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Commit 8462b3f7 authored by Sebastien Masson's avatar Sebastien Masson
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Merge branch '46-rothrock-ice-strength' into 'main'

Resolve "rothrock ice strength"

Closes #46

See merge request nemo/nemo!79
parents 2c939f23 643ca84a
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......@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ MODULE icedyn_rdgrft
REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: apartf ! participation function; fraction of ridging/closing associated w/ category n
REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: hrmin ! minimum ridge thickness
REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: hrmax ! maximum ridge thickness
REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: hrexp ! e-folding ridge thickness
REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: hraft ! thickness of rafted ice
REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: hi_hrdg ! thickness of ridging ice / mean ridge thickness
REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: aridge ! participating ice ridging
......@@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ MODULE icedyn_rdgrft
REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: ze_s_2d
REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: hrdg_hi_min = 1.1_wp ! min ridge thickness multiplier: min(hrdg/hi)
REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: hi_hrft = 0.5_wp ! rafting multipliyer: (hi/hraft)
REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: hi_hrft = 0.5_wp ! rafting multiplier: (hi/hraft)
! ** namelist (namdyn_rdgrft) **
LOGICAL :: ln_str_R75 ! ice strength parameterization: Rothrock 75
......@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ MODULE icedyn_rdgrft
REAL(wp) :: rn_str ! constant value of ice strength
LOGICAL :: ln_str_smooth ! ice strength spatial smoothing
LOGICAL :: ln_distf_lin ! redistribution of ridged ice: linear (Hibler 1980)
LOGICAL :: ln_distf_exp ! redistribution of ridged ice: exponential
LOGICAL :: ln_distf_exp ! redistribution of ridged ice: exponential (Lipscomb et al 2017)
REAL(wp) :: rn_murdg ! gives e-folding scale of ridged ice (m^.5)
REAL(wp) :: rn_csrdg ! fraction of shearing energy contributing to ridging
LOGICAL :: ln_partf_lin ! participation function linear (Thorndike et al. (1975))
......@@ -99,9 +100,9 @@ CONTAINS
!! *** ROUTINE ice_dyn_rdgrft_alloc ***
ALLOCATE( closing_net(jpij) , opning(jpij) , closing_gross(jpij) , &
& apartf(jpij,0:jpl) , hrmin (jpij,jpl) , hraft(jpij,jpl) , aridge(jpij,jpl), &
& hrmax (jpij,jpl) , hi_hrdg(jpij,jpl) , araft(jpij,jpl) , &
ALLOCATE( closing_net(jpij) , opning(jpij) , closing_gross(jpij), &
& apartf(jpij,0:jpl), hrmin (jpij,jpl), hraft(jpij,jpl) , aridge(jpij,jpl), &
& hrmax (jpij,jpl) , hrexp (jpij,jpl), hi_hrdg(jpij,jpl) , araft(jpij,jpl) , &
& ze_i_2d(jpij,nlay_i,jpl), ze_s_2d(jpij,nlay_s,jpl), STAT=ice_dyn_rdgrft_alloc )
CALL mpp_sum ( 'icedyn_rdgrft', ice_dyn_rdgrft_alloc )
......@@ -353,7 +354,7 @@ CONTAINS
zGsum(1:npti,-1) = 0._wp
zGsum(1:npti,0 ) = pato_i(1:npti) * z1_asum(1:npti)
DO jl = 1, jpl
zGsum(1:npti,jl) = ( pato_i(1:npti) + SUM( pa_i(1:npti,1:jl), dim=2 ) ) * z1_asum(1:npti) ! sum(1:jl) is ok (and not jpl)
zGsum(1:npti,jl) = ( pato_i(1:npti) + SUM( pa_i(1:npti,1:jl), dim=2 ) ) * z1_asum(1:npti) ! sum(1:jl) is correct (and not jpl)
IF( ln_partf_lin ) THEN !--- Linear formulation (Thorndike et al., 1975)
......@@ -420,8 +421,10 @@ CONTAINS
! 2) Transfer function
! If assuming ridged ice is uniformly distributed between hrmin and
! hrmax (ln_distf_lin):
! Compute max and min ridged ice thickness for each ridging category.
! Assume ridged ice is uniformly distributed between hrmin and hrmax.
! This parameterization is a modified version of Hibler (1980).
! The mean ridging thickness, zhmean, is proportional to hi^(0.5)
......@@ -436,9 +439,37 @@ CONTAINS
! These modifications have the effect of reducing the ice strength
! (relative to the Hibler formulation) when very thick ice is ridging.
