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icealb.F90 12.98 KiB
MODULE icealb
!! *** MODULE icealb ***
!! Atmospheric forcing: Albedo over sea ice
!! History : 4.0 ! 2017-07 (C. Rousset) Split ice and ocean albedos
!! 4.0 ! 2018 (many people) SI3 [aka Sea Ice cube]
#if defined key_si3
!! 'key_si3' SI3 sea-ice model
!! ice_alb : albedo for ice (clear and overcast skies)
!! ice_alb_init : initialisation of albedo computation
USE phycst ! physical constants
USE dom_oce ! domain: ocean
USE ice, ONLY: jpl ! sea-ice: number of categories
USE icevar ! sea-ice: operations
USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager
USE lib_mpp ! MPP library
USE lib_fortran ! Fortran utilities (allows no signed zero when 'key_nosignedzero' defined)
USE timing ! Timing
PUBLIC ice_alb_init ! called in icestp
PUBLIC ice_alb ! called in icesbc.F90 and iceupdate.F90
REAL(wp), PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: rn_alb_oce = 0.066_wp !: ocean or lead albedo (Pegau and Paulson, Ann. Glac. 2001)
! !!* albedo namelist (namalb)
REAL(wp) :: rn_alb_sdry ! dry snow albedo
REAL(wp) :: rn_alb_smlt ! melting snow albedo
REAL(wp) :: rn_alb_idry ! dry ice albedo
REAL(wp) :: rn_alb_imlt ! bare puddled ice albedo
REAL(wp) :: rn_alb_dpnd ! ponded ice albedo
REAL(wp) :: rn_alb_hpiv ! pivotal ice thickness in meters (above which albedo is constant)
!! * Substitutions
# include "do_loop_substitute.h90"
!! NEMO/ICE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018)
!! $Id: icealb.F90 15549 2021-11-28 20:00:36Z clem $
!! Software governed by the CeCILL license (see ./LICENSE)
SUBROUTINE ice_alb( ld_pnd_alb, pt_su, ph_ice, ph_snw, pafrac_pnd, ph_pnd, pcloud_fra, palb_ice )
!! *** ROUTINE ice_alb ***
!! ** Purpose : Computation of the albedo of the snow/ice system
!! ** Method : The scheme is "home made" (for cloudy skies) and based on Brandt et al. (J. Climate 2005)
!! and Grenfell & Perovich (JGR 2004)
!! 1) Albedo dependency on ice thickness follows the findings from Brandt et al (2005)
!! which are an update of Allison et al. (JGR 1993) ; Brandt et al. 1999
!! 0-5cm : linear function of ice thickness
!! 5-100cm: log function of ice thickness
!! > 100cm: constant
!! 2) Albedo dependency on snow thickness follows the findings from Grenfell & Perovich (2004)
!! i.e. it increases as -EXP(-snw_thick/0.02) during freezing and -EXP(-snw_thick/0.03) during melting
!! 3) Albedo dependency on clouds is speculated from measurements of Grenfell and Perovich (2004)
!! i.e. cloudy-clear albedo depend on cloudy albedo following a 2d order polynomial law
!! 4) The needed 4 parameters are: dry and melting snow, freezing ice and bare puddled ice
!! compilation of values from literature (reference overcast sky values)
!! rn_alb_sdry = 0.85 ! dry snow
!! rn_alb_smlt = 0.75 ! melting snow
!! rn_alb_idry = 0.60 ! bare frozen ice
!! rn_alb_imlt = 0.50 ! bare puddled ice albedo
!! rn_alb_dpnd = 0.36 ! ponded-ice overcast albedo (Lecomte et al, 2015)
!! ! early melt pnds 0.27, late melt ponds 0.14 Grenfell & Perovich
!! Perovich et al 2002 (Sheba) => the only dataset for which all types of ice/snow were retrieved
!! rn_alb_sdry = 0.85 ! dry snow
!! rn_alb_smlt = 0.72 ! melting snow
!! rn_alb_idry = 0.65 ! bare frozen ice
!! Brandt et al 2005 (East Antarctica)
!! rn_alb_sdry = 0.87 ! dry snow
!! rn_alb_smlt = 0.82 ! melting snow
!! rn_alb_idry = 0.54 ! bare frozen ice
!! ** Note : The old parameterization from Shine & Henderson-Sellers (not here anymore) presented several misconstructions
!! 1) ice albedo when ice thick. tends to 0 is different than ocean albedo
!! 2) for small ice thick. covered with some snow (<3cm?), albedo is larger
!! under melting conditions than under freezing conditions
!! 3) the evolution of ice albedo as a function of ice thickness shows
!! 3 sharp inflexion points (at 5cm, 100cm and 150cm) that look highly unrealistic
!! References : Shine & Henderson-Sellers 1985, JGR, 90(D1), 2243-2250.
