@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ This is done simply by keeping the leapfrog environment
setting all $x^0$ (\textit{before}) and $x^1$ (\textit{now}) fields equal at the first time step and
using half the value of a leapfrog time step ($2\rdt$).
It is also possible to restart from a previous computation, by using a restart file.
It is also possible to restart from a previous computation, by using a restart file and setting \np[=.true.]{ln_restart}{ln\_restart}.
The restart strategy is designed to ensure perfect restartability of the code:
the user should obtain the same results to machine precision either by
running the model for $2N$ time steps in one go,
@@ -335,15 +335,18 @@ setting the namelist variable \np[=0]{nn_euler}{nn\_euler}.
Other options to control the time integration of the model are defined through
the \nam{run}{run} namelist variables.
add here how to force the restart to contain only one time step for operational purposes
The consistency between the provided input restart file(s) (\np{cn_ocerst_in}{cn\_ocerst\_in}) and
the namelist settings is handled with the parameter \np{nn_rstctl}{nn\_rstctl}, as detailed in \nam{run}{run}.
add also the idea of writing several restart for seasonal forecast : how is it done ?
Restart files are created through the legacy interface, which allows to specify the root name
of the output restart file (\np{cn_ocerst_out}{cn\_ocerst\_out}) and the timestep frequency at which restart file is created (\np{nn_stock}{nn\_stock}).
Similarly the parameter \np{nn_write}{nn\_write} control the creation of output files.
It is also possible to save restart files at specific timesteps during the model execution,
by setting \np[=.true.]{ln_rst_list}{ln\_rst\_list} and filling up the restart dump times in \np{nn_stocklist}{nn\_stocklist} (always requires 10 values).
verify that all namelist parameters are truly described
Since version 4.2 it is possible to use the XIOS interface to directly write (\np{nn_wxios}{nn\_wxios})
and read (\np{ln_xios_read}{ln\_xios\_read}) the restart files, as detailed in \autoref{subsec:XIOS_restarts}.