! zaksum = net area removed/ total area removed
! where total area removed = area of ice that ridges
! net area removed = total area removed - area of new ridges
! If assuming ridged ice ITD is a negative exponential
! (ln_distf_exp) and following CICE implementation:
! g(h) ~ exp[-(h-hrmin)/hrexp], h >= hrmin
! where hrmin is the minimum thickness of ridging ice and
! hrexp is the e-folding thickness.
! Here, assume as above that hrmin = min(2*hi, hi+maxraft).
! That is, the minimum ridge thickness results from rafting,
! unless the ice is thicker than maxraft.
! Also, assume that hrexp = mu_rdg*sqrt(hi).
! The parameter mu_rdg is tuned to give e-folding scales mostly
! in the range 2-4 m as observed by upward-looking sonar.
! Values of mu_rdg in the right column give ice strengths
! roughly equal to values of Hstar in the left column
! (within ~10 kN/m for typical ITDs):
! Hstar mu_rdg
! 25 3.0
! 50 4.0
! 75 5.0
! 100 6.0
! zaksum = net area removed/ total area participating
! where total area participating = area of ice that ridges
! net area removed = total area participating - area of new ridges
zfac = 1._wp / hi_hrft
zaksum(1:npti) = apartf(1:npti,0)
......@@ -448,9 +479,16 @@ CONTAINS
IF ( apartf(ji,jl) > 0._wp ) THEN
zhmean = MAX( SQRT( rn_hstar * zhi(ji,jl) ), zhi(ji,jl) * hrdg_hi_min )
hrmin (ji,jl) = MIN( 2._wp * zhi(ji,jl), 0.5_wp * ( zhmean + zhi(ji,jl) ) )
hrmax (ji,jl) = 2._wp * zhmean - hrmin(ji,jl)
hraft (ji,jl) = zhi(ji,jl) * zfac
hi_hrdg(ji,jl) = zhi(ji,jl) / MAX( zhmean, epsi20 )
IF( ln_distf_lin ) THEN
hrmax (ji,jl) = 2._wp * zhmean - hrmin(ji,jl)
hi_hrdg(ji,jl) = zhi(ji,jl) / MAX( zhmean, epsi20 )
ELSEIF( ln_distf_exp ) THEN
hrexp (ji,jl) = rn_murdg * SQRT( zhi(ji,jl) )
hi_hrdg(ji,jl) = zhi(ji,jl) / ( hrmin(ji,jl) + hrexp(ji,jl) )
!!clem: set a mini for zhi??
! Normalization factor : zaksum, ensures mass conservation
zaksum(ji) = zaksum(ji) + aridge(ji,jl) * ( 1._wp - hi_hrdg(ji,jl) ) &
......@@ -458,8 +496,10 @@ CONTAINS
hrmin (ji,jl) = 0._wp
hrmax (ji,jl) = 0._wp
hrexp (ji,jl) = 0._wp
hraft (ji,jl) = 0._wp
hi_hrdg(ji,jl) = 1._wp
!!clem zaksum(ji,jl) = 0._wp
......@@ -513,6 +553,7 @@ CONTAINS
INTEGER :: ji, jj, jl, jl1, jl2, jk ! dummy loop indices
REAL(wp) :: hL, hR, farea ! left and right limits of integration and new area going to jl2
REAL(wp) :: expL, expR ! exponentials involving hL, hR
REAL(wp) :: vsw ! vol of water trapped into ridges
REAL(wp) :: afrdg, afrft ! fraction of category area ridged/rafted
REAL(wp) :: airdg1, oirdg1, aprdg1, virdg1, sirdg1
......@@ -694,18 +735,50 @@ CONTAINS
IF( ll_shift(ji) ) THEN
! Compute the fraction of ridged ice area and volume going to thickness category jl2
IF( hrmin(ji,jl1) <= hi_max(jl2) .AND. hrmax(ji,jl1) > hi_max(jl2-1) ) THEN
hL = MAX( hrmin(ji,jl1), hi_max(jl2-1) )
hR = MIN( hrmax(ji,jl1), hi_max(jl2) )
farea = ( hR - hL ) / ( hrmax(ji,jl1) - hrmin(ji,jl1) )
