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MODULE usrdef_zgr
   !!                       ***  MODULE  usrdef_zgr  ***
   !!                      ===  BENCH configuration  ===
   !! User defined : vertical coordinate system of a user configuration
   !! History :  4.0  ! 

   !!   usr_def_zgr   : user defined vertical coordinate system
   !!      zgr_z      : reference 1D z-coordinate 
   !!      zgr_top_bot: ocean top and bottom level indices
   !!      zgr_zco    : 3D verticl coordinate in pure z-coordinate case
   USE oce            ! ocean variables
   USE dom_oce        ! ocean domain
   USE phycst         ! physical constants
   USE depth_e3       ! depth <=> e3
   USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager
   USE lbclnk         ! ocean lateral boundary conditions (or mpp link)
   USE lib_mpp        ! distributed memory computing library


   PUBLIC   usr_def_zgr        ! called by domzgr.F90

   !! NEMO/OPA 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2016)
   !! $Id$
   !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence     (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt)

   SUBROUTINE usr_def_zgr( ld_zco  , ld_zps  , ld_sco  , ld_isfcav,    &   ! type of vertical coordinate
      &                    pdept_1d, pdepw_1d, pe3t_1d , pe3w_1d  ,    &   ! 1D reference vertical coordinate
      &                    pdept , pdepw ,                             &   ! 3D t & w-points depth
      &                    pe3t  , pe3u  , pe3v   , pe3f ,             &   ! vertical scale factors
      &                    pe3w  , pe3uw , pe3vw         ,             &   !     -      -      -
      &                    k_top  , k_bot    )                             ! top & bottom ocean level
      !!              ***  ROUTINE usr_def_zgr  ***
      !! ** Purpose :   User defined the vertical coordinates
      LOGICAL                   , INTENT(out) ::   ld_zco, ld_zps, ld_sco      ! vertical coordinate flags
      LOGICAL                   , INTENT(out) ::   ld_isfcav                   ! under iceshelf cavity flag
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:)    , INTENT(out) ::   pdept_1d, pdepw_1d          ! 1D grid-point depth     [m]
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:)    , INTENT(out) ::   pe3t_1d , pe3w_1d           ! 1D grid-point depth     [m]
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(out) ::   pdept, pdepw                ! grid-point depth        [m]
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(out) ::   pe3t , pe3u , pe3v , pe3f   ! vertical scale factors  [m]
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(out) ::   pe3w , pe3uw, pe3vw         ! i-scale factors 
      INTEGER , DIMENSION(:,:)  , INTENT(out) ::   k_top, k_bot                ! first & last ocean level
      INTEGER  ::   inum   ! local logical unit
      REAL(WP) ::   z_zco, z_zps, z_sco, z_cav
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::   z2d   ! 2D workspace
      IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)
      IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'usr_def_zgr : BENCH configuration (z-coordinate closed flat box ocean)'
      IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~'
      ! type of vertical coordinate
      ! ---------------------------
      ld_zco    = .TRUE.         ! BENCH case:  z-coordinate without ocean cavities
      ld_zps    = .FALSE.
      ld_sco    = .FALSE.
      ld_isfcav = .FALSE.
      ! Build the vertical coordinate system
      ! ------------------------------------
      CALL zgr_z( pdept_1d, pdepw_1d, pe3t_1d , pe3w_1d )   ! Reference z-coordinate system
      CALL zgr_msk_top_bot( k_top , k_bot )                 ! masked top and bottom ocean t-level indices
      !                                                     ! z-coordinate (3D arrays) from the 1D z-coord.
      CALL zgr_zco( pdept_1d, pdepw_1d, pe3t_1d, pe3w_1d,   &   ! in  : 1D reference vertical coordinate
         &          pdept   , pdepw   ,                     &   ! out : 3D t & w-points depth
         &          pe3t    , pe3u    , pe3v   , pe3f   ,   &   !       vertical scale factors
         &          pe3w    , pe3uw   , pe3vw             )     !           -      -      -
   END SUBROUTINE usr_def_zgr

