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ldftra.F90 53.48 KiB
MODULE ldftra
!! *** MODULE ldftra ***
!! Ocean physics: lateral diffusivity coefficients
!! History : ! 1997-07 (G. Madec) from inimix.F split in 2 routines
!! NEMO 1.0 ! 2002-09 (G. Madec) F90: Free form and module
!! 2.0 ! 2005-11 (G. Madec)
!! 3.7 ! 2013-12 (F. Lemarie, G. Madec) restructuration/simplification of aht/aeiv specification,
!! ! add velocity dependent coefficient and optional read in file
!! 4.3 ! 2023-02 (J. Mak, A. C. Coward, G. Madec) added GEOMETRIC parameterization
!! ldf_tra_init : initialization, namelist read, and parameters control
!! ldf_tra : update lateral eddy diffusivity coefficients at each time step
!! ldf_eiv_init : initialization of the eiv coeff. from namelist choices
!! ldf_eiv : time evolution of the eiv coefficients (function of the growth rate of baroclinic instability)
!! ldf_eiv_trp : add to the input ocean transport the contribution of the EIV parametrization
!! ldf_eiv_dia : diagnose the eddy induced velocity from the eiv streamfunction
USE oce ! ocean dynamics and tracers
USE dom_oce ! ocean space and time domain
USE phycst ! physical constants
USE ldfslp ! lateral diffusion: slope of iso-neutral surfaces
USE ldfc1d_c2d ! lateral diffusion: 1D & 2D cases
USE diaptr
USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager
USE iom ! I/O module for ehanced bottom friction file
USE lib_mpp ! distribued memory computing library
USE lbclnk ! ocean lateral boundary conditions (or mpp link)
PUBLIC ldf_tra_init ! called by nemogcm.F90
PUBLIC ldf_tra ! called by step.F90
PUBLIC ldf_eiv_init ! called by nemogcm.F90
PUBLIC ldf_eiv ! called by step.F90
PUBLIC ldf_eiv_trp ! called by traadv.F90
PUBLIC ldf_eiv_dia ! called by traldf_iso and traldf_iso_triad.F90
! !!* Namelist namtra_ldf : lateral mixing on tracers *
! != Operator type =!
LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_traldf_OFF !: no operator: No explicit diffusion
LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_traldf_lap !: laplacian operator
LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_traldf_blp !: bilaplacian operator
! != Direction of action =!
LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_traldf_lev !: iso-level direction
LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_traldf_hor !: horizontal (geopotential) direction
! LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_traldf_iso !: iso-neutral direction (see ldfslp)
! != iso-neutral options =!
! LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_traldf_triad !: griffies triad scheme (see ldfslp)
LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_traldf_msc !: Method of Stabilizing Correction
! LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_triad_iso !: pure horizontal mixing in ML (see ldfslp)
! LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_botmix_triad !: mixing on bottom (see ldfslp)
! REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_sw_triad !: =1/0 switching triad / all 4 triads used (see ldfslp)
! REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_slpmax !: slope limit (see ldfslp)
! != Coefficients =!
INTEGER , PUBLIC :: nn_aht_ijk_t !: choice of time & space variations of the lateral eddy diffusivity coef.
! ! time invariant coefficients: aht_0 = 1/2 Ud*Ld (lap case)
! ! bht_0 = 1/12 Ud*Ld^3 (blp case)
REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_Ud !: lateral diffusive velocity [m/s]
REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_Ld !: lateral diffusive length [m]
! !!* Namelist namtra_eiv : eddy induced velocity param. *
! != Use/diagnose eiv =!
LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_ldfeiv !: eddy induced velocity flag
LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_ldfeiv_dia !: diagnose & output eiv streamfunction and velocity (IOM)
LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: l_ldfeiv_dia !: RK3: modified w.r.t. kstg diagnose & output eiv streamfunction and velocity flag
! != Coefficients =!
INTEGER , PUBLIC :: nn_aei_ijk_t !: choice of time/space variation of the eiv coeff.
REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_Ue !: lateral diffusive velocity [m/s]
REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_Le !: lateral diffusive length [m]
! ! Flag to control the type of lateral diffusive operator
INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: np_ERROR =-10 ! error in specification of lateral diffusion
INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: np_no_ldf = 00 ! without operator (i.e. no lateral diffusive trend)
! !! laplacian ! bilaplacian !
INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: np_lap = 10 , np_blp = 20 ! iso-level operator
INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: np_lap_i = 11 , np_blp_i = 21 ! standard iso-neutral or geopotential operator
INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: np_lap_it = 12 , np_blp_it = 22 ! triad iso-neutral or geopotential operator
INTEGER , PUBLIC :: nldf_tra = 0 !: type of lateral diffusion used defined from ln_traldf_... (namlist logicals)
LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: l_ldftra_time = .FALSE. !: flag for time variation of the lateral eddy diffusivity coef.
LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: l_ldfeiv_time = .FALSE. !: flag for time variation of the eiv coef.
LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_eke_equ !: flag for having updates to eddy energy equation
LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: l_ldfeke = .FALSE. !: GEOMETRIC - total EKE flag
LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: l_eke_eiv = .FALSE. !: GEOMETRIC - aeiw flag
REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: ahtu, ahtv !: eddy diffusivity coef. at U- and V-points [m2/s]
REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: aeiu, aeiv !: eddy induced velocity coeff. [m2/s]
REAL(wp) :: aht0, aei0 ! constant eddy coefficients (deduced from namelist values) [m2/s]
REAL(wp) :: r1_2 = 0.5_wp ! =1/2
REAL(wp) :: r1_4 = 0.25_wp ! =1/4
REAL(wp) :: r1_12 = 1._wp / 12._wp ! =1/12
!! * Substitutions
# include "do_loop_substitute.h90"
# include "domzgr_substitute.h90"
!! NEMO/OCE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018)
!! $Id: ldftra.F90 15512 2021-11-15 17:22:03Z techene $
!! Software governed by the CeCILL license (see ./LICENSE)
SUBROUTINE ldf_tra_init
!! *** ROUTINE ldf_tra_init ***
!! ** Purpose : initializations of the tracer lateral mixing coeff.
!! ** Method : * the eddy diffusivity coef. specification depends on:
!! ln_traldf_lap = T laplacian operator
!! ln_traldf_blp = T bilaplacian operator
!! nn_aht_ijk_t = 0 => = constant
!! !
!! = 10 => = F(z) : constant with a reduction of 1/4 with depth
!! !