fvol(ji) = ( hR * hR - hL * hL ) / ( hrmax(ji,jl1) * hrmax(ji,jl1) - hrmin(ji,jl1) * hrmin(ji,jl1) )
IF( ln_distf_lin ) THEN ! Hibler (1980) linear formulation
itest_rdg(ji) = 1 ! test for conservation
farea = 0._wp
fvol(ji) = 0._wp
IF( hrmin(ji,jl1) <= hi_max(jl2) .AND. hrmax(ji,jl1) > hi_max(jl2-1) ) THEN
hL = MAX( hrmin(ji,jl1), hi_max(jl2-1) )
hR = MIN( hrmax(ji,jl1), hi_max(jl2) )
farea = ( hR - hL ) / ( hrmax(ji,jl1) - hrmin(ji,jl1) )
fvol(ji) = ( hR * hR - hL * hL ) / ( hrmax(ji,jl1) * hrmax(ji,jl1) - hrmin(ji,jl1) * hrmin(ji,jl1) )
itest_rdg(ji) = 1 ! test for conservation
farea = 0._wp
fvol(ji) = 0._wp
ELSEIF( ln_distf_exp ) THEN ! Lipscomb et al. (2007) exponential formulation
IF( jl2 < jpl ) THEN
IF( hrmin(ji,jl1) <= hi_max(jl2) ) THEN
hL = MAX( hrmin(ji,jl1), hi_max(jl2-1) )
hR = hi_max(jl2)
expL = EXP( -( hL - hrmin(ji,jl1) ) / hrexp(ji,jl1) )
expR = EXP( -( hR - hrmin(ji,jl1) ) / hrexp(ji,jl1) )
farea = expL - expR
fvol(ji) = ( ( hL + hrexp(ji,jl1) ) * expL &
- ( hR + hrexp(ji,jl1) ) * expR ) / ( hrmin(ji,jl1) + hrexp(ji,jl1) )
farea = 0._wp
fvol(ji) = 0._wp
ELSE ! jl2 = jpl
hL = MAX( hrmin(ji,jl1), hi_max(jl2-1) )
expL = EXP(-( hL - hrmin(ji,jl1) ) / hrexp(ji,jl1) )
farea = expL
fvol(ji) = ( hL + hrexp(ji,jl1) ) * expL / ( hrmin(ji,jl1) + hrexp(ji,jl1) )
END IF ! jl2 < jpl
itest_rdg(ji) = 1 ! test for conservation => clem: I am not sure about that
END IF ! ridge redistribution
! Compute the fraction of rafted ice area and volume going to thickness category jl2
IF( hraft(ji,jl1) <= hi_max(jl2) .AND. hraft(ji,jl1) > hi_max(jl2-1) ) THEN
zswitch(ji) = 1._wp
......@@ -780,18 +853,20 @@ CONTAINS
!! ** Purpose : computes ice strength used in dynamics routines of ice thickness
!! ** Method : Compute the strength of the ice pack, defined as the energy (J m-2)
!! ** Method : Compute the strength of the ice pack, defined as the energy (J m-2)
!! dissipated per unit area removed from the ice pack under compression,
!! and assumed proportional to the change in potential energy caused
!! by ridging. Note that only Hibler's formulation is stable and that
!! ice strength has to be smoothed
!! by ridging. Note that ice strength using Hibler's formulation must be
!! smoothed.
INTEGER :: ji, jj, jl ! dummy loop indices
REAL(wp) :: z1_3 ! local scalars
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zmsk, zworka ! temporary array used here
LOGICAL :: ln_str_R75
REAL(wp) :: zhi, zcp, rn_pe_rdg
LOGICAL :: ln_str_R75
REAL(wp) :: zhi, zcp
REAL(wp) :: h2rdg ! mean value of h^2 for new ridge
REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: zmax_strength = 200.e3_wp ! Richter-Menge and Elder (1998) estimate maximum in Beaufort Sea in wintertime of the order 150 kN/m
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpij) :: zstrength, zaksum ! strength in 1D
! prepare the mask
......@@ -804,7 +879,7 @@ CONTAINS
CASE ( np_strr75 ) !== Rothrock(1975)'s method ==!
