This section provides you an overview of the major NEMO upgrades as included in the new 4.2 release.
It includes instructions on how to move to new version and a list of the novelties of changed NEMO modules.
If you are willing to port an existing configuration in order to start using this new release, it is sugggested to also look at the 4.2 [Migration Guide](
# List the main additions of the new 4.2 release - February 2022
This document lists the improvements and new features of the 4.2 release compared to the previous 4.0.
If you are willing to port an existing configuration in order to start using this new release, it is sugggested to also look at the 4.2 Migration Guide (link to add).
Improvements and new features of 4.2 release
- Quasi Eulerian Coordinates
- New HPG schemes (imrpoveents and new option)
- New HPG schemes (improvements and new option)
- Preparatory stages for new RK3 time stepping scheme (includes time-pointer changes, DO LOOP macros, changes in main arrays dimensions)
- Full Shallow Water setup
- New vertical scale factors management in time reducing meùory footprint : added key qco (Quasi Eulerian Coordinates), key linssh, see Migration Guide
@@ -38,6 +36,7 @@ Improvements and new features of 4.2 release
- EAP & VP rheology (V&V to complete)
- Melt ponds (preliminary implementation)
- Updated Reference Manual will be made available to users by March 2022
@@ -60,7 +59,6 @@ Improvements and new features of 4.2 release
## High Performance Computing HPC
- MPI Communication cleanup & improvements using MPI3
- Reduce memory footprint
- Improved computational performance of solar penetration scheme
@@ -70,7 +68,6 @@ So as some new features implemented, and now needing further work to produce act
- Loop fusion
- Tiling
- Tests cases now available with most new developments