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Sending feedbacks and getting answers
| Sending feedbacks is a useful way to contribute to NEMO efficency and reliability. Before doing so,please check
on NEMO develoment platform in wiki, tickets, forum and online documentation so as
on :NEMO Discourse group:`` if the subject has already been discussed.
You can either contribute to an existing discussion, or
| Create an entry for the discussion online in Discourse, according to your needs
Please follow the guidelines and try to be as specific as possible in the description.
New development
You intend to build or have already build a development relevant for NEMO shared reference: an improveent of or
addition to the source code, a full fork of the reference, ...
The proposals for developments to be included in the shared NEMO reference are first examined
by the `group NEMO Officers <>`_ representing the group of developers,
and/or by the chair of NEMO Developers Committee(email). For them to examine if the development is relevant
Your will describe the motivations, the development done, its implementation,
and the existing validations, so as the time you envisage to dedicate to the work preparing the development
and making it ready to include in the NEMO shared reference (see `NEMO development workflow here <>`_).
Tthe implementation of a new development in NEMO Shared reference usually requires some additionnal work from the intial developer.
Once the Developers Team sends a positive answer, you will be guided to follow (see `NEMO development workflow here <>`_).
Some tasks will need to be scheduled with NEMO System Team: one of the NEMO officers will sponsor your work and help you in this process.
The documentation (description of existing code, reference manuals, templates, coding rules, etc...) is available from `here <>`_