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Guillaume Samson's avatar
Guillaume Samson committed
!! NEMO/OCE :   Reference namelist_ref                                !!
!! NEMO/OCE  :  1 - Domain & run manager (namrun, namcfg, namdom, namzgr, namzgr_sco )
!!              2 - diagnostics      (namnc4)
!!              3 - miscellaneous    (nammpp, namctl)
&namrun        !   parameters of the run
   cn_exp      =  "ORCA2"  !  experience name
   nn_it000    =       1   !  first time step
   nn_itend    =    5840   !  last  time step (std 5840)
   nn_date0    =  010101   !  date at nit_0000 (format yyyymmdd) used if ln_rstart=F or (ln_rstart=T and nn_rstctl=0 or 1)
   nn_time0    =       0   !  initial time of day in hhmm
   nn_leapy    =       0   !  Leap year calendar (1) or not (0)
   ln_mskland  = .false.   !  mask land points in NetCDF outputs (costly: + ~15%)
   ln_clobber  = .true.    !  clobber (overwrite) an existing file
   nn_chunksz  =       0   !  chunksize (bytes) for NetCDF file (works only with iom_nf90 routines)
   ln_cfmeta   = .false.   !  output additional data to netCDF files required for compliance with the CF metadata standard
   ln_iscpl    = .false.   !  cavity evolution forcing or coupling to ice sheet model
&namdom        !   space and time domain (bathymetry, mesh, timestep)
   ln_read_cfg = .false.   !  Read from a domain_cfg file
   nn_bathy    =    1      ! = 0 compute analyticaly
                           ! = 1 read the bathymetry file
                           ! = 2 compute from external bathymetry
                           ! = 3 compute from parent (if "key_agrif")
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Guillaume Samson committed
   nn_interp   =    1                          ! type of interpolation (nn_bathy =2)
   cn_domcfg   = ' '       ! Name of the domain_cfg input file
   cn_fcoord   =  ''             ! external coordinates file (jphgr_msh = 0)
   cn_topo     =  '           '  ! external topo file (nn_bathy =1/2)
   cn_topolvl  =  '           '  ! external topo file (nn_bathy =1)
   cn_fisfd    =  ''         ! external isf draft (nn_bathy =1 and ln_isfcav = .true.)
   cn_bath     =  'Bathymetry'                 ! topo name in file  (nn_bathy =1/2)
   cn_bathlvl  =  'Bathy_level'                ! lvl name in file   (nn_bathy =1)
   cn_visfd    =  'isf_draft'                  ! isf draft variable (nn_bathy =1 and ln_isfcav = .true.)
   cn_lon      =  'nav_lon'                    ! lon  name in file  (nn_bathy =2)
   cn_lat      =  'nav_lat'                    ! lat  name in file  (nn_bathy =2)
   rn_scale    =    1.     !  multiplicative factor to account for possibly negative input bathymetry (agrif only) 
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Guillaume Samson committed
   rn_bathy    =    0.     !  value of the bathymetry. if (=0) bottom flat at jpkm1
   nn_msh      =    0      !  create (=1) a mesh file or not (=0)
   rn_hmin     =   -3.     !  min depth of the ocean (>0) or min number of ocean level (<0)
   rn_e3zps_min=   20.     !  partial step thickness is set larger than the minimum of
   rn_e3zps_rat=    0.1    !  rn_e3zps_min and rn_e3zps_rat*e3t, with 0<rn_e3zps_rat<1
   rn_rdt      = 5760.     !  time step for the dynamics (and tracer if nn_acc=0)
   rn_atfp     =    0.1    !  asselin time filter parameter
   ln_crs      = .false.      !  Logical switch for coarsening module
   jphgr_msh   =       0               !  type of horizontal mesh
                                       !  = 0 curvilinear coordinate on the sphere read in
                                       !  = 1 geographical mesh on the sphere with regular grid-spacing
                                       !  = 2 f-plane with regular grid-spacing
                                       !  = 3 beta-plane with regular grid-spacing
                                       !  = 4 Mercator grid with T/U point at the equator
   ppglam0     =       0.0             !  longitude of first raw and column T-point (jphgr_msh = 1)
   ppgphi0     =     -35.0             ! latitude  of first raw and column T-point (jphgr_msh = 1)
   ppe1_deg    =       1.0             !  zonal      grid-spacing (degrees)
   ppe2_deg    =       0.5             !  meridional grid-spacing (degrees)
   ppe1_m      =    5000.0             !  zonal      grid-spacing (degrees)
   ppe2_m      =    5000.0             !  meridional grid-spacing (degrees)
   ppsur       =    -4762.96143546300  !  ORCA r4, r2 and r05 coefficients
   ppa0        =      255.58049070440  ! (default coefficients)
   ppa1        =      245.58132232490  !
   ppkth       =       21.43336197938  !
   ppacr       =        3.0            !
   ppdzmin     =       10.             !  Minimum vertical spacing
   pphmax      =     5000.             !  Maximum depth
   ldbletanh   =    .TRUE.             !  Use/do not use double tanf function for vertical coordinates
   ppa2        =      100.760928500000 !  Double tanh function parameters
   ppkth2      =       48.029893720000 !
   ppacr2      =       13.000000000000 !