!! =-20 => = F(i,j) = shape read in '' file
!! = 20 = F(i,j) = F(e1,e2) or F(e1^3,e2^3) (lap or bilap case)
!! = 21 = F(i,j,t) = F(growth rate of baroclinic instability)
!! !
!! =-30 => = F(i,j,k) = shape read in '' file
!! = 30 = F(i,j,k) = 2D (case 20) + decrease with depth (case 10)
!! = 31 = F(i,j,k,t) = F(local velocity) ( 1/2 |u|e laplacian operator
!! or 1/12 |u|e^3 bilaplacian operator )
!! * initialisation of the eddy induced velocity coefficient by a call to ldf_eiv_init
!! ** action : ahtu, ahtv initialized one for all or l_ldftra_time set to true
!! aeiu, aeiv initialized one for all or l_ldfeiv_time set to true
INTEGER :: jk ! dummy loop indices
INTEGER :: ioptio, ierr, inum, ios, inn ! local integer
REAL(wp) :: zah_max, zUfac ! - -
CHARACTER(len=5) :: cl_Units ! units (m2/s or m4/s)
NAMELIST/namtra_ldf/ ln_traldf_OFF, ln_traldf_lap , ln_traldf_blp , & ! type of operator
& ln_traldf_lev, ln_traldf_hor , ln_traldf_triad, & ! acting direction of the operator
& ln_traldf_iso, ln_traldf_msc , rn_slpmax , & ! option for iso-neutral operator
& ln_triad_iso , ln_botmix_triad, rn_sw_triad , & ! option for triad operator
& nn_aht_ijk_t , rn_Ud , rn_Ld ! lateral eddy coefficient
IF(lwp) THEN ! control print
WRITE(numout,*) 'ldf_tra_init : lateral tracer diffusion'
WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~ '
! Choice of lateral tracer physics
! =================================
READ ( numnam_ref, namtra_ldf, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 901)
901 IF( ios /= 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'namtra_ldf in reference namelist' )
READ ( numnam_cfg, namtra_ldf, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 902 )
902 IF( ios > 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'namtra_ldf in configuration namelist' )
IF(lwm) WRITE( numond, namtra_ldf )
IF(lwp) THEN ! control print
WRITE(numout,*) ' Namelist : namtra_ldf --- lateral mixing parameters (type, direction, coefficients)'
WRITE(numout,*) ' type :'
WRITE(numout,*) ' no explicit diffusion ln_traldf_OFF = ', ln_traldf_OFF
WRITE(numout,*) ' laplacian operator ln_traldf_lap = ', ln_traldf_lap
WRITE(numout,*) ' bilaplacian operator ln_traldf_blp = ', ln_traldf_blp
WRITE(numout,*) ' direction of action :'
WRITE(numout,*) ' iso-level ln_traldf_lev = ', ln_traldf_lev
WRITE(numout,*) ' horizontal (geopotential) ln_traldf_hor = ', ln_traldf_hor
WRITE(numout,*) ' iso-neutral Madec operator ln_traldf_iso = ', ln_traldf_iso
WRITE(numout,*) ' iso-neutral triad operator ln_traldf_triad = ', ln_traldf_triad
WRITE(numout,*) ' use the Method of Stab. Correction ln_traldf_msc = ', ln_traldf_msc
WRITE(numout,*) ' maximum isoppycnal slope rn_slpmax = ', rn_slpmax
WRITE(numout,*) ' pure lateral mixing in ML ln_triad_iso = ', ln_triad_iso
WRITE(numout,*) ' switching triad or not rn_sw_triad = ', rn_sw_triad
WRITE(numout,*) ' lateral mixing on bottom ln_botmix_triad = ', ln_botmix_triad
WRITE(numout,*) ' coefficients :'
WRITE(numout,*) ' type of time-space variation nn_aht_ijk_t = ', nn_aht_ijk_t
WRITE(numout,*) ' lateral diffusive velocity (if cst) rn_Ud = ', rn_Ud, ' m/s'
WRITE(numout,*) ' lateral diffusive length (if cst) rn_Ld = ', rn_Ld, ' m'
! Operator and its acting direction (set nldf_tra)
! =================================
nldf_tra = np_ERROR
ioptio = 0
IF( ln_traldf_OFF ) THEN ; nldf_tra = np_no_ldf ; ioptio = ioptio + 1 ; ENDIF
IF( ln_traldf_lap ) THEN ; ioptio = ioptio + 1 ; ENDIF
IF( ln_traldf_blp ) THEN ; ioptio = ioptio + 1 ; ENDIF
IF( ioptio /= 1 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'tra_ldf_init: use ONE of the 3 operator options (NONE/lap/blp)' )
IF( .NOT.ln_traldf_OFF ) THEN !== direction ==>> type of operator ==!
