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Snippets Groups Projects
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  • 100-revise-bdy-structure-of-top-boundary-conditions
  • 101-generate-bdy-coordinate-files-runtime-based-on-nambdy_index
  • 102-add-pure-impure-elemental-instructions
  • 103-add-symmetrical-southern-boundary
  • 105-comprehensive-explicit-declaration-of-dummy-subroutine-arguments
  • 110-does-not-compile-in-sigle-precision
  • 112-2d-mode
  • 115-automatic-definition-of-the-arch-file
  • 117-repeatability-of-test-case-sette-tests
  • 119-summer-2022-work-si3-further-optimization
  • 120-tracer-conservation-for-configurations-with-forward-euler-passive-tracer-time-stepping
  • 121-set-top-var-values-in-ice-shelve-melted-cell
  • 4.2_sp_fixes
  • 44-report-missing-fix-from-the-4-0
  • 54-robust-and-accurate-passive-tracer-restart-mechanism-for-configurations-with
  • 61-continuous-integration-tests-with-sette
  • 63-zad_Aimp-with-rk3
  • 67-new-development-branch-related-to-mass-flux-convection-scheme
  • 68-summer-body-2022
  • 69-summer-2022-work-zdf-halo-cleanup
  • 4.2.0
21 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.023Nov2221181514131110987432130Oct2928272625242120191813111076543130Sep29282726232220191615141312107652131Aug30262524191815111098129Jul2827262520181514121176130Jun2928272421201715141325MayCorrect stupid error in the split again[dev_4.2.0_mixed_precision]: Fix needed to run with AutoRPE parserdev_4.2.0_mixed…dev_4.2.0_mixed_precisionCorrection to Wicker and Skamarock splitCentralisation of the BBL advection- and diffusion-coefficient computation (see issue #120)120-tracer-cons…120-tracer-conservation-for-configurations-with-forward-euler-passive-tracer-time-steppingSome further minor changes69-summer-2022-…69-summer-2022-work-zdf-halo-cleanupPossible missing brackets for northfold lbc_lnk reproducibility in dyn_adv_ubsPreserve results between nn_hls = 1 & 2 for dyn_kegMake `zuu`/`zvv`/`zww` tile arrays in `tra_adv`Reduce/correct uses of A2D/T2DAdd wrapper functions and `kbnd` argument to more subroutinesMake prtctl work with 1 halo point arrays and tiling (need to test)Fixes for tilingFix akz/ah_wslp2 not being zeroed every timestep in tra_ldf_triadadd patch for lbc_lnk in icedyn_adv_pra, #6868-summer-body-…68-summer-body-2022fix file_def_nemo-oce.xml + add BENCH_XIOS2, #9393-use-xios3-wi…93-use-xios3-with-nemofix file_def_nemo-oce.xml in BENCH_XIOS3, #93Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/80-summer-2022-work-dyn-tra' into 68-summer-body-2022some cleaning80-summer-2022-…80-summer-2022-work-dyn-traadd cfgs/ORCA2_XIOS3 and tests/BENCH_XIOS3, #93Adjusted computation of passive-tracer statistics (see issue #120)Revision of the forward Euler time-stepping option for passive tracers (see issue #120)Move call of dia_ptr_init after call to iom_init_closedef in stprk3.F90 to enable use of iom_use63-zad_Aimp-wit…63-zad_Aimp-with-rk3Add in changes from the test_zad_Aimp branch by Jerome. These changes use FCT for tracers only at the 3rd stage of RK3 and implement a subiteration of the upwind scheme to imporove monotonicityminor spelling correction in dynzdf.F90Fixes to enable ln_zad_Aimp to work successfully with eORCA025 with both ln_dynadv_vec=T or F. A reduction in array use is still possible and changes from Jerome are yet to be fully implemented. This commit includes the alternative partitioning (wAimp_RK3_alt) but it is not active. The next commit will include FCT at stage-3 with RK3 changes and sub-iterations of the upwind part in the FCT tracer advection from Jeromes test_zad_Aimp branch.Modified stpctl.F90 to check and report max |V| as well as max |U|. Also updated max wi masking when using ln_zad_Aimpcorrect typo which prevent to use current damping with C1Dfix OVERFLOW and SWG sette tests in debug modeMerge branch 'cherry-pick-25d5cad7' into 'branch_4.2'branch_4.2branch_4.2Merge branch...Merge branch '113-nemo-compilation-fails-when-model-path-contains-a-directory-name-with-digits-only' into 'main'121-set-top-var…121-set-top-var-values-in-ice-shelve-melted-cell mainResolve "Nemo compilation fails when model path contains a directory name with digits only"Enhanced robustness of the passive-tracer restart mechanism in configurations with forward Euler time stepping ('main' version) (see issue #54)54-robust-and-a…54-robust-and-accurate-passive-tracer-restart-mechanism-for-configurations-withfix physics tests for LOCK_EXCHANGE & OVERFLOW117-repeatabili…117-repeatability-of-test-case-sette-testsagrif compilation bugfixSecure J/m^2->J/m^3 conversion in SI3 against overflows4.2_sp_fixes4.2_sp_fixesadapt makenemo to compile nemo in any directory + improve "clean" optionadapt mk scripts and fcm cfg files to compile nemo completely outside nemo directoryadapt sette to work with any path (custom or not)add the possibility to install a new configuration anywhere using "-t" makenemo option (continuation of #84)