&namcfg        !   parameters of the configuration
   ln_e3_dep   = .true.    ! =T : e3=dk[depth] in discret sens.
   !                       !      ===>>> will become the only possibility in v4.0
   !                       ! =F : e3 analytical derivative of depth function
   !                       !      only there for backward compatibility test with v3.6
   !                       !
      !                       ! if ln_e3_dep = T 
      ln_dept_mid = .false.   ! =T : set T points in the middle of cells 
      !                       ! =F : e3 analytical depth function
      !                       !
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Guillaume Samson committed
   cp_cfg      =  "orca"   !  name of the configuration
   jp_cfg      =       2   !  resolution of the configuration
   jpidta      =     180   !  1st lateral dimension ( >= jpi )
   jpjdta      =     148   !  2nd    "         "    ( >= jpj )
   jpkdta      =      31   !  number of levels      ( >= jpk )
   Ni0glo      =     180   !  1st dimension of global domain --> i =jpidta
   Nj0glo      =     148   !  2nd    -                  -    --> j  =jpjdta
   jpkglo      =      31
   jperio      =       4   !  lateral cond. type (between 0 and 6)
   ln_use_jattr = .false.  !  use (T) the file attribute: open_ocean_jstart, if present
                           !  in netcdf input files, as the start j-row for reading
   ln_domclo = .false.     ! computation of closed sea masks (see namclo)
&namzgr        !   vertical coordinate                                  (default: NO selection)
   ln_zco      = .false.   !  z-coordinate - full    steps
   ln_zps      = .false.   !  z-coordinate - partial steps
   ln_sco      = .false.   !  s- or hybrid z-s-coordinate
   ln_isfcav   = .false.   !  ice shelf cavity             (T: see namzgr_isf)
&namzgr_isf    !   isf cavity geometry definition                       (default: OFF)
   rn_isfdep_min    = 10.         ! minimum isf draft tickness (if lower, isf draft set to this value)
   rn_glhw_min      = 1.e-3       ! minimum water column thickness to define the grounding line
   rn_isfhw_min     = 10          ! minimum water column thickness in the cavity once the grounding line defined.
   ln_isfchannel    = .false.     ! remove channel (based on 2d mask build from isfdraft-bathy)
   ln_isfconnect    = .false.     ! force connection under the ice shelf (based on 2d mask build from isfdraft-bathy)
      nn_kisfmax       = 999         ! limiter in level on the previous condition. (if change larger than this number, get back to value before we enforce the connection)
      rn_zisfmax       = 7000.       ! limiter in m     on the previous condition. (if change larger than this number, get back to value before we enforce the connection)
   ln_isfcheminey   = .false.     ! close cheminey
   ln_isfsubgl      = .false.     ! remove subglacial lake created by the remapping process
      rn_isfsubgllon   =    0.0      !  longitude of the seed to determine the open ocean
      rn_isfsubgllat   =    0.0      !  latitude  of the seed to determine the open ocean
&namzgr_sco    !   s-coordinate or hybrid z-s-coordinate                (default: OFF)
   ln_s_sh94   = .false.    !  Song & Haidvogel 1994 hybrid S-sigma   (T)|
   ln_s_sf12   = .false.   !  Siddorn & Furner 2012 hybrid S-z-sigma (T)| if both are false the NEMO tanh stretching is applied
   ln_sigcrit  = .false.   !  use sigma coordinates below critical depth (T) or Z coordinates (F) for Siddorn & Furner stretch
                           !  stretching coefficients for all functions
   rn_sbot_min =   10.0    !  minimum depth of s-bottom surface (>0) (m)
   rn_sbot_max = 7000.0    !  maximum depth of s-bottom surface (= ocean depth) (>0) (m)
   rn_hc       =  150.0    !  critical depth for transition to stretched coordinates
                        !!!!!!!  Envelop bathymetry
   rn_rmax     =    0.3    !  maximum cut-off r-value allowed (0<r_max<1)
                        !!!!!!!  SH94 stretching coefficients  (ln_s_sh94 = .true.)
   rn_theta    =    6.0    !  surface control parameter (0<=theta<=20)
   rn_bb       =    0.8    !  stretching with SH94 s-sigma
                        !!!!!!!  SF12 stretching coefficient  (ln_s_sf12 = .true.)
   rn_alpha    =    4.4    !  stretching with SF12 s-sigma
   rn_efold    =    0.0    !  efold length scale for transition to stretched coord
   rn_zs       =    1.0    !  depth of surface grid box
                           !  bottom cell depth (Zb) is a linear function of water depth Zb = H*a + b
   rn_zb_a     =    0.024  !  bathymetry scaling factor for calculating Zb
   rn_zb_b     =   -0.2    !  offset for calculating Zb
                        !!!!!!!! Other stretching (not SH94 or SF12) [also uses rn_theta above]
   rn_thetb    =    1.0    !  bottom control parameter  (0<=thetb<= 1)
&namclo ! (closed sea : need ln_domclo = .true. in namcfg)              (default: OFF)
   rn_lon_opnsea =  0.0    ! longitude seed of open ocean
   rn_lat_opnsea =  0.0    ! latitude  seed of open ocean
   nn_closea = 8           ! number of closed seas ( = 0; only the open_sea mask will be computed)
   !                name   ! lon_src ! lat_src ! lon_trg ! lat_trg ! river mouth area   ! correction scheme ! radius trg   ! id trg
   !                       ! (degree)! (degree)! (degree)! (degree)! local/coast/global ! (glo/rnf/emp)     !     (m)      !