ioptio = 0
IF( ln_traldf_lev ) ioptio = ioptio + 1
IF( ln_traldf_hor ) ioptio = ioptio + 1
IF( ln_traldf_iso ) ioptio = ioptio + 1
IF( ln_traldf_triad ) ioptio = ioptio + 1
IF( ioptio /= 1 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'tra_ldf_init: use ONE direction (level/hor/iso/triad)' )
! ! defined the type of lateral diffusion from ln_traldf_... logicals
ierr = 0
IF ( ln_traldf_lap ) THEN ! laplacian operator
IF ( l_zco .OR. l_zps ) THEN ! z-coordinate with or without partial step
IF ( ln_traldf_lev ) nldf_tra = np_lap ! iso-level = horizontal (no rotation)
IF ( ln_traldf_hor ) nldf_tra = np_lap ! iso-level = horizontal (no rotation)
IF ( ln_traldf_iso ) nldf_tra = np_lap_i ! iso-neutral: standard ( rotation)
IF ( ln_traldf_triad ) nldf_tra = np_lap_it ! iso-neutral: triad ( rotation)
IF ( l_sco ) THEN ! s-coordinate
IF ( ln_traldf_lev ) nldf_tra = np_lap ! iso-level (no rotation)
IF ( ln_traldf_hor ) nldf_tra = np_lap_i ! horizontal ( rotation)
IF ( ln_traldf_iso ) nldf_tra = np_lap_i ! iso-neutral: standard ( rotation)
IF ( ln_traldf_triad ) nldf_tra = np_lap_it ! iso-neutral: triad ( rotation)
IF( ln_traldf_blp ) THEN ! bilaplacian operator
IF ( l_zco .OR. l_zps ) THEN ! z-coordinate with or without partial step
IF ( ln_traldf_lev ) nldf_tra = np_blp ! iso-level = horizontal (no rotation)
IF ( ln_traldf_hor ) nldf_tra = np_blp ! iso-level = horizontal (no rotation)
IF ( ln_traldf_iso ) nldf_tra = np_blp_i ! iso-neutral: standard ( rotation)
IF ( ln_traldf_triad ) nldf_tra = np_blp_it ! iso-neutral: triad ( rotation)
IF ( l_sco ) THEN ! s-coordinate
IF ( ln_traldf_lev ) nldf_tra = np_blp ! iso-level (no rotation)
IF ( ln_traldf_hor ) nldf_tra = np_blp_it ! horizontal ( rotation)
IF ( ln_traldf_iso ) nldf_tra = np_blp_i ! iso-neutral: standard ( rotation)
IF ( ln_traldf_triad ) nldf_tra = np_blp_it ! iso-neutral: triad ( rotation)
IF ( ierr == 1 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'iso-level in z-partial step, not allowed' )
IF( ln_isfcav .AND. ln_traldf_triad ) CALL ctl_stop( ' ice shelf cavity and traldf_triad not tested' )
IF( nldf_tra == np_lap_i .OR. nldf_tra == np_lap_it .OR. &
& nldf_tra == np_blp_i .OR. nldf_tra == np_blp_it ) l_ldfslp = .TRUE. ! slope of neutral surfaces required
IF( ln_traldf_blp .AND. ( ln_traldf_iso .OR. ln_traldf_triad) ) THEN ! iso-neutral bilaplacian need MSC
IF( .NOT.ln_traldf_msc ) CALL ctl_stop( 'tra_ldf_init: iso-neutral bilaplacian requires ln_traldf_msc=.true.' )
IF(lwp) THEN
SELECT CASE( nldf_tra )
CASE( np_no_ldf ) ; WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> NO lateral diffusion'
CASE( np_lap ) ; WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> laplacian iso-level operator'
CASE( np_lap_i ) ; WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> Rotated laplacian operator (standard)'
CASE( np_lap_it ) ; WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> Rotated laplacian operator (triad)'
CASE( np_blp ) ; WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> bilaplacian iso-level operator'
CASE( np_blp_i ) ; WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> Rotated bilaplacian operator (standard)'
CASE( np_blp_it ) ; WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> Rotated bilaplacian operator (triad)'
! Space/time variation of eddy coefficients
! ===========================================
l_ldftra_time = .FALSE. ! no time variation except in case defined below
IF( ln_traldf_OFF ) THEN !== no explicit diffusive operator ==!
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> No diffusive operator selected. ahtu and ahtv are not allocated'
ELSE !== a lateral diffusion operator is used ==!
! ! allocate the aht arrays
ALLOCATE( ahtu(jpi,jpj,jpk) , ahtv(jpi,jpj,jpk) , STAT=ierr )
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'ldf_tra_init: failed to allocate arrays')
ahtu(:,:,jpk) = 0._wp ! last level always 0
ahtv(:,:,jpk) = 0._wp
! ! value of lap/blp eddy mixing coef.
IF( ln_traldf_lap ) THEN ; zUfac = r1_2 *rn_Ud ; inn = 1 ; cl_Units = ' m2/s' ! laplacian
ELSEIF( ln_traldf_blp ) THEN ; zUfac = r1_12*rn_Ud ; inn = 3 ; cl_Units = ' m4/s' ! bilaplacian
aht0 = zUfac * rn_Ld**inn ! mixing coefficient
zah_max = zUfac * (ra*rad)**inn ! maximum reachable coefficient (value at the Equator for e1=1 degree)
SELECT CASE( nn_aht_ijk_t ) !* Specification of space-time variations of ahtu, ahtv
CASE( 0 ) !== constant ==!
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> eddy diffusivity = constant = ', aht0, cl_Units
ahtu(:,:,1:jpkm1) = aht0
ahtv(:,:,1:jpkm1) = aht0
CASE( 10 ) !== fixed profile ==!
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> eddy diffusivity = F( depth )'
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' surface eddy diffusivity = constant = ', aht0, cl_Units
ahtu(:,:,1) = aht0 ! constant surface value
ahtv(:,:,1) = aht0
CALL ldf_c1d( 'TRA', ahtu(:,:,1), ahtv(:,:,1), ahtu, ahtv )
CASE ( -20 ) !== fixed horizontal shape and magnitude read in file ==!
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> eddy diffusivity = F(i,j) read in file'
CALL iom_open( '', inum )
CALL iom_get ( inum, jpdom_global, 'ahtu_2D', ahtu(:,:,1), cd_type = 'U', psgn = 1._wp )
CALL iom_get ( inum, jpdom_global, 'ahtv_2D', ahtv(:,:,1), cd_type = 'V', psgn = 1._wp )
CALL iom_close( inum )
DO jk = 2, jpkm1
ahtu(:,:,jk) = ahtu(:,:,1)
ahtv(:,:,jk) = ahtv(:,:,1)
CASE( 20 ) !== fixed horizontal shape ==!
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> eddy diffusivity = F( e1, e2 ) or F( e1^3, e2^3 ) (lap or blp case)'
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' using a fixed diffusive velocity = ', rn_Ud,' m/s and Ld = Max(e1,e2)'
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' maximum reachable coefficient (at the Equator) = ', zah_max, cl_Units, ' for e1=1°)'
CALL ldf_c2d( 'TRA', zUfac , inn , ahtu, ahtv ) ! value proportional to scale factor^inn
CASE( 21 ) !== time varying 2D field ==!
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> eddy diffusivity = F( latitude, longitude, time )'
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' = F( growth rate of baroclinic instability )'
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' min value = 0.2 * aht0 (with aht0= 1/2 rn_Ud*rn_Ld)'
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' max value = aei0 (with aei0=1/2 rn_Ue*Le increased to aht0 within 20N-20S'
l_ldftra_time = .TRUE. ! will be calculated by call to ldf_tra routine in step.F90
IF( ln_traldf_blp ) CALL ctl_stop( 'ldf_tra_init: aht=F( growth rate of baroc. insta .)', &
& ' incompatible with bilaplacian operator' )
CASE( -30 ) !== fixed 3D shape read in file ==!
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> eddy diffusivity = F(i,j,k) read in file'
CALL iom_open( '', inum )
CALL iom_get ( inum, jpdom_global, 'ahtu_3D', ahtu, cd_type = 'U', psgn = 1._wp )
CALL iom_get ( inum, jpdom_global, 'ahtv_3D', ahtv, cd_type = 'V', psgn = 1._wp )
CALL iom_close( inum )
CASE( 30 ) !== fixed 3D shape ==!