   SUBROUTINE zgr_z( pdept_1d, pdepw_1d, pe3t_1d , pe3w_1d )   ! 1D reference vertical coordinate
      !!                   ***  ROUTINE zgr_z  ***
      !! ** Purpose :   set the 1D depth of model levels and the resulting 
      !!              vertical scale factors.
      !! ** Method  :   1D z-coordinate system (use in all type of coordinate)
      !!       The depth of model levels is set from dep(k), an analytical function:
      !!                   w-level: depw_1d  = dep(k)
      !!                   t-level: dept_1d  = dep(k+0.5)
      !!       The scale factors are the discrete derivative of the depth:
      !!                   e3w_1d(jk) = dk[ dept_1d ] 
      !!                   e3t_1d(jk) = dk[ depw_1d ]
      !!           with at top and bottom :
      !!                   e3w_1d( 1 ) = 2 * ( dept_1d( 1 ) - depw_1d( 1 ) )
      !!                   e3t_1d(jpk) = 2 * ( dept_1d(jpk) - depw_1d(jpk) )
      !!       The depth are then re-computed from the sum of e3. This ensures 
      !!    that depths are identical when reading domain configuration file. 
      !!    Indeed, only e3. are saved in this file, depth are compute by a call
      !!    to the e3_to_depth subroutine.
      !!       Here the Madec & Imbard (1996) function is used.
      !! ** Action  : - pdept_1d, pdepw_1d : depth of T- and W-point (m)
      !!              - pe3t_1d , pe3w_1d  : scale factors at T- and W-levels (m)
      !! Reference : Marti, Madec & Delecluse, 1992, JGR, 97, No8, 12,763-12,766.
      !!             Madec and Imbard, 1996, Clim. Dyn.
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:)    , INTENT(out) ::   pdept_1d, pdepw_1d   ! 1D grid-point depth        [m]
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:)    , INTENT(out) ::   pe3t_1d , pe3w_1d    ! 1D vertical scale factors  [m]
      INTEGER  ::   jk       ! dummy loop indices
      REAL(wp) ::   zd       ! local scalar
      zd = 5000./FLOAT(jpkm1)
      IF(lwp) THEN            ! Parameter print
         WRITE(numout,*) '    zgr_z   : Reference vertical z-coordinates '
         WRITE(numout,*) '    ~~~~~~~'
         WRITE(numout,*) '       BENCH case : uniform vertical grid :'
         WRITE(numout,*) '                     with thickness = ', zd

      ! 1D Reference z-coordinate    (using Madec & Imbard 1996 function)
      ! -------------------------
      pdepw_1d(1) = 0._wp
      pdept_1d(1) = 0.5_wp * zd
      DO jk = 2, jpk          ! depth at T and W-points
         pdepw_1d(jk) = pdepw_1d(jk-1) + zd 
         pdept_1d(jk) = pdept_1d(jk-1) + zd 
      END DO
      !                       ! e3t and e3w from depth
      CALL depth_to_e3( pdept_1d, pdepw_1d, pe3t_1d, pe3w_1d ) 
      !                       ! recompute depths from SUM(e3)  <== needed
      CALL e3_to_depth( pe3t_1d, pe3w_1d, pdept_1d, pdepw_1d ) 
      IF(lwp) THEN                        ! control print
         WRITE(numout,*) '              Reference 1D z-coordinate depth and scale factors:'
         WRITE(numout, "(9x,' level  gdept_1d  gdepw_1d  e3t_1d   e3w_1d  ')" )
         WRITE(numout, "(10x, i4, 4f9.2)" ) ( jk, pdept_1d(jk), pdepw_1d(jk), pe3t_1d(jk), pe3w_1d(jk), jk = 1, jpk )

