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Guillaume Samson committed
MODULE dynspg_ts

   !! Includes ROMS wd scheme with diagnostic outputs ; puu(:,:,:,Kmm) and puu(:,:,:,Krhs) updates are commented out ! 

   !!                   ***  MODULE  dynspg_ts  ***
   !! Ocean dynamics:  surface pressure gradient trend, split-explicit scheme
   !! History :   1.0  ! 2004-12  (L. Bessieres, G. Madec)  Original code
   !!              -   ! 2005-11  (V. Garnier, G. Madec)  optimization
   !!              -   ! 2006-08  (S. Masson)  distributed restart using iom
   !!             2.0  ! 2007-07  (D. Storkey) calls to BDY routines
   !!              -   ! 2008-01  (R. Benshila)  change averaging method
   !!             3.2  ! 2009-07  (R. Benshila, G. Madec) Complete revisit associated to vvl reactivation
   !!             3.3  ! 2010-09  (D. Storkey, E. O'Dea) update for BDY for Shelf configurations
   !!             3.3  ! 2011-03  (R. Benshila, R. Hordoir, P. Oddo) update calculation of ub_b
   !!             3.5  ! 2013-07  (J. Chanut) Switch to Forward-backward time stepping
   !!             3.6  ! 2013-11  (A. Coward) Update for z-tilde compatibility
   !!             3.7  ! 2015-11  (J. Chanut) free surface simplification
   !!              -   ! 2016-12  (G. Madec, E. Clementi) update for Stoke-Drift divergence
   !!             4.0  ! 2017-05  (G. Madec)  drag coef. defined at t-point (zdfdrg.F90)

   !!   dyn_spg_ts     : compute surface pressure gradient trend using a time-splitting scheme 
   !!   dyn_spg_ts_init: initialisation of the time-splitting scheme
   !!   ts_wgt         : set time-splitting weights for temporal averaging (or not)
   !!   ts_rst         : read/write time-splitting fields in restart file
   USE oce             ! ocean dynamics and tracers
   USE dom_oce         ! ocean space and time domain
   USE sbc_oce         ! surface boundary condition: ocean
   USE isf_oce         ! ice shelf variable (fwfisf)
   USE zdf_oce         ! vertical physics: variables
   USE zdfdrg          ! vertical physics: top/bottom drag coef.
   USE sbcapr          ! surface boundary condition: atmospheric pressure
   USE dynadv    , ONLY: ln_dynadv_vec
   USE dynvor          ! vortivity scheme indicators
   USE phycst          ! physical constants
   USE dynvor          ! vorticity term
   USE wet_dry         ! wetting/drying flux limter
   USE bdy_oce         ! open boundary
   USE bdyvol          ! open boundary volume conservation
   USE bdytides        ! open boundary condition data
   USE bdydyn2d        ! open boundary conditions on barotropic variables
   USE tide_mod        !
   USE sbcwave         ! surface wave
#if defined key_agrif
   USE agrif_oce_interp ! agrif
   USE agrif_oce
#if defined key_asminc   
   USE asminc          ! Assimilation increment
   USE in_out_manager  ! I/O manager
   USE lib_mpp         ! distributed memory computing library
   USE lbclnk          ! ocean lateral boundary conditions (or mpp link)
   USE prtctl          ! Print control
   USE iom             ! IOM library
   USE restart         ! only for lrst_oce

   USE iom   ! to remove


   PUBLIC dyn_spg_ts        ! called by dyn_spg 
   PUBLIC dyn_spg_ts_init   !    -    - dyn_spg_init

   !! Time filtered arrays at baroclinic time step:
   REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) ::   un_adv , vn_adv   !: Advection vel. at "now" barocl. step
   INTEGER, SAVE :: icycle      ! Number of barotropic sub-steps for each internal step nn_e <= 2.5 nn_e
   REAL(wp),SAVE :: rDt_e       ! Barotropic time step
   REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:)   ::   wgtbtp1, wgtbtp2   ! 1st & 2nd weights used in time filtering of barotropic fields
   REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) ::   zwz                ! ff_f/h at F points
   REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) ::   ftnw, ftne         ! triad of coriolis parameter
   REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) ::   ftsw, ftse         ! (only used with een vorticity scheme)

   REAL(wp) ::   r1_12 = 1._wp / 12._wp   ! local ratios
   REAL(wp) ::   r1_8  = 0.125_wp         !
   REAL(wp) ::   r1_4  = 0.25_wp          !
   REAL(wp) ::   r1_2  = 0.5_wp           !

   !! * Substitutions
#  include "do_loop_substitute.h90"
#  include "domzgr_substitute.h90"
   !! NEMO/OCE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018)
   !! $Id: dynspg_ts.F90 15489 2021-11-10 09:18:39Z jchanut $
   !! Software governed by the CeCILL license (see ./LICENSE)

   INTEGER FUNCTION dyn_spg_ts_alloc()
      !!                  ***  routine dyn_spg_ts_alloc  ***
      INTEGER :: ierr(3)
      ierr(:) = 0
      ALLOCATE( wgtbtp1(3*nn_e), wgtbtp2(3*nn_e), zwz(jpi,jpj), STAT=ierr(1) )
      IF( ln_dynvor_een .OR. ln_dynvor_eeT )   &
         &     ALLOCATE( ftnw(jpi,jpj) , ftne(jpi,jpj) , ftsw(jpi,jpj) , ftse(jpi,jpj), STAT=ierr(2)   )
      ALLOCATE( un_adv(jpi,jpj), vn_adv(jpi,jpj)                    , STAT=ierr(3) )
      dyn_spg_ts_alloc = MAXVAL( ierr(:) )
      CALL mpp_sum( 'dynspg_ts', dyn_spg_ts_alloc )
      IF( dyn_spg_ts_alloc /= 0 )   CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'dyn_spg_ts_alloc: failed to allocate arrays' )
   END FUNCTION dyn_spg_ts_alloc