!! Brandt et al. 2005, J. Climate, vol 18
!! Grenfell & Perovich 2004, JGR, vol 109
LOGICAL , INTENT(in ) :: ld_pnd_alb ! effect of melt ponds on albedo
REAL(wp), INTENT(in ), DIMENSION(A2D(0),jpl) :: pt_su ! ice surface temperature (Kelvin)
REAL(wp), INTENT(in ), DIMENSION(A2D(0),jpl) :: ph_ice ! sea-ice thickness
REAL(wp), INTENT(in ), DIMENSION(A2D(0),jpl) :: ph_snw ! snow depth
REAL(wp), INTENT(in ), DIMENSION(A2D(0),jpl) :: pafrac_pnd ! melt pond relative fraction (per unit ice area)
REAL(wp), INTENT(in ), DIMENSION(A2D(0),jpl) :: ph_pnd ! melt pond depth
REAL(wp), INTENT(in ), DIMENSION(A2D(0)) :: pcloud_fra ! cloud fraction
REAL(wp), INTENT( out), DIMENSION(A2D(0),jpl) :: palb_ice ! albedo of ice
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(A2D(0),jpl) :: za_s_fra ! ice fraction covered by snow
INTEGER :: ji, jj, jl ! dummy loop indices
REAL(wp) :: z1_c1, z1_c2,z1_c3, z1_c4 ! local scalar
REAL(wp) :: z1_href_pnd ! inverse of the characteristic length scale (Lecomte et al. 2015)
REAL(wp) :: zalb_pnd, zafrac_pnd ! ponded sea ice albedo & relative pound fraction
REAL(wp) :: zalb_ice, zafrac_ice ! bare sea ice albedo & relative ice fraction
REAL(wp) :: zalb_snw, zafrac_snw ! snow-covered sea ice albedo & relative snow fraction
REAL(wp) :: zalb_cs, zalb_os ! albedo of ice under clear/overcast sky
IF( ln_timing ) CALL timing_start('icealb')
z1_href_pnd = 1._wp / 0.05_wp
z1_c1 = 1._wp / ( LOG(rn_alb_hpiv) - LOG(0.05_wp) )
z1_c2 = 1._wp / 0.05_wp
z1_c3 = 1._wp / 0.02_wp
z1_c4 = 1._wp / 0.03_wp
CALL ice_var_snwfra( ph_snw(:,:,:), za_s_fra(:,:,:) ) ! calculate ice fraction covered by snow
DO jl = 1, jpl
DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ! palb_ice used over the full domain in icesbc
!--- Specific snow, ice and pond fractions ---!
zafrac_snw = za_s_fra(ji,jj,jl)
IF( ld_pnd_alb ) THEN
zafrac_pnd = MIN( pafrac_pnd(ji,jj,jl), 1._wp - zafrac_snw ) ! make sure (a_ip_eff + a_s_fra) <= 1
zafrac_pnd = 0._wp
zafrac_ice = MAX( 0._wp, 1._wp - zafrac_pnd - zafrac_snw ) ! max for roundoff errors
!--- Albedos ---!