   SUBROUTINE zgr_msk_top_bot( k_top , k_bot )
      !!                    ***  ROUTINE zgr_msk_top_bot  ***
      !! ** Purpose :   set the masked top and bottom ocean t-levels
      !! ** Method  :   BENCH case = closed flat box ocean without ocean cavities
      !!                   k_top = 1     except along north, south, east and west boundaries
      !!                   k_bot = jpk-1 except along north, south, east and west boundaries
      !! ** Action  : - k_top : first wet ocean level index
      !!              - k_bot : last  wet ocean level index
      INTEGER , DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(out) ::   k_top , k_bot   ! first & last wet ocean level
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) ::   z2d   ! 2D local workspace
      REAL(wp)                     ::   zmaxlam, zscl
      IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)
      IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '    zgr_top_bot : defines the top and bottom wet ocean levels.'
      IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '    ~~~~~~~~~~~'
      IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '       BENCH case : closed flat box ocean without ocean cavities'
      z2d(:,:) = REAL( jpkm1 , wp )          ! flat bottom
      ! BENCH should work without these 2 small islands on the 2 poles of the folding...
      !   -> Comment out these lines if instabilities are too large...
!!$      IF( c_NFtype == 'T' ) THEN   ! add a small island in the upper corners to avoid model instabilities...
!!$         z2d(mi0(       nn_hls,nn_hls):mi1(                  nn_hls+2 ,nn_hls),mj0(jpjglo-nn_hls-1,nn_hls):mj1(jpjglo-nn_hls+1,nn_hls)) = 0._wp
!!$         z2d(mi0(jpiglo-nn_hls,nn_hls):mi1(MIN(jpiglo,jpiglo-nn_hls+2),nn_hls),mj0(jpjglo-nn_hls-1,nn_hls):mj1(jpjglo-nn_hls+1,nn_hls)) = 0._wp
!!$         z2d(mi0(jpiglo/2     ,nn_hls):mi1(           jpiglo/2     +2 ,nn_hls),mj0(jpjglo-nn_hls-1,nn_hls):mj1(jpjglo-nn_hls+1,nn_hls)) = 0._wp
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Guillaume Samson committed
!!$      ENDIF
!!$      !
!!$      IF( c_NFtype == 'F' ) THEN   ! Must mask the 2 pivot-points 
!!$         z2d(mi0(nn_hls+1,nn_hls):mi1(nn_hls+1,nn_hls),mj0(jpjglo-nn_hls,nn_hls):mj1(jpjglo-nn_hls,nn_hls)) = 0._wp
!!$         z2d(mi0(jpiglo/2,nn_hls):mi1(jpiglo/2,nn_hls),mj0(jpjglo-nn_hls,nn_hls):mj1(jpjglo-nn_hls,nn_hls)) = 0._wp
!!$      ENDIF
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Guillaume Samson committed
      CALL lbc_lnk( 'usrdef_zgr', z2d, 'T', 1._wp )           ! set surrounding land to zero (closed boundaries)
      k_bot(:,:) = INT( z2d(:,:) )           ! =jpkm1 over the ocean point, =0 elsewhere
      k_top(:,:) = MIN( 1 , k_bot(:,:) )     ! = 1    over the ocean point, =0 elsewhere
   END SUBROUTINE zgr_msk_top_bot

   SUBROUTINE zgr_zco( pdept_1d, pdepw_1d, pe3t_1d, pe3w_1d,   &   ! in : 1D reference vertical coordinate
      &                pdept   , pdepw   ,                     &   ! out: 3D t & w-points depth
      &                pe3t    , pe3u    , pe3v   , pe3f   ,   &   !      vertical scale factors
      &                pe3w    , pe3uw   , pe3vw             )     !          -      -      -
      !!                  ***  ROUTINE zgr_zco  ***
      !! ** Purpose :   define the reference z-coordinate system
      !! ** Method  :   set 3D coord. arrays to reference 1D array 
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:)    , INTENT(in   ) ::   pdept_1d, pdepw_1d          ! 1D grid-point depth       [m]
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:)    , INTENT(in   ) ::   pe3t_1d , pe3w_1d           ! 1D vertical scale factors [m]
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(  out) ::   pdept, pdepw                ! grid-point depth          [m]
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(  out) ::   pe3t , pe3u , pe3v , pe3f   ! vertical scale factors    [m]
      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(  out) ::   pe3w , pe3uw, pe3vw         !    -       -      -
      INTEGER  ::   jk
      DO jk = 1, jpk
         pdept(:,:,jk) = pdept_1d(jk)
         pdepw(:,:,jk) = pdepw_1d(jk)
         pe3t (:,:,jk) = pe3t_1d (jk)
         pe3u (:,:,jk) = pe3t_1d (jk)
         pe3v (:,:,jk) = pe3t_1d (jk)
         pe3f (:,:,jk) = pe3t_1d (jk)
         pe3w (:,:,jk) = pe3w_1d (jk)
         pe3uw(:,:,jk) = pe3w_1d (jk)
         pe3vw(:,:,jk) = pe3w_1d (jk)
      END DO

END MODULE usrdef_zgr