   ! North American lakes
   sn_lake(1) = 'superior' ,  -86.57 ,  47.30  , -66.49  , 50.45   , 'local'            , 'rnf'             ,   550000.0   , 2    
   sn_lake(2) = 'michigan' ,  -87.06 ,  42.74  , -66.49  , 50.45   , 'local'            , 'rnf'             ,   550000.0   , 2    
   sn_lake(3) = 'huron'    ,  -82.51 ,  44.74  , -66.49  , 50.45   , 'local'            , 'rnf'             ,   550000.0   , 2    
   sn_lake(4) = 'erie'     ,  -81.13 ,  42.25  , -66.49  , 50.45   , 'local'            , 'rnf'             ,   550000.0   , 2    
   sn_lake(5) = 'ontario'  ,  -77.72 ,  43.62  , -66.49  , 50.45   , 'local'            , 'rnf'             ,   550000.0   , 2    
   ! African Lake
   sn_lake(6) = 'victoria' ,   32.93 ,  -1.08  ,  30.44  , 31.37   , 'coast'            , 'emp'             ,   100000.0   , 3    
   ! Asian Lakes
   sn_lake(7) = 'caspian'  ,   50.0  ,  44.0   ,   0.0   ,  0.0    , 'global'           , 'glo'             ,        0.0   , 1     
   sn_lake(8) = 'aral'     ,   60.0  ,  45.0   ,   0.0   ,  0.0    , 'global'           , 'glo'             ,        0.0   , 1    
&namlbc        !   lateral momentum boundary condition                  (default: NO selection)
   !                       !  free slip  !   partial slip  !   no slip   ! strong slip
   rn_shlat    =  0        !  shlat = 0  !  0 < shlat < 2  !  shlat = 2  !  2 < shlat
   ln_vorlat   = .false.   !  consistency of vorticity boundary condition with analytical Eqs.
&namagrif      !  AGRIF zoom                                            ("key_agrif")
   ln_remove_closedseas = .true. ! Fill lakes inside zoom
   ln_vert_remap = .false. ! volume conserving update 
   npt_connect   = 2
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Guillaume Samson committed
&nammpp        !   Massively Parallel Processing                        ("key_mpp_mpi")
   ln_listonly =  .false.  !  do nothing else than listing the best domain decompositions (with land domains suppression)
   !                       !  if T: the largest number of cores tested is defined by max(mppsize, jpni*jpnj)
   ln_nnogather =  .true.  !  activate code to avoid mpi_allgather use at the northfold
   jpni        =   0       !  number of processors following i (set automatically if < 1), see also ln_listonly = T
   jpnj        =   0       !  number of processors following j (set automatically if < 1), see also ln_listonly = T
   nn_hls      =   1       !  halo width (applies to both rows and columns)
&namctl        !   Control prints                                       (default: OFF)
   sn_cfctl%l_runstat = .FALSE.   ! switches and which areas produce reports with the proc integer settings.
   sn_cfctl%l_trcstat = .FALSE.   ! The default settings for the proc integers should ensure
   sn_cfctl%l_oceout  = .FALSE.   ! that  all areas report.
   sn_cfctl%l_layout  = .FALSE.   !
   sn_cfctl%l_prtctl  = .FALSE.   !
   sn_cfctl%l_prttrc  = .FALSE.   !
   sn_cfctl%l_oasout  = .FALSE.   !
   sn_cfctl%procmin   = 0         ! Minimum area number for reporting [default:0]
   sn_cfctl%procmax   = 1000000   ! Maximum area number for reporting [default:1000000]
   sn_cfctl%procincr  = 1         ! Increment for optional subsetting of areas [default:1]
   sn_cfctl%ptimincr  = 1         ! Timestep increment for writing time step progress info
   nn_ictls    =    0             !  start i indice of control sum (use to compare mono versus
   nn_ictle    =    0             !  end   i indice of control sum        multi processor runs
   nn_jctls    =    0             !  start j indice of control               over a subdomain)
   nn_jctle    =    0             !  end   j indice of control
   nn_isplt    =    1             !  number of processors in i-direction
   nn_jsplt    =    1             !  number of processors in j-direction
   ln_timing   = .false.          !  timing by routine write out in timing.output file
   ln_diacfl   = .false.          !  CFL diagnostics write out in cfl_diagnostics.ascii