! !--- Bare ice albedo (for hi > 100cm)
IF( ld_pnd_alb ) THEN
zalb_ice = rn_alb_idry
IF( ph_snw(ji,jj,jl) == 0._wp .AND. pt_su(ji,jj,jl) >= rt0 ) THEN ; zalb_ice = rn_alb_imlt
ELSE ; zalb_ice = rn_alb_idry ; ENDIF
! !--- Bare ice albedo (for hi < 100cm)
IF( 0.05 < ph_ice(ji,jj,jl) .AND. ph_ice(ji,jj,jl) <= rn_alb_hpiv ) THEN ! 5cm < hi < 100cm
zalb_ice = zalb_ice + ( 0.18_wp - zalb_ice ) * z1_c1 * ( LOG(rn_alb_hpiv) - LOG(ph_ice(ji,jj,jl)) )
ELSEIF( ph_ice(ji,jj,jl) <= 0.05_wp ) THEN ! 0cm < hi < 5cm
zalb_ice = rn_alb_oce + ( 0.18_wp - rn_alb_oce ) * z1_c2 * ph_ice(ji,jj,jl)
! !--- Snow-covered ice albedo (freezing, melting cases)
IF( pt_su(ji,jj,jl) < rt0 ) THEN
zalb_snw = rn_alb_sdry - ( rn_alb_sdry - zalb_ice ) * EXP( - ph_snw(ji,jj,jl) * z1_c3 )
zalb_snw = rn_alb_smlt - ( rn_alb_smlt - zalb_ice ) * EXP( - ph_snw(ji,jj,jl) * z1_c4 )
! !--- Ponded ice albedo
zalb_pnd = rn_alb_dpnd - ( rn_alb_dpnd - zalb_ice ) * EXP( - ph_pnd(ji,jj,jl) * z1_href_pnd )
! !--- Surface albedo is weighted mean of snow, ponds and bare ice contributions
zalb_os = ( zafrac_snw * zalb_snw + zafrac_pnd * zalb_pnd + zafrac_ice * zalb_ice ) * smask0(ji,jj)
zalb_cs = zalb_os - ( - 0.1010_wp * zalb_os * zalb_os &
& + 0.1933_wp * zalb_os - 0.0148_wp ) * smask0(ji,jj)
! albedo depends on cloud fraction because of non-linear spectral effects
palb_ice(ji,jj,jl) = ( 1._wp - pcloud_fra(ji,jj) ) * zalb_cs + pcloud_fra(ji,jj) * zalb_os
IF( ln_timing ) CALL timing_stop('icealb')
SUBROUTINE ice_alb_init
!! *** ROUTINE alb_init ***
!! ** Purpose : initializations for the albedo parameters
!! ** Method : Read the namelist namalb
INTEGER :: ios ! Local integer output status for namelist read
NAMELIST/namalb/ rn_alb_sdry, rn_alb_smlt, rn_alb_idry, rn_alb_imlt, rn_alb_dpnd, rn_alb_hpiv
READ ( numnam_ice_ref, namalb, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 901)
901 IF( ios /= 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'namalb in reference namelist' )
READ ( numnam_ice_cfg, namalb, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 902 )
902 IF( ios > 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'namalb in configuration namelist' )
IF(lwm) WRITE( numoni, namalb )
IF(lwp) THEN ! Control print
WRITE(numout,*) 'ice_alb_init: set albedo parameters'
WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~'
WRITE(numout,*) ' Namelist namalb:'
WRITE(numout,*) ' albedo of dry snow rn_alb_sdry = ', rn_alb_sdry
WRITE(numout,*) ' albedo of melting snow rn_alb_smlt = ', rn_alb_smlt
WRITE(numout,*) ' albedo of dry ice rn_alb_idry = ', rn_alb_idry
WRITE(numout,*) ' albedo of bare puddled ice rn_alb_imlt = ', rn_alb_imlt
WRITE(numout,*) ' albedo of ponded ice rn_alb_dpnd = ', rn_alb_dpnd
WRITE(numout,*) ' pivotal ice thickness (m) rn_alb_hpiv = ', rn_alb_hpiv
END SUBROUTINE ice_alb_init
!! Default option Dummy module NO SI3 sea-ice model