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Guillaume Samson committed
!!! TO DO: consistent psi_m and psi_h needed!!! For now is those of NCAR !!!
MODULE sbcblk_algo_andreas
   !!                   ***  MODULE  sbcblk_algo_andreas  ***
   !! Computes:
   !!   * bulk transfer coefficients C_D, C_E and C_H
   !!   * air temp. and spec. hum. adjusted from zt (2m) to zu (10m) if needed
   !!   * the effective bulk wind speed at 10m Ubzu
   !!  according to Andreas et al. (2015)
   !!       Andreas, E.L., Mahrt, L. and Vickers, D. (2015),
   !!       An improved bulk air–sea surface flux algorithm,
   !!       including spray‐mediated transfer.
   !!       Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc., 141: 642-654. doi:10.1002/qj.2424
   !!   * bulk transfer coefficients C_D, C_E and C_H
   !!   * air temp. and spec. hum. adjusted from zt (2m) to zu (10m) if needed
   !!   * the effective bulk wind speed at z=zu: Ubzu
   !!   => all these are used in bulk formulas in sbcblk.F90
   !!    Using the bulk formulation/param. of Large & Yeager 2008
   !!       Routine turb_andreas maintained and developed in AeroBulk
   !!                     (
   !! ** Author: L. Brodeau, August 2020 / AeroBulk (
   !! History :  4.x  !  2020-08  (L.Brodeau)   Original code

   USE dom_oce         ! ocean space and time domain
   USE phycst          ! physical constants
   USE sbc_phy         ! Catalog of functions for physical/meteorological parameters in the marine boundary layer


   !! Important (Brodeau fix):
   REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: rRi_max = 0.15_wp   ! Bulk Ri above which the algorithm fucks up!
   !                                          ! (increasing (>0) Ri means that surface layer increasingly stable and/or wind increasingly weak)
   REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: rCs_min = 0.35E-3_wp ! minimum value to tolarate for CE and CH ! Must be larger than "Cx_min" !!!

   PUBLIC :: TURB_ANDREAS, psi_m_andreas, psi_h_andreas

   !! * Substitutions
#  include "do_loop_substitute.h90"


   SUBROUTINE turb_andreas( zt, zu, sst, t_zt, ssq, q_zt, U_zu, &
      &                     Cd, Ch, Ce, t_zu, q_zu, Ubzu,       &
      &                     nb_iter, CdN, ChN, CeN               )
      !!                      ***  ROUTINE  turb_andreas  ***
      !! ** Purpose :   Computes turbulent transfert coefficients of surface
      !!                fluxes according to Large & Yeager (2004) and Large & Yeager (2008)
      !!                If relevant (zt /= zu), adjust temperature and humidity from height zt to zu
      !!                Returns the effective bulk wind speed at zu to be used in the bulk formulas
      !! INPUT :
      !! -------
      !!    *  zt   : height for temperature and spec. hum. of air            [m]
      !!    *  zu   : height for wind speed (usually 10m)                     [m]
      !!    *  sst  : bulk SST                                                [K]
      !!    *  t_zt : potential air temperature at zt                         [K]
      !!    *  ssq  : specific humidity at saturation at SST                  [kg/kg]
      !!    *  q_zt : specific humidity of air at zt                          [kg/kg]
      !!    *  U_zu : scalar wind speed at zu                                 [m/s]
      !! OUTPUT :
      !! --------
      !!    *  Cd     : drag coefficient
      !!    *  Ch     : sensible heat coefficient
      !!    *  Ce     : evaporation coefficient
      !!    *  t_zu   : pot. air temperature adjusted at wind height zu       [K]
      !!    *  q_zu   : specific humidity of air        //                    [kg/kg]
      !!    *  Ubzu   : bulk wind speed at zu                                 [m/s]
      !! ** Author: L. Brodeau, June 2019 / AeroBulk (
      REAL(wp), INTENT(in   )                     ::   zt       ! height for t_zt and q_zt                    [m]
      REAL(wp), INTENT(in   )                     ::   zu       ! height for U_zu                             [m]
      REAL(wp), INTENT(in   ), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::   sst      ! sea surface temperature                [Kelvin]
      REAL(wp), INTENT(in   ), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::   t_zt     ! potential air temperature              [Kelvin]
      REAL(wp), INTENT(in   ), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::   ssq      ! sea surface specific humidity           [kg/kg]
      REAL(wp), INTENT(in   ), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::   q_zt     ! specific air humidity at zt             [kg/kg]
      REAL(wp), INTENT(in   ), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::   U_zu     ! relative wind module at zu                [m/s]
      REAL(wp), INTENT(  out), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::   Cd       ! transfer coefficient for momentum         (tau)
      REAL(wp), INTENT(  out), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::   Ch       ! transfer coefficient for sensible heat (Q_sens)
      REAL(wp), INTENT(  out), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::   Ce       ! transfert coefficient for evaporation   (Q_lat)
      REAL(wp), INTENT(  out), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::   t_zu     ! pot. air temp. adjusted at zu               [K]
      REAL(wp), INTENT(  out), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::   q_zu     ! spec. humidity adjusted at zu           [kg/kg]
      REAL(wp), INTENT(  out), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::   Ubzu    ! bulk wind speed at zu                     [m/s]
      INTEGER , INTENT(in   ), OPTIONAL                     :: nb_iter  ! number of iterations
      REAL(wp), INTENT(  out), OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::   CdN
      REAL(wp), INTENT(  out), OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::   ChN
      REAL(wp), INTENT(  out), OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::   CeN
      INTEGER :: nbit, jit                    ! iterations...
      LOGICAL :: l_zt_equal_zu = .FALSE.      ! if q and t are given at same height as U
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::   u_star, t_star, q_star
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::   z0       ! roughness length (momentum) [m]
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::   UN10     ! Neutral wind speed at zu [m/s]
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::   zeta_u   ! stability parameter at height zu
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::   ztmp0, ztmp1, ztmp2
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::   RiB       ! square root of Cd
      nbit = nb_iter0
      IF( PRESENT(nb_iter) ) nbit = nb_iter