   SUBROUTINE dyn_spg_ts( kt, Kbb, Kmm, Krhs, puu, pvv, pssh, puu_b, pvv_b, Kaa, k_only_ADV )
      !! ** Purpose : - Compute the now trend due to the explicit time stepping
      !!              of the quasi-linear barotropic system, and add it to the
      !!              general momentum trend. 
      !! ** Method  : - split-explicit schem (time splitting) :
      !!      Barotropic variables are advanced from internal time steps
      !!      "n"   to "n+1" if ln_bt_fw=T
      !!      or from 
      !!      "n-1" to "n+1" if ln_bt_fw=F
      !!      thanks to a generalized forward-backward time stepping (see ref. below).
      !! ** Action :
      !!      -Update the filtered free surface at step "n+1"      : pssh(:,:,Kaa)
      !!      -Update filtered barotropic velocities at step "n+1" : puu_b(:,:,:,Kaa), vv_b(:,:,:,Kaa)
      !!      -Compute barotropic advective fluxes at step "n"     : un_adv, vn_adv
      !!      These are used to advect tracers and are compliant with discrete
      !!      continuity equation taken at the baroclinic time steps. This 
      !!      ensures tracers conservation.
      !!      - (puu(:,:,:,Krhs), pvv(:,:,:,Krhs)) momentum trend updated with barotropic component.
      !! References : Shchepetkin and McWilliams, Ocean Modelling, 2005. 
      INTEGER                             , INTENT( in )  ::  kt                  ! ocean time-step index
      INTEGER                             , INTENT( in )  ::  Kbb, Kmm, Krhs, Kaa ! ocean time level indices
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk,jpt), INTENT(inout) ::  puu, pvv            ! ocean velocities and RHS of momentum equation
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpt)    , INTENT(inout) ::  pssh, puu_b, pvv_b  ! SSH and barotropic velocities at main time levels
      INTEGER , OPTIONAL                  , INTENT( in )  ::  k_only_ADV          ! only Advection in the RHS
      INTEGER  ::   ji, jj, jk, jn        ! dummy loop indices
      LOGICAL  ::   ll_fw_start           ! =T : forward integration 
      LOGICAL  ::   ll_init               ! =T : special startup of 2d equations
      INTEGER  ::   noffset               ! local integers  : time offset for bdy update
      REAL(wp) ::   r1_Dt_b, z1_hu, z1_hv          ! local scalars
      REAL(wp) ::   za0, za1, za2, za3              !   -      -
      REAL(wp) ::   zztmp, zldg               !   -      -
      REAL(wp) ::   zhu_bck, zhv_bck, zhdiv         !   -      -
      REAL(wp) ::   zun_save, zvn_save              !   -      -
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zu_trd, zu_frc, zu_spg, zssh_frc
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zv_trd, zv_frc, zv_spg
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zsshu_a, zhup2_e, zhtp2_e
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zsshv_a, zhvp2_e, zsshp2_e
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zCdU_u, zCdU_v   ! top/bottom stress at u- & v-points
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zhU, zhV         ! fluxes
!!st#if defined key_qco 
!!st      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi, jpj, jpk) :: ze3u, ze3v
      REAL(wp) ::   zwdramp                     ! local scalar - only used if ln_wd_dl = .True. 

      INTEGER  :: iwdg, jwdg, kwdg   ! short-hand values for the indices of the output point

      REAL(wp) ::   zepsilon, zgamma            !   -      -
      REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: zcpx, zcpy   ! Wetting/Dying gravity filter coef.
      REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: ztwdmask, zuwdmask, zvwdmask ! ROMS wetting and drying masks at t,u,v points
      REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: zuwdav2, zvwdav2    ! averages over the sub-steps of zuwdmask and zvwdmask
      REAL(wp) ::   zt0substep !   Time of day at the beginning of the time substep
      IF( ln_wd_il ) ALLOCATE( zcpx(jpi,jpj), zcpy(jpi,jpj) )
      !                                         !* Allocate temporary arrays
      IF( ln_wd_dl ) ALLOCATE( ztwdmask(jpi,jpj), zuwdmask(jpi,jpj), zvwdmask(jpi,jpj), zuwdav2(jpi,jpj), zvwdav2(jpi,jpj))
      zwdramp = r_rn_wdmin1               ! simplest ramp 
!     zwdramp = 1._wp / (rn_wdmin2 - rn_wdmin1) ! more general ramp
      !                                         ! inverse of baroclinic time step 
      r1_Dt_b = 1._wp / rDt 
      ll_init     = ln_bt_av                    ! if no time averaging, then no specific restart 
      ll_fw_start = .FALSE.
      !                                         ! time offset in steps for bdy data update
      IF( .NOT.ln_bt_fw ) THEN   ;   noffset = - nn_e
      ELSE                       ;   noffset =   0 
      IF( kt == nit000 ) THEN                   !* initialisation
         IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)
         IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'dyn_spg_ts : surface pressure gradient trend'
         IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~   free surface with time splitting'
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