numout,*) '         Melt ponds affect albedo or not                          ln_pnd_alb   = ', ln_pnd_alb
      !                             !== set the choice of ice pond scheme ==!
      ioptio = 0
      IF( .NOT.ln_pnd ) THEN   ;   ioptio = ioptio + 1   ;   nice_pnd = np_pndNO     ;   ENDIF
      IF( ln_pnd_CST  ) THEN   ;   ioptio = ioptio + 1   ;   nice_pnd = np_pndCST    ;   ENDIF
      IF( ln_pnd_LEV  ) THEN   ;   ioptio = ioptio + 1   ;   nice_pnd = np_pndLEV    ;   ENDIF
      IF( ln_pnd_TOPO ) THEN   ;   ioptio = ioptio + 1   ;   nice_pnd = np_pndTOPO   ;   ENDIF
      IF( ioptio /= 1 )   &
         & CALL ctl_stop( 'ice_thd_pnd_init: choose either none (ln_pnd=F) or only one pond scheme (ln_pnd_LEV, ln_pnd_CST or ln_pnd_TOPO)' )
      SELECT CASE( nice_pnd )
      CASE( np_pndNO )
         IF( ln_pnd_alb  ) THEN ; ln_pnd_alb  = .FALSE. ; CALL ctl_warn( 'ln_pnd_alb=false when no ponds' )  ; ENDIF
         IF( ln_pnd_lids ) THEN ; ln_pnd_lids = .FALSE. ; CALL ctl_warn( 'ln_pnd_lids=false when no ponds' ) ; ENDIF
      CASE( np_pndCST )
         IF( ln_pnd_lids ) THEN ; ln_pnd_lids = .FALSE. ; CALL ctl_warn( 'ln_pnd_lids=false when constant ponds' ) ; ENDIF
   END SUBROUTINE ice_thd_pnd_init

   !!   Default option          Empty module          NO SI3 sea-ice model

END MODULE icethd_pnd