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> eddy diffusivity = F( latitude, longitude, depth )'
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' using a fixed diffusive velocity = ', rn_Ud,' m/s and Ld = Max(e1,e2)'
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' maximum reachable coefficient (at the Equator) = ', zah_max, cl_Units, ' for e1=1°)'
CALL ldf_c2d( 'TRA', zUfac , inn , ahtu, ahtv ) ! surface value proportional to scale factor^inn
CALL ldf_c1d( 'TRA', ahtu(:,:,1), ahtv(:,:,1), ahtu, ahtv ) ! reduction with depth
CASE( 31 ) !== time varying 3D field ==!
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> eddy diffusivity = F( latitude, longitude, depth , time )'
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' proportional to the velocity : 1/2 |u|e or 1/12 |u|e^3'
l_ldftra_time = .TRUE. ! will be calculated by call to ldf_tra routine in step.F90
CALL ctl_stop('ldf_tra_init: wrong choice for nn_aht_ijk_t, the type of space-time variation of aht')
IF( .NOT.l_ldftra_time ) THEN !* No time variation
IF( ln_traldf_lap ) THEN ! laplacian operator (mask only)
ahtu(:,:,1:jpkm1) = ahtu(:,:,1:jpkm1) * umask(:,:,1:jpkm1)
ahtv(:,:,1:jpkm1) = ahtv(:,:,1:jpkm1) * vmask(:,:,1:jpkm1)
ELSEIF( ln_traldf_blp ) THEN ! bilaplacian operator (square root + mask)
ahtu(:,:,1:jpkm1) = SQRT( ahtu(:,:,1:jpkm1) ) * umask(:,:,1:jpkm1)
ahtv(:,:,1:jpkm1) = SQRT( ahtv(:,:,1:jpkm1) ) * vmask(:,:,1:jpkm1)
END SUBROUTINE ldf_tra_init
SUBROUTINE ldf_tra( kt, Kbb, Kmm )
!! *** ROUTINE ldf_tra ***
!! ** Purpose : update at kt the tracer lateral mixing coeff. (aht and aeiv)
!! ** Method : * time varying eddy diffusivity coefficients:
!! nn_aei_ijk_t = 21 aeiu, aeiv = F(i,j, t) = F(growth rate of baroclinic instability)
!! with a reduction to 0 in vicinity of the Equator
!! nn_aht_ijk_t = 21 ahtu, ahtv = F(i,j, t) = F(growth rate of baroclinic instability)
!! = 31 ahtu, ahtv = F(i,j,k,t) = F(local velocity) ( |u|e / 2 laplacian operator
!! or |u|e^3/12 bilaplacian operator )
!! * time varying EIV coefficients: call to ldf_eiv routine
!! ** action : ahtu, ahtv update at each time step
!! aeiu, aeiv - - - - (if ln_ldfeiv=T)
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kt ! time step
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: Kbb, Kmm ! ocean time level indices
INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk ! dummy loop indices
REAL(wp) :: zaht, zahf, zaht_min, zDaht, z1_f20 ! local scalar
IF( ln_ldfeiv .AND. nn_aei_ijk_t == 21 ) THEN ! eddy induced velocity coefficients
! ! =F(growth rate of baroclinic instability)
! ! max value aeiv_0 ; decreased to 0 within 20N-20S
CALL ldf_eiv( kt, aei0, aeiu, aeiv, Kmm )
SELECT CASE( nn_aht_ijk_t ) ! Eddy diffusivity coefficients
CASE( 21 ) !== time varying 2D field ==! = F( growth rate of baroclinic instability )
! ! min value 0.2*aht0
! ! max value aht0 (aei0 if nn_aei_ijk_t=21)
! ! increase to aht0 within 20N-20S
IF( ln_ldfeiv .AND. nn_aei_ijk_t == 21 ) THEN ! use the already computed aei.
ahtu(:,:,1) = aeiu(:,:,1)
ahtv(:,:,1) = aeiv(:,:,1)
ELSE ! compute aht.
CALL ldf_eiv( kt, aht0, ahtu, ahtv, Kmm )
z1_f20 = 1._wp / ( 2._wp * omega * SIN( rad * 20._wp ) ) ! 1 / ff(20 degrees)
zaht_min = 0.2_wp * aht0 ! minimum value for aht
zDaht = aht0 - zaht_min
DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
!!gm CAUTION : here we assume lat/lon grid in 20deg N/S band (like all ORCA cfg)
!! ==>>> The Coriolis value is identical for t- & u_points, and for v- and f-points
zaht = ( 1._wp - MIN( 1._wp , ABS( ff_t(ji,jj) * z1_f20 ) ) ) * zDaht
zahf = ( 1._wp - MIN( 1._wp , ABS( ff_f(ji,jj) * z1_f20 ) ) ) * zDaht
ahtu(ji,jj,1) = ( MAX( zaht_min, ahtu(ji,jj,1) ) + zaht ) ! min value zaht_min
ahtv(ji,jj,1) = ( MAX( zaht_min, ahtv(ji,jj,1) ) + zahf ) ! increase within 20S-20N
DO jk = 1, jpkm1 ! deeper value = surface value + mask for all levels
ahtu(:,:,jk) = ahtu(:,:,1) * umask(:,:,jk)
ahtv(:,:,jk) = ahtv(:,:,1) * vmask(:,:,jk)
CASE( 31 ) !== time varying 3D field ==! = F( local velocity )
IF( ln_traldf_lap ) THEN ! laplacian operator |u| e / 2
DO jk = 1, jpkm1
ahtu(:,:,jk) = ABS( uu(:,:,jk,Kbb) ) * e1u(:,:) * r1_2 ! n.b. uu,vv are masked
ahtv(:,:,jk) = ABS( vv(:,:,jk,Kbb) ) * e2v(:,:) * r1_2
ELSEIF( ln_traldf_blp ) THEN ! bilaplacian operator sqrt( |u| e^3 /12 ) = sqrt( |u| e /12 ) * e
DO jk = 1, jpkm1
ahtu(:,:,jk) = SQRT( ABS( uu(:,:,jk,Kbb) ) * e1u(:,:) * r1_12 ) * e1u(:,:)
ahtv(:,:,jk) = SQRT( ABS( vv(:,:,jk,Kbb) ) * e2v(:,:) * r1_12 ) * e2v(:,:)
CALL iom_put( "ahtu_2d", ahtu(:,:,1) ) ! surface u-eddy diffusivity coeff.
CALL iom_put( "ahtv_2d", ahtv(:,:,1) ) ! surface v-eddy diffusivity coeff.
