! This is part of the netCDF F90 API, or. Copyright 2006 UCAR. See COPYRIGHT file
! for details.
! This file contains the netcdf-3 file open and create functions.
! $Id: netcdf4_constants.f90,v 1.14 2010/05/25 13:53:00 ed Exp $
! -------
function nf90_open(path, mode, ncid, chunksize)
character (len = *), intent(in ) :: path
integer, intent(in ) :: mode
integer, intent( out) :: ncid
integer, optional, intent(inout) :: chunksize
integer :: nf90_open
nf90_open = -1
end function nf90_open
! -------
function nf90_create(path, cmode, ncid, initialsize, chunksize)
character (len = *), intent(in ) :: path
integer, intent(in ) :: cmode
integer, intent( out) :: ncid
integer, optional, intent(in ) :: initialsize
integer, optional, intent(inout) :: chunksize
integer :: nf90_create
nf90_create = -1
end function nf90_create