      l_zt_equal_zu = ( ABS(zu - zt) < 0.01_wp ) ! testing "zu == zt" is risky with double precision

      Ubzu = MAX( 0.25_wp , U_zu )   !  relative wind speed at zu (normally 10m), we don't want to fall under 0.5 m/s

      !! First guess:
      UN10 = Ubzu
      Cd   = 1.1E-3_wp
      Ch   = 1.1E-3_wp
      Ce   = 1.1E-3_wp
      t_zu = t_zt
      q_zu = q_zt

      !! First guess of turbulent scales for scalars:
      ztmp0  = SQRT(Cd)
      t_star = Ch/ztmp0*(t_zu - sst) ! theta*
      q_star = Ce/ztmp0*(q_zu - ssq) ! q*

      ! Bulk Richardson number:
      RiB(:,:) = Ri_bulk( zu, sst, t_zu, ssq, q_zu, Ubzu )

      DO jit = 1, nbit

         WHERE ( RiB < rRi_max )
            !! Normal condition case:
            u_star = U_STAR_ANDREAS( UN10 )
            !! Extremely stable + weak wind !!!
            !!  => for we force u* to be consistent with minimum value for CD:
            !!  (otherwize algorithm becomes nonsense...)
            u_star = SQRT(Cx_min) * Ubzu     ! Cd does not go below Cx_min !

         !! Stability parameter :
         zeta_u = zu*One_on_L( t_zu, q_zu, u_star, t_star, q_star )   ! zu * 1/L

         !! Drag coefficient:
         ztmp0 = u_star/Ubzu

         Cd = MAX( ztmp0*ztmp0 , Cx_min )

         !! Roughness length:
         z0 = MIN( z0_from_Cd( zu, Cd,  ppsi=psi_m_andreas(zeta_u) ) , z0_sea_max )

         !! z0t and z0q, based on LKB, just like into COARE 2.5:
         ztmp0 = z0 * u_star / visc_air(t_zu) ! Re_r
         ztmp1 = z0tq_LKB( 1, ztmp0, z0 )     ! z0t
         ztmp2 = z0tq_LKB( 2, ztmp0, z0 )     ! z0q

         !! Turbulent scales at zu :
         ztmp0 = psi_h_andreas(zeta_u)  ! lolo: zeta_u for scalars???
         t_star  = (t_zu - sst)*vkarmn/(LOG(zu) - LOG(ztmp1) - ztmp0)  ! theta* (ztmp1 == z0t in rhs term)
         q_star  = (q_zu - ssq)*vkarmn/(LOG(zu) - LOG(ztmp2) - ztmp0)  !   q*   (ztmp2 == z0q in rhs term)