CALL iom_put( "ahtu_3d", ahtu(:,:,:) ) ! 3D u-eddy diffusivity coeff.
CALL iom_put( "ahtv_3d", ahtv(:,:,:) ) ! 3D v-eddy diffusivity coeff.
IF( ln_ldfeiv .AND. (.NOT. ln_eke_equ) ) THEN
CALL iom_put( "aeiu_2d", aeiu(:,:,1) ) ! surface u-EIV coeff.
CALL iom_put( "aeiv_2d", aeiv(:,:,1) ) ! surface v-EIV coeff.
CALL iom_put( "aeiu_3d", aeiu(:,:,:) ) ! 3D u-EIV coeff.
CALL iom_put( "aeiv_3d", aeiv(:,:,:) ) ! 3D v-EIV coeff.
SUBROUTINE ldf_eiv_init
!! *** ROUTINE ldf_eiv_init ***
!! ** Purpose : initialization of the eiv coeff. from namelist choices.
!! ** Method : the eiv diffusivity coef. specification depends on:
!! nn_aei_ijk_t = 0 => = constant
!! !
!! = 10 => = F(z) : constant with a reduction of 1/4 with depth
!! !
!! =-20 => = F(i,j) = shape read in '' file
!! = 20 = F(i,j) = F(e1,e2) or F(e1^3,e2^3) (lap or bilap case)
!! = 21 = F(i,j,t) = F(growth rate of baroclinic instability)
!! !
!! =-30 => = F(i,j,k) = shape read in '' file
!! = 30 = F(i,j,k) = 2D (case 20) + decrease with depth (case 10)
!! ** Action : aeiu , aeiv : initialized one for all or l_ldftra_time set to true
!! l_ldfeiv_time : =T if EIV coefficients vary with time
INTEGER :: jk ! dummy loop indices
INTEGER :: ierr, inum, ios, inn ! local integer
REAL(wp) :: zah_max, zUfac ! - scalar
NAMELIST/namtra_eiv/ ln_ldfeiv , ln_ldfeiv_dia, & ! eddy induced velocity (eiv)
& nn_aei_ijk_t, rn_Ue, rn_Le , & ! eiv coefficient
& ln_eke_equ ! GEOMETRIC eddy energy equation
IF(lwp) THEN ! control print
WRITE(numout,*) 'ldf_eiv_init : eddy induced velocity parametrization'
WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~ '
READ ( numnam_ref, namtra_eiv, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 901)
901 IF( ios /= 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'namtra_eiv in reference namelist' )
READ ( numnam_cfg, namtra_eiv, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 902 )
902 IF( ios > 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'namtra_eiv in configuration namelist' )
IF(lwm) WRITE ( numond, namtra_eiv )
IF(lwp) THEN ! control print
WRITE(numout,*) ' Namelist namtra_eiv : '
WRITE(numout,*) ' Eddy Induced Velocity (eiv) param. ln_ldfeiv = ', ln_ldfeiv
WRITE(numout,*) ' eiv streamfunction & velocity diag. ln_ldfeiv_dia = ', ln_ldfeiv_dia
WRITE(numout,*) ' coefficients :'
WRITE(numout,*) ' type of time-space variation nn_aei_ijk_t = ', nn_aei_ijk_t
WRITE(numout,*) ' lateral diffusive velocity (if cst) rn_Ue = ', rn_Ue, ' m/s'
WRITE(numout,*) ' lateral diffusive length (if cst) rn_Le = ', rn_Le, ' m'
l_ldfeiv_time = .FALSE. ! no time variation except in case defined below
IF( .NOT.ln_ldfeiv ) THEN !== Parametrization not used ==!
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> eddy induced velocity param is NOT used'
ln_ldfeiv_dia = .FALSE.
ELSE !== use the parametrization ==!
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> use eddy induced velocity parametrization'
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)
IF( ln_traldf_blp ) CALL ctl_stop( 'ldf_eiv_init: eddy induced velocity ONLY with laplacian diffusivity' )
IF( .NOT.( ln_traldf_iso .OR. ln_traldf_triad ) ) &
& CALL ctl_stop( 'ln_ldfeiv=T requires iso-neutral laplacian diffusion' )
! != allocate the aei arrays
ALLOCATE( aeiu(jpi,jpj,jpk), aeiv(jpi,jpj,jpk), STAT=ierr )
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL ctl_stop('STOP', 'ldf_eiv: failed to allocate arrays')
! != Specification of space-time variations of eaiu, aeiv
aeiu(:,:,jpk) = 0._wp ! last level always 0
aeiv(:,:,jpk) = 0._wp
! ! value of EIV coef. (laplacian operator)
zUfac = r1_2 *rn_Ue ! velocity factor
inn = 1 ! L-exponent
aei0 = zUfac * rn_Le**inn ! mixing coefficient
zah_max = zUfac * (ra*rad)**inn ! maximum reachable coefficient (value at the Equator)
SELECT CASE( nn_aei_ijk_t ) !* Specification of space-time variations
CASE( 0 ) !-- constant --!
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> eddy induced velocity coef. = constant = ', aei0, ' m2/s'
aeiu(:,:,1:jpkm1) = aei0
aeiv(:,:,1:jpkm1) = aei0
CASE( 10 ) !-- fixed profile --!
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> eddy induced velocity coef. = F( depth )'
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' surface eddy diffusivity = constant = ', aht0, ' m2/s'
aeiu(:,:,1) = aei0 ! constant surface value
aeiv(:,:,1) = aei0
CALL ldf_c1d( 'TRA', aeiu(:,:,1), aeiv(:,:,1), aeiu, aeiv )
CASE ( -20 ) !-- fixed horizontal shape read in file --!
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> eddy induced velocity coef. = F(i,j) read in file'
CALL iom_open ( '', inum )
CALL iom_get ( inum, jpdom_global, 'aeiu', aeiu(:,:,1), cd_type = 'U', psgn = 1._wp )
CALL iom_get ( inum, jpdom_global, 'aeiv', aeiv(:,:,1), cd_type = 'V', psgn = 1._wp )
CALL iom_close( inum )
DO jk = 2, jpkm1
aeiu(:,:,jk) = aeiu(:,:,1)
aeiv(:,:,jk) = aeiv(:,:,1)
CASE( 20 ) !-- fixed horizontal shape --!
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> eddy induced velocity coef. = F( e1, e2 )'
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' using a fixed diffusive velocity = ', rn_Ue, ' m/s and Le = Max(e1,e2)'
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' maximum reachable coefficient (at the Equator) = ', zah_max, ' m2/s for e1=1°)'
CALL ldf_c2d( 'TRA', zUfac , inn , aeiu, aeiv ) ! value proportional to scale factor^inn
CASE( 21 ) !-- time varying 2D field --!