! these 2 param should be defined once for all at the 1st time step
! this should be defined once for all at the 1st time step
zcp = 0.5_wp * grav * (rho0-rhoi) * rhoi * r1_rho0 ! proport const for PE
strength(:,:) = 0._wp
......@@ -841,16 +916,31 @@ CONTAINS
DO ji = 1, npti
IF( apartf(ji,jl) > 0._wp ) THEN
IF( ln_distf_lin ) THEN ! Uniform redistribution of ridged ice
h2rdg = z1_3 * ( hrmax(ji,jl) * hrmax(ji,jl) + & ! (a**3-b**3)/(a-b) = a*a+ab+b*b
& hrmin(ji,jl) * hrmin(ji,jl) + &
& hrmax(ji,jl) * hrmin(ji,jl) )
ELSEIF( ln_distf_exp ) THEN ! Exponential redistribution of ridged ice
h2rdg = hrmin(ji,jl) * hrmin(ji,jl) &
& + 2._wp * hrmin(ji,jl) * hrexp(ji,jl) &
& + 2._wp * hrexp(ji,jl) * hrexp(ji,jl)
IF( a_i_2d(ji,jl) > epsi10 ) THEN ; zhi = v_i_2d(ji,jl) / a_i_2d(ji,jl)
ELSE ; zhi = 0._wp
zstrength(ji) = zstrength(ji) - apartf(ji,jl) * zhi * zhi ! PE loss from deforming ice
zstrength(ji) = zstrength(ji) + 2._wp * araft (ji,jl) * zhi * zhi ! PE gain from rafting ice
zstrength(ji) = zstrength(ji) + aridge(ji,jl) * hi_hrdg(ji,jl) * z1_3 * & ! PE gain from ridging ice
& ( hrmax(ji,jl) * hrmax(ji,jl) + & ! (a**3-b**3)/(a-b) = a*a+ab+b*b
& hrmin(ji,jl) * hrmin(ji,jl) + &
& hrmax(ji,jl) * hrmin(ji,jl) )
!!$ zstrength(ji) = zstrength(ji) - apartf(ji,jl) * zhi * zhi ! PE loss from deforming ice
!!$ zstrength(ji) = zstrength(ji) + 2._wp * araft (ji,jl) * zhi * zhi ! PE gain from rafting ice
!!$ zstrength(ji) = zstrength(ji) + aridge(ji,jl) * hi_hrdg(ji,jl) * z1_3 * & ! PE gain from ridging ice
!!$ & ( hrmax(ji,jl) * hrmax(ji,jl) + & ! (a**3-b**3)/(a-b) = a*a+ab+b*b
!!$ & hrmin(ji,jl) * hrmin(ji,jl) + &
!!$ & hrmax(ji,jl) * hrmin(ji,jl) )
zstrength(ji) = zstrength(ji) - apartf(ji,jl) * zhi * zhi ! PE loss
zstrength(ji) = zstrength(ji) + 2._wp * araft(ji,jl) * zhi * zhi ! PE gain (rafting)
zstrength(ji) = zstrength(ji) + aridge(ji,jl) * h2rdg * hi_hrdg(ji,jl) ! PE gain (ridging)
......@@ -858,6 +948,11 @@ CONTAINS
zstrength(1:npti) = rn_pe_rdg * zcp * zstrength(1:npti) / zaksum(1:npti)
! Enforce a maximum for strength
! Richter-Menge and Elder (1998) estimate maximum in Beaufort Sea in wintertime of the order 150 kN/m
WHERE( zstrength(1:npti) > zmax_strength ) ; zstrength(1:npti) = zmax_strength
CALL tab_1d_2d( npti, nptidx(1:npti), zstrength(1:npti), strength )
......@@ -1009,7 +1104,7 @@ CONTAINS
WRITE(numout,*) ' ice strength value rn_str = ', rn_str
WRITE(numout,*) ' spatial smoothing of the strength ln_str_smooth= ', ln_str_smooth
WRITE(numout,*) ' redistribution of ridged ice: linear (Hibler 1980) ln_distf_lin = ', ln_distf_lin
WRITE(numout,*) ' redistribution of ridged ice: exponential ln_distf_exp = ', ln_distf_exp
WRITE(numout,*) ' redistribution of ridged ice: exponential(Lipscomb 2017) ln_distf_exp = ', ln_distf_exp
WRITE(numout,*) ' e-folding scale of ridged ice rn_murdg = ', rn_murdg
WRITE(numout,*) ' Fraction of shear energy contributing to ridging rn_csrdg = ', rn_csrdg
WRITE(numout,*) ' linear ridging participation function ln_partf_lin = ', ln_partf_lin
......@@ -1034,11 +1129,13 @@ CONTAINS
IF( ln_str_CST ) THEN ; ioptio = ioptio + 1 ; nice_str = np_strcst ; ENDIF
IF( ioptio /= 1 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'ice_dyn_rdgrft_init: one and only one ice strength option has to be defined ' )
IF ( ( ln_str_H79 .AND. ln_str_R75 ) .OR. ( .NOT.ln_str_H79 .AND. .NOT.ln_str_R75 ) ) THEN
CALL ctl_stop( 'ice_dyn_rdgrft_init: choose one and only one ice strength formulation (ln_str_H79 or ln_str_R75)' )
IF ( ( ln_distf_lin .AND. ln_distf_exp ) .OR. ( .NOT.ln_distf_lin .AND. .NOT.ln_distf_exp ) ) THEN
CALL ctl_stop( 'ice_dyn_rdgrft_init: choose one and only one redistribution function (ln_distf_lin or ln_distf_exp)' )
IF( ln_distf_exp ) CALL ctl_stop( 'ice_dyn_rdgrft_init: exponential redistribution function not coded yet (ln_distf_exp)' )
IF ( ( ln_partf_lin .AND. ln_partf_exp ) .OR. ( .NOT.ln_partf_lin .AND. .NOT.ln_partf_exp ) ) THEN
CALL ctl_stop( 'ice_dyn_rdgrft_init: choose one and only one participation function (ln_partf_lin or ln_partf_exp)' )
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