         IF( (.NOT. l_zt_equal_zu).AND.( jit > 1 ) ) THEN
            !! Re-updating temperature and humidity at zu if zt /= zu:
            ztmp0 = zeta_u/zu*zt   ! zeta_t
            ztmp0 = LOG(zt/zu) + psi_h_andreas(zeta_u) - psi_h_andreas(ztmp0)
            t_zu = t_zt - t_star/vkarmn*ztmp0
            q_zu = q_zt - q_star/vkarmn*ztmp0
            RiB  = Ri_bulk( zu, sst, t_zu, ssq, q_zu, Ubzu ) !LOLO

         !! Update neutral-stability wind at zu:
         UN10 = MAX( 0.1_wp , UN10_from_ustar( zu, Ubzu, u_star, psi_m_andreas(zeta_u) ) ) ! UN10

      END DO !DO jit = 1, nbit

      ! Compute transfer coefficients at zu:
      ztmp0 = u_star/Ubzu

      Cd = MAX( ztmp0*ztmp0 , Cx_min )   ! the earlier use of Cx_min on u* should make use of Cx_min here unnecessary!

      ztmp1 = t_zu - sst ;  ztmp1 = SIGN( MAX(ABS(ztmp1),1.E-6_wp), ztmp1 )  ! dt_zu
      ztmp2 = q_zu - ssq ;  ztmp2 = SIGN( MAX(ABS(ztmp2),1.E-9_wp), ztmp2 )  ! dq_zu
      Ch   = MAX( ztmp0*t_star/ztmp1 , rCs_min )
      Ce   = MAX( ztmp0*q_star/ztmp2 , rCs_min )

      !! Neutral-stability coefficients:
      ztmp0 = 1._wp/LOG(zu/z0)
      ztmp1 = z0 * u_star / visc_air(t_zu)  ! Re_r
      IF(PRESENT(CdN)) CdN = vkarmn2*ztmp0*ztmp0
      IF(PRESENT(ChN)) ChN = vkarmn2*ztmp0/LOG(zu/z0tq_LKB( 1, ztmp1, z0 ))
      IF(PRESENT(CeN)) CeN = vkarmn2*ztmp0/LOG(zu/z0tq_LKB( 2, ztmp1, z0 ))
   END SUBROUTINE turb_andreas

      !! Estimate of the friction velocity as a function of the neutral-stability wind
      !! speed at at 10m
      !! Origin: Eq.(2.2) of Andreas et al. (2015)
      !! ** Author: L. Brodeau, April 2020 / AeroBulk (
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in) :: pun10          !: neutral-stability scalar wind speed at 10m (m/s)
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj)             :: u_star_andreas !: friction velocity    [m/s]
      INTEGER  ::     ji, jj ! dummy loop indices
      REAL(wp) :: za, zt, zw ! local scalars
      DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
            zw  = pun10(ji,jj)
            za = zw - 8.271_wp
            zt = za + SQRT( 0.12_wp*za*za + 0.181_wp )
            u_star_andreas(ji,jj) =   0.239_wp + 0.0433_wp * zt