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> eddy induced velocity coef. = F( latitude, longitude, time )'
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' = F( growth rate of baroclinic instability )'
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' maximum allowed value: aei0 = ', aei0, ' m2/s'
l_ldfeiv_time = .TRUE. ! will be calculated by call to ldf_tra routine in step.F90
CASE( -30 ) !-- fixed 3D shape read in file --!
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> eddy induced velocity coef. = F(i,j,k) read in file'
CALL iom_open ( '', inum )
CALL iom_get ( inum, jpdom_global, 'aeiu', aeiu, cd_type = 'U', psgn = 1._wp )
CALL iom_get ( inum, jpdom_global, 'aeiv', aeiv, cd_type = 'V', psgn = 1._wp )
CALL iom_close( inum )
CASE( 30 ) !-- fixed 3D shape --!
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> eddy induced velocity coef. = F( latitude, longitude, depth )'
CALL ldf_c2d( 'TRA', zUfac , inn , aeiu, aeiv ) ! surface value proportional to scale factor^inn
CALL ldf_c1d( 'TRA', aeiu(:,:,1), aeiv(:,:,1), aeiu, aeiv ) ! reduction with depth
CASE( 32 ) !-- time varying 3D field --!
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' eddy induced velocity coef. = F( latitude, longitude, depth, time )'
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' = F( total EKE ) GEOMETRIC parameterization'
IF ( lk_RK3 ) CALL ctl_stop('ldf_tra_init: The GEOMETRIC parameterisation is not yet available with RK3 time-stepping')
IF(lwp .AND. .NOT. ln_eke_equ ) WRITE(numout,*) ' ln_eke_equ will be set to .true. '
ln_eke_equ = .TRUE. ! force the eddy energy equation to be updated
l_ldfeiv_time = .TRUE. ! will be calculated by call to ldf_tra routine in step.F90
l_eke_eiv = .TRUE.
CALL ctl_stop('ldf_tra_init: wrong choice for nn_aei_ijk_t, the type of space-time variation of aei')
IF( .NOT.l_ldfeiv_time ) THEN !* mask if No time variation
DO jk = 1, jpkm1
aeiu(:,:,jk) = aeiu(:,:,jk) * umask(:,:,jk)
aeiv(:,:,jk) = aeiv(:,:,jk) * vmask(:,:,jk)
IF( ln_eke_equ ) THEN
l_ldfeke = .TRUE. ! GEOMETRIC param initialization done in nemogcm_init
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' GEOMETRIC eddy energy equation to be computed ln_eke_equ = ', ln_eke_equ
END SUBROUTINE ldf_eiv_init
SUBROUTINE ldf_eiv( kt, paei0, paeiu, paeiv, Kmm )
!! *** ROUTINE ldf_eiv ***
!! ** Purpose : Compute the eddy induced velocity coefficient from the
!! growth rate of baroclinic instability.
!! ** Method : coefficient function of the growth rate of baroclinic instability
!! Reference : Treguier et al. JPO 1997 ; Held and Larichev JAS 1996
INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kt ! ocean time-step index
INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: Kmm ! ocean time level indices
REAL(wp) , INTENT(in ) :: paei0 ! max value [m2/s]
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk), INTENT(inout) :: paeiu, paeiv ! eiv coefficient [m2/s]
INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk ! dummy loop indices
REAL(wp) :: zfw, ze3w, zn2, z1_f20, zzaei ! local scalars
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zn, zah, zhw, zRo, zaeiw ! 2D workspace
zn (:,:) = 0._wp ! Local initialization
zhw(:,:) = 5._wp
zah(:,:) = 0._wp
zRo(:,:) = 0._wp
! ! Compute lateral diffusive coefficient at T-point
IF( ln_traldf_triad ) THEN
DO_3D( nn_hls-1, nn_hls-1, nn_hls-1, nn_hls-1, 1, jpk )
! Take the max of N^2 and zero then take the vertical sum
! of the square root of the resulting N^2 ( required to compute
! internal Rossby radius Ro = .5 * sum_jpk(N) / f
zn2 = MAX( rn2b(ji,jj,jk), 0._wp )
zn(ji,jj) = zn(ji,jj) + SQRT( zn2 ) * e3w(ji,jj,jk,Kmm)
! Compute elements required for the inverse time scale of baroclinic
! eddies using the isopycnal slopes calculated in ldfslp.F :
! T^-1 = sqrt(m_jpk(N^2*(r1^2+r2^2)*e3w))
ze3w = e3w(ji,jj,jk,Kmm) * wmask(ji,jj,jk)
zah(ji,jj) = zah(ji,jj) + zn2 * wslp2(ji,jj,jk) * ze3w
zhw(ji,jj) = zhw(ji,jj) + ze3w
DO_3D( nn_hls-1, nn_hls-1, nn_hls-1, nn_hls-1, 1, jpk )
! Take the max of N^2 and zero then take the vertical sum
! of the square root of the resulting N^2 ( required to compute
! internal Rossby radius Ro = .5 * sum_jpk(N) / f
zn2 = MAX( rn2b(ji,jj,jk), 0._wp )
zn(ji,jj) = zn(ji,jj) + SQRT( zn2 ) * e3w(ji,jj,jk,Kmm)
! Compute elements required for the inverse time scale of baroclinic
! eddies using the isopycnal slopes calculated in ldfslp.F :
! T^-1 = sqrt(m_jpk(N^2*(r1^2+r2^2)*e3w))
ze3w = e3w(ji,jj,jk,Kmm) * wmask(ji,jj,jk)
zah(ji,jj) = zah(ji,jj) + zn2 * ( wslpi(ji,jj,jk) * wslpi(ji,jj,jk) &
& + wslpj(ji,jj,jk) * wslpj(ji,jj,jk) ) * ze3w
zhw(ji,jj) = zhw(ji,jj) + ze3w
DO_2D( nn_hls-1, nn_hls-1, nn_hls-1, nn_hls-1 )
zfw = MAX( ABS( 2. * omega * SIN( rad * gphit(ji,jj) ) ) , 1.e-10 )
! Rossby radius at w-point taken betwenn 2 km and 40km
zRo(ji,jj) = MAX( 2.e3 , MIN( .4 * zn(ji,jj) / zfw, 40.e3 ) )
! Compute aeiw by multiplying Ro^2 and T^-1
zaeiw(ji,jj) = zRo(ji,jj) * zRo(ji,jj) * SQRT( zah(ji,jj) / zhw(ji,jj) ) * tmask(ji,jj,1)
! !== Bound on eiv coeff. ==!
