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The DOMAINcfg tool can be compiled using the maketools script in the NEMOGCM/TOOLS directory as follows:

./maketools -m $ARCH -n DOMAINcfg

where $ARCH indicates the arch file to be used from the directory NEMOGCM/ARCH.

DOMAINcfg compiled will create "make_domain_cfg.exe" executable script (the main routine of this tool is make_domain_cfg.f90)


just run :

mpirun -np 1 ./make_domain_cfg.exe

NOTA: it can be run in multiproc mode, but in output there will be files


1) copy in DOMAINcfg directory namelist_cfg all settings (that you had in 3.6_stable) of the configuration for which you want prepare file IMPORTANT : keep the namelist_ref committed inchanged. !!!

NEW OPTION: * ln_e3_dep till nemo_v3.6_stable e3 were done like an analytical derivative of depth function now e3=dk[depth] in discret sens

If you want to create same e3[tuvw] like 3.6 you've to use "ln_e3_dep=.false."

ln_e3_dep = .true. ! =T : e3=dk[depth] in discret sens.
! ! ===>>> will become the only possibility in v4.0 ! ! =F : e3 analytical derivative of depth function ! ! only there for backward compatibility test with v3.6 !
  • ln_domclo

The definition of closed sea are now integrated into ./make_domain_cfg.exe. The need on an external python script and hard coded indices has been removed. ln_domclo=T will generate the masks needed to mask or correct the fwf unbalance over closed sea. If non defined closed sea are detected, a mask containing this will also be generated. The detection of the lake is done using a lat/lon seed and a flood filling algorithm (the default namelist should work for any resolution). The definition of the target area is done by defining a lat/lon position center, then all wet points at a defined distance of it will be selected. Options are available to select only coastal points if needed. For each lake, name, lon_src, lat_src, lon_trg, lat_trg, river mouth area, correction scheme, radius trg, id trg need to be defined. * lon/lat_src/trg are the seed location of the closed sea (src) and its river outflow (trg). * river mouth area is to defined is you spread the closed sea emp correction locally (circle with raduis 'radius trg' in m)

or along the coast point into a circle with raduis 'radius trg' (in m) or globally (open sea mask)
  • correction scheme defined how you want to spread the closed sea correction * glo : as emp globally * rnf : as a runoff for the net precip and on emp for net evaporation case locally or along the coast * emp : as emp locally or along the coast
  • id trg is a integer used to defined group of closed sea and their river outflow (for example all the great lake and the St Laurent outflow).
  1. copy in DOMAINcfg directory same input files (of related configuration) required in v3.6_stable.

DOMAINcfg package is EXACTLY what does exist in NEMO version 3.6 to define a model domain (both domain related namelist and initialization). DOMAINcfg tool creates a netcdf file "" containing all the ocean domain informations required to define an ocean configuration, these files are :

domain size domain characteristics (periodic) horizontal mesh Coriolis parameter depth and vertical scale factors

directories: bdydta/
  • for ORCA2 : domain_def.xml field_def.xml iodef.xml

= How to keep track of the parameter used to generate the file

To do so, you need to fill the namelist_cfg with the input file name used in cn_fcoord, cn_topo, cn_fisfd and the associated variable name (see namelist ref for the extensive list). Once you generate the file you can run the dom_doc.exe tools available.

$ ./dom_doc.exe -h
  usage : dom_doc -n NAMELIST-file
                  -d DOMAIN_CFG-file

       Add information in the file after its creation for
       NEMO4. The additional information consists in a new netcdf variable
       called namelist_cfg, holding the content of the used namelist_cfg.

       -n NAMELIST-file : name of the namelist_cfg. file required
       -d DOMAIN_CFG-file : name of the domain_cfg file to document. file required

    OUTPUT :
        input DOMAIN_CFG-file is modified on output.

This will add a variable namelist_cfg into the netcdf.

To extract the namelist again, simply run the available script xtrac_namelist.bash

./xtrac_namelist.bash output_namelist_cfg