   FUNCTION psi_m_andreas( pzeta )
      !!      Universal profile stability function for momentum
      !!  TO DO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      !! LOLO: paper says Paulson 1970 when unstable and Grachev et al 2007 for STABLE
      !! pzeta : stability paramenter, z/L where z is altitude measurement
      !!         and L is M-O length
      !! ** Author: L. Brodeau, April 2020 / AeroBulk (
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: psi_m_andreas
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in) :: pzeta
      REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: zam  = 5._wp      ! a_m (just below Eq.(9b)
      REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: zbm = zam/6.5_wp  ! b_m (just below Eq.(9b)
      REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: z1o3 = 1._wp/3._wp
      REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: zsr3 = SQRT(3._wp)
      INTEGER  ::   ji, jj    ! dummy loop indices
      REAL(wp) :: zta, zx2, zx, zpsi_unst, zbbm, zpsi_stab,  zstab   ! local scalars
      DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
            zta = MIN( pzeta(ji,jj) , 15._wp ) !! Very stable conditions (L positif and big!)
            !! *** Unstable: Paulson (1970): #LOLO: DOUBLE CHECK IT IS PAULSON!!!!!
            zx2 = SQRT( ABS(1._wp - 16._wp*zta) )  ! (1 - 16z)^0.5
            zx2 = MAX( zx2 , 1._wp )
            zx  = SQRT(zx2)                          ! (1 - 16z)^0.25
            zpsi_unst = 2._wp*LOG(ABS( (1._wp + zx )*0.5_wp ))   &
               &            + LOG(ABS( (1._wp + zx2)*0.5_wp ))   &
               &          - 2._wp*ATAN(zx) + rpi*0.5_wp
            !! *** Stable: Grachev et al 2007 (SHEBA) [Eq.(12) Grachev et al 2007]:
            zx   = ABS(1._wp + zta)**z1o3
            zbbm = ABS( (1._wp - zbm)/zbm )**z1o3 ! B_m
            zpsi_stab = -3.*zam/zbm*(zx - 1._wp) + zam*zbbm/(2.*zbm) * ( &
               &        2.*LOG(ABS( (   zx     +   zbbm         )/(1._wp        +   zbbm   ) )) &
               &         - LOG(ABS( (zx*zx - zx*zbbm + zbbm*zbbm)/(1._wp - zbbm + zbbm*zbbm) )) &
               & + 2.*zsr3*( ATAN( (2.*zx - zbbm)/(zsr3*zbbm) ) - ATAN( (2._wp - zbbm)/(zsr3*zbbm) ) ) )
            zstab = 0.5_wp + SIGN(0.5_wp, zta) ! zta > 0 => zstab = 1
            psi_m_andreas(ji,jj) =       zstab  * zpsi_stab &  ! (zta > 0) Stable
               &              + (1._wp - zstab) * zpsi_unst    ! (zta < 0) Unstable
   END FUNCTION psi_m_andreas

   FUNCTION psi_h_andreas( pzeta )
      !! Universal profile stability function for temperature and humidity
      !!    TO DO
      !!       !! LOLO: paper says Paulson 1970 when unstable and Grachev et al 2007 for STABLE
      !! pzeta : stability paramenter, z/L where z is altitude measurement
      !!         and L is M-O length
      !! ** Author: L. Brodeau, June 2016 / AeroBulk (
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: psi_h_andreas
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in) :: pzeta
      REAL(wp), PARAMETER ::  zah = 5._wp       ! a_h (just below Eq.(9b)
      REAL(wp), PARAMETER ::  zbh = 5._wp       ! b_h (just below Eq.(9b)
      REAL(wp), PARAMETER ::  zch = 3._wp       ! c_h (just below Eq.(9b)
      REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: zbbh = SQRT(5._wp) ! B_h (just below Eq.(13)
      INTEGER  ::   ji, jj     ! dummy loop indices
      REAL(wp) :: zta, zz, zx2, zpsi_unst, zpsi_stab, zstab  ! local scalars
      DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
            zta = MIN( pzeta(ji,jj) , 15._wp ) !! Very stable conditions (L positif and large!)
            !! *** Unstable: Paulson (1970): #LOLO: DOUBLE CHECK IT IS PAULSON!!!!!
            zx2 = SQRT( ABS(1._wp - 16._wp*zta) )  ! (1 -16z)^0.5
            zx2 = MAX( zx2 , 1._wp )
            zpsi_unst = 2._wp*LOG( 0.5_wp*(1._wp + zx2) )
            !! *** Stable: Grachev et al 2007 (SHEBA) [Eq.(13) Grachev et al 2007]:
            zz = 2.*zta + zch
            zpsi_stab = - 0.5*zbh*LOG(ABS(1._wp + zch*zta + zta*zta)) &
               &        +  (-zah/zbbh + 0.5*zbh*zch/zbbh)  &
               &          *( LOG(ABS((zz  - zbbh)/(zz  + zbbh))) &
               &           - LOG(ABS((zch - zbbh)/(zch + zbbh)))    )
            zstab = 0.5_wp + SIGN(0.5_wp, zta) ! zta > 0 => zstab = 1
            psi_h_andreas(ji,jj) =            zstab  * zpsi_stab &  ! (zta > 0) Stable
               &                   + (1._wp - zstab) * zpsi_unst    ! (zta < 0) Unstable
   END FUNCTION psi_h_andreas

END MODULE sbcblk_algo_andreas