z1_f20 = 1._wp / ( 2._wp * omega * sin( rad * 20._wp ) )
DO_2D( nn_hls-1, nn_hls-1, nn_hls-1, nn_hls-1 )
zzaei = MIN( 1._wp, ABS( ff_t(ji,jj) * z1_f20 ) ) * zaeiw(ji,jj) ! tropical decrease
zaeiw(ji,jj) = MIN( zzaei , paei0 ) ! Max value = paei0
DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
paeiu(ji,jj,1) = 0.5_wp * ( zaeiw(ji,jj) + zaeiw(ji+1,jj ) ) * umask(ji,jj,1)
paeiv(ji,jj,1) = 0.5_wp * ( zaeiw(ji,jj) + zaeiw(ji ,jj+1) ) * vmask(ji,jj,1)
CALL lbc_lnk( 'ldftra', paeiu(:,:,1), 'U', 1.0_wp , paeiv(:,:,1), 'V', 1.0_wp ) ! lateral boundary condition
DO jk = 2, jpkm1 !== deeper values equal the surface one ==!
paeiu(:,:,jk) = paeiu(:,:,1) * umask(:,:,jk)
paeiv(:,:,jk) = paeiv(:,:,1) * vmask(:,:,jk)
SUBROUTINE ldf_eiv_trp( kt, kit000, pu, pv, pw, cdtype, Kmm, Krhs )
!! *** ROUTINE ldf_eiv_trp ***
!! ** Purpose : add to the input ocean transport the contribution of
!! the eddy induced velocity parametrization.
!! ** Method : The eddy induced transport is computed from a flux stream-
!! function which depends on the slope of iso-neutral surfaces
!! (see ldf_slp). For example, in the i-k plan :
!! psi_uw = mk(aeiu) e2u mi(wslpi) [in m3/s]
!! Utr_eiv = - dk[psi_uw]
!! Vtr_eiv = + di[psi_uw]
!! ln_ldfeiv_dia = T : output the associated streamfunction,
!! velocity and heat transport (call ldf_eiv_dia)
!! ** Action : pu, pv increased by the eiv transport
INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kt ! ocean time-step index
INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kit000 ! first time step index
INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: Kmm, Krhs ! ocean time level indices
CHARACTER(len=3) , INTENT(in ) :: cdtype ! =TRA or TRC (tracer indicator)
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(T2D(nn_hls),jpk), INTENT(inout) :: pu ! in : 3 ocean transport components [m3/s]
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(T2D(nn_hls),jpk), INTENT(inout) :: pv ! out: 3 ocean transport components [m3/s]
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(T2D(nn_hls),jpk), INTENT(inout) :: pw ! increased by the eiv [m3/s]
INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk ! dummy loop indices
REAL(wp) :: zuwk, zuwk1, zuwi, zuwi1 ! local scalars
REAL(wp) :: zvwk, zvwk1, zvwj, zvwj1 ! - -
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(T2D(nn_hls),jpk) :: zpsi_uw, zpsi_vw
IF( .NOT. l_istiled .OR. ntile == 1 ) THEN ! Do only on the first tile
IF( kt == kit000 ) THEN
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'ldf_eiv_trp : eddy induced advection on ', cdtype,' :'
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~ add to velocity fields the eiv component'
zpsi_uw(:,:, 1 ) = 0._wp ; zpsi_vw(:,:, 1 ) = 0._wp
zpsi_uw(:,:,jpk) = 0._wp ; zpsi_vw(:,:,jpk) = 0._wp
DO_3D( nn_hls, nn_hls-1, nn_hls, nn_hls-1, 2, jpkm1 )
zpsi_uw(ji,jj,jk) = - r1_4 * e2u(ji,jj) * ( wslpi(ji,jj,jk ) + wslpi(ji+1,jj,jk) ) &
& * ( aeiu (ji,jj,jk-1) + aeiu (ji ,jj,jk) ) * wumask(ji,jj,jk)
zpsi_vw(ji,jj,jk) = - r1_4 * e1v(ji,jj) * ( wslpj(ji,jj,jk ) + wslpj(ji,jj+1,jk) ) &
& * ( aeiv (ji,jj,jk-1) + aeiv (ji,jj ,jk) ) * wvmask(ji,jj,jk)
DO_3D( nn_hls, nn_hls-1, nn_hls, nn_hls-1, 1, jpkm1 )
pu(ji,jj,jk) = pu(ji,jj,jk) - ( zpsi_uw(ji,jj,jk) - zpsi_uw(ji,jj,jk+1) )
pv(ji,jj,jk) = pv(ji,jj,jk) - ( zpsi_vw(ji,jj,jk) - zpsi_vw(ji,jj,jk+1) )
DO_3D( nn_hls-1, nn_hls-1, nn_hls-1, nn_hls-1, 1, jpkm1 )
pw(ji,jj,jk) = pw(ji,jj,jk) + ( ( zpsi_uw(ji,jj,jk) - zpsi_uw(ji-1,jj ,jk) ) & ! add () for NP repro
& + ( zpsi_vw(ji,jj,jk) - zpsi_vw(ji ,jj-1,jk) ) )
! ! diagnose the eddy induced velocity and associated heat transport
#if defined key_RK3
IF( l_ldfeiv_dia .AND. cdtype == 'TRA' ) CALL ldf_eiv_dia( zpsi_uw, zpsi_vw, Kmm )
IF( ln_ldfeiv_dia .AND. cdtype == 'TRA' ) CALL ldf_eiv_dia( zpsi_uw, zpsi_vw, Kmm )
END SUBROUTINE ldf_eiv_trp
SUBROUTINE ldf_eiv_dia( psi_uw, psi_vw, Kmm )
!! *** ROUTINE ldf_eiv_dia ***
!! ** Purpose : diagnose the eddy induced velocity and its associated
!! vertically integrated heat transport.
!! ** Method :
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(T2D(nn_hls),jpk), INTENT(in) :: psi_uw, psi_vw ! streamfunction [m3/s]
INTEGER , INTENT(in) :: Kmm ! ocean time level indices
INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk ! dummy loop indices
REAL(wp) :: zztmp ! local scalar
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(T2D(0)) :: zw2d ! 2D workspace
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(T2D(0),jpk) :: zw3d ! 3D workspace
!!gm I don't like this routine.... Crazy way of doing things, not optimal at all...
!!gm to be redesigned....
! !== eiv stream function: output ==!
