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Commit bf56f86c authored by Guillaume S's avatar Guillaume S
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updage namzdf_mfc namelist block

parent 989582e0
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......@@ -1329,13 +1329,28 @@
&namzdf_mfc ! Mass Flux Convection
ln_edmfuv = .false. ! Activate on velocity fields (Not available yet)
rn_cemf = 1. ! entrain/detrain coef. (<0 => cte; >0 % depending on dW/dz
rn_cwmf = -0. ! entrain/detrain coef. (<0 => cte; >0 % depending on dW/dz
rn_cent = 2.e-5 ! entrain of convective area
rn_cdet = 3.e-5 ! detrain of convective area
rn_cap = 0.9 ! Coef. for CAP estimation
App_max = 0.1 ! Maximum convection area (% of the cell)
ln_edmfuv = .false. ! Activate on velocity fields
ln_edmftke = .false. ! Activate on TKE field
rn_cemf = 1. ! entrain/detrain coef. for T/S (<0 => cte; >0 % depending on dW/dz
rn_cuvmf = 1. ! entrain/detrain coef. for U/V (<0 => cte; >0 % depending on dW/dz
rn_ctkemf = 1. ! entrain/detrain coef. for TKE (<0 => cte; >0 % depending on dW/dz
ln_varcap = .true. ! true: variable entrainment (resp. detrainment) rate of
! convective area rate : rn_beta1 * max(0,L) (resp. -rn_beta2 * Min(0,L))
! false: constant entrainment - detrainment rate specified by rn_cap
! rate taken as rn_cent, rn_cdet
nn_mfcdis = 0
rn_cap = 1.e-5 ! entrain - detrain convective area (constant case) [m-1]
rn_beta1 = 0.9 ! Coef. for variable entrainment rate of convective area [-]
! value from cloud param in 10.1007/s10546-010-9478-z
rn_beta2 = 0.9 ! Coef. for variable detrainment rate of convective area [-]
! value from cloud param in 10.1007/s10546-010-9478-z
rn_appmax = 0.1 ! Maximum convective area [1]
rn_mfalph = 0.2 ! alpha coefficient from Eq. 7 (Gioardani et al., JAMES 2019) [-]
! value from best fit in idealized testcase + LES in 10.1029/98RG02739
rn_mfcmz = -0.065 ! C_MO from Eq. 11 (buoyancy "drag" coefficient) [-]
! value from LES in 10.1007/s10546-009-9388-0 )
rn_mfa1 = 1. ! ratio between plume TKE transport and buoyancy (a_1 in Eq. 8)
! value from 10.1175/1520-0469(2003)60<1201:ALESIS>2.0.CO;2 ) [-]
&namzdf_iwm ! internal wave-driven mixing parameterization (ln_zdfiwm =T)
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