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Welcome to NEMO home page!

NEMO_ for Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean is a state-of-the-art modelling framework for research activities and forecasting services in ocean and climate sciences, developed in a sustainable way by the NEMO European consortium since 2008.

This page intends to help to get started using NEMO platform and to orientate users to the different levels of information. It starts here with NEMO release 4.2.0.

Reminder: [Former web platform forge]( (SVN+Trac) contains previous documentation and releases since the beginning of the project up to of NEMO 4.0.

Getting started

Getting hands on NEMO: first steps are described in detail in the "How to" NEMO users's guide. Download, build the environment create the executable, and make a first run are described here:

If you are already using NEMO with a previous release, refer to the [Migration Guide] ( to help making the move to 4.2.0.

The above users guides cover in detail what is available from gitlab and supported by NEMO System Team. Aside from this web platform, the tests cases are also available from These tests cases can be useful for studentes, outreach, exploring some specific aspects of NEMO with light configurations... It is also set up in order to gather the tests cases you may have developped and want to share with the community. Feel free to contribute!

A summary on how to get code dependencies, compile and execute NEMO is also available here (:file:`./INSTALL.rst`).

Project documentation

Reference manuals fully describing NEMO for the three main component

  • |OCE| models the ocean {thermo}dynamics and solves the primitive equations (:file:`./src/OCE`)
  • |ICE| simulates sea-ice {thermo}dynamics, brine inclusions and subgrid-scale thickness variations (:file:`./src/ICE`)
  • |MBG| models the {on,off}line oceanic tracers transport and biogeochemical processes (:file:`./src/TOP`)

are available from zenodo

Component Reference Manual (from zenondo, DOI to quote) Reference manual (pdf on line version on gitlab)
|NEMO-OCE| ||  
|NEMO-ICE| || Updated version will be online since Mar 2022
|NEMO-MBG| ||. Updated version will be online since Mar 2022

These reference manuals are the publications that should be cited in your own publications. Please visit [How to cite?]( for details.

New features of 4.2.0 release are described here (:file:`./`)

Asking questions, echange information

Contributing to NEMO visibility: projects and publications

Please help us justifying the NEMO development efforts by

NEMO also has a `Special Issue`_ in the open-access journal Geoscientific Model Development (GMD) from the European Geosciences Union ( The main scope is to collect relevant manuscripts covering various topics and to provide a single portal to assess the model potential and evolution.

More on NEMO's features

Not only does the NEMO framework model the ocean circulation, it offers various features to enable

  • Create :doc:`embedded zooms<zooms>` seamlessly thanks to 2-way nesting package AGRIF_.
  • Opportunity to integrate an :doc:`external biogeochemistry model<tracers>`
  • Versatile :doc:`data assimilation<da>`
  • Generation of :doc:`diagnostics<diags>` through effective XIOS_ system
  • Roll-out Earth system modeling with :doc:`coupling interface<cplg>` based on OASIS_

Several :doc:`built-in configurations<cfgs>` are provided to evaluate the skills and performances of the model which can be used as templates for setting up a new configurations (:file:`./cfgs`).

The user can also checkout available :doc:`idealized test cases<tests>` that address specific physical processes (:file:`./tests`).

A set of :doc:`utilities <tools>` is also provided to {pre,post}process your data (:file:`./tools`).

Contributing to NEMO development

NEMO intends to be written in a way allowing easy plug of developments. You are also welcome to contribute to the development of the NEMO Shared reference. NEMO development is driven by NEMO Consortium planning and producing NEMO's sustainable development in order to keep a reliable evolving framework. Development is organised and scheduled through a five years development strategy, Working groups and the activities of the development team (named NEMO System Team) in a yearly workplan. [More information here] (


The NEMO source code is freely available and distributed under :download:`CeCILL v2.0 license <../../../LICENSE>` (GNU GPL compatible).

You can use, modify and/or redistribute the software under its terms, but users are provided only with a limited warranty and the software's authors and the successive licensor's have only limited liability.