!!gm CALL iom_put( "psi_eiv_uw", psi_uw ) ! output
!!gm CALL iom_put( "psi_eiv_vw", psi_vw )
! !== eiv velocities: calculate and output ==!
zw3d(:,:,jpk) = 0._wp ! bottom value always 0
IF( iom_use('uoce_eiv') ) THEN
DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, jpkm1 ) ! e2u e3u u_eiv = -dk[psi_uw]
zw3d(ji,jj,jk) = ( psi_uw(ji,jj,jk+1) - psi_uw(ji,jj,jk) ) / ( e2u(ji,jj) * e3u(ji,jj,jk,Kmm) )
CALL iom_put( "uoce_eiv", zw3d )
IF( iom_use('ueiv_masstr') ) THEN
DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, jpkm1 )
zw3d(ji,jj,jk) = rho0 * ( psi_uw(ji,jj,jk+1) - psi_uw(ji,jj,jk) )
CALL iom_put( "ueiv_masstr", zw3d ) ! mass transport in i-direction
IF( iom_use('voce_eiv') ) THEN
DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, jpkm1 ) ! e1v e3v v_eiv = -dk[psi_vw]
zw3d(ji,jj,jk) = ( psi_vw(ji,jj,jk+1) - psi_vw(ji,jj,jk) ) / ( e1v(ji,jj) * e3v(ji,jj,jk,Kmm) )
CALL iom_put( "voce_eiv", zw3d )
IF( iom_use('veiv_masstr') ) THEN
DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, jpkm1 )
zw3d(ji,jj,jk) = rho0 * ( psi_vw(ji,jj,jk+1) - psi_vw(ji,jj,jk) )
CALL iom_put( "veiv_masstr", zw3d ) ! mass transport in j-direction
IF( iom_use('woce_eiv') ) THEN
DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, jpkm1 ) ! e1 e2 w_eiv = dk[psix] + dk[psix]
zw3d(ji,jj,jk) = ( ( psi_vw(ji,jj,jk) - psi_vw(ji ,jj-1,jk) ) & ! add () for NP repro
& + ( psi_uw(ji,jj,jk) - psi_uw(ji-1,jj ,jk) ) ) / e1e2t(ji,jj)
CALL iom_put( "woce_eiv", zw3d )
IF( iom_use('weiv_masstr') ) THEN
DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, jpkm1 )
zw3d(ji,jj,jk) = rho0 * ( ( psi_vw(ji,jj,jk) - psi_vw(ji ,jj-1,jk) ) & ! add () for NP repro
& + ( psi_uw(ji,jj,jk) - psi_uw(ji-1,jj ,jk) ) )
CALL iom_put( "weiv_masstr" , zw3d ) ! mass transport in z-direction
zztmp = 0.5_wp * rho0 * rcp
IF( iom_use('ueiv_heattr') .OR. iom_use('ueiv_heattr3d') ) THEN
zw2d(:,:) = 0._wp
zw3d(:,:,:) = 0._wp
DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, jpkm1 )
zw3d(ji,jj,jk) = zw3d(ji,jj,jk) + ( psi_uw(ji,jj,jk+1) - psi_uw(ji ,jj,jk) ) &
& * ( ts (ji,jj,jk,jp_tem,Kmm) + ts (ji+1,jj,jk,jp_tem,Kmm) )
zw2d(ji,jj) = zw2d(ji,jj) + zw3d(ji,jj,jk)
CALL iom_put( "ueiv_heattr" , zztmp * zw2d ) ! heat transport in i-direction
CALL iom_put( "ueiv_heattr3d", zztmp * zw3d ) ! heat transport in i-direction
IF( iom_use('veiv_heattr') .OR. iom_use('veiv_heattr3d') .OR. iom_use('sophteiv') ) THEN
zw2d(:,:) = 0._wp
zw3d(:,:,:) = 0._wp
DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, jpkm1 )
zw3d(ji,jj,jk) = zw3d(ji,jj,jk) + ( psi_vw(ji,jj,jk+1) - psi_vw(ji,jj ,jk) ) &
& * ( ts (ji,jj,jk,jp_tem,Kmm) + ts (ji,jj+1,jk,jp_tem,Kmm) )
zw2d(ji,jj) = zw2d(ji,jj) + zw3d(ji,jj,jk)
CALL iom_put( "veiv_heattr" , zztmp * zw2d ) ! heat transport in j-direction
CALL iom_put( "veiv_heattr3d", zztmp * zw3d ) ! heat transport in j-direction
IF( iom_use( 'sophteiv' ) .AND. l_diaptr ) CALL dia_ptr_hst( jp_tem, 'eiv', 0.5 * zw3d )
zztmp = 0.5_wp * 0.5
IF( iom_use('ueiv_salttr') .OR. iom_use('ueiv_salttr3d') ) THEN
zw2d(:,:) = 0._wp
zw3d(:,:,:) = 0._wp
DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, jpkm1 )
zw3d(ji,jj,jk) = zw3d(ji,jj,jk) * ( psi_uw(ji,jj,jk+1) - psi_uw(ji ,jj,jk) ) &
& * ( ts (ji,jj,jk,jp_sal,Kmm) + ts (ji+1,jj,jk,jp_sal,Kmm) )
zw2d(ji,jj) = zw2d(ji,jj) + zw3d(ji,jj,jk)
CALL iom_put( "ueiv_salttr", zztmp * zw2d ) ! salt transport in i-direction
CALL iom_put( "ueiv_salttr3d", zztmp * zw3d ) ! salt transport in i-direction
IF( iom_use('veiv_salttr') .OR. iom_use('veiv_salttr3d') .OR. iom_use('sopsteiv') ) THEN
zw2d(:,:) = 0._wp
zw3d(:,:,:) = 0._wp
DO_3D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, jpkm1 )
zw3d(ji,jj,jk) = zw3d(ji,jj,jk) + ( psi_vw(ji,jj,jk+1) - psi_vw(ji,jj ,jk) ) &
& * ( ts (ji,jj,jk,jp_sal,Kmm) + ts (ji,jj+1,jk,jp_sal,Kmm) )
zw2d(ji,jj) = zw2d(ji,jj) + zw3d(ji,jj,jk)
CALL iom_put( "veiv_salttr" , zztmp * zw2d ) ! salt transport in j-direction
CALL iom_put( "veiv_salttr3d", zztmp * zw3d ) ! salt transport in j-direction
IF( iom_use( 'sopsteiv' ) .AND. l_diaptr ) CALL dia_ptr_hst( jp_sal, 'eiv', 0.5 * zw3d )
END SUBROUTINE ldf_eiv_dia