Tomas Lovato authored05ce05e1
Setting up a new configuration
Starting from an existing configuration
There are three options to build a new configuration from an existing one.
Option 1: Duplicate an existing configuration
The NEMO so-called Reference Configurations cover a number of major features for NEMO setup (global, regional, 1D, using embedded zoom with AGRIF...)
One can create a new configuration by duplicating one of the reference configurations
in the following example)
$ ./makenemo –n 'ORCA2_ICE_PISCES_MINE' -r 'ORCA2_ICE_PISCES' -m 'my_arch'
Option 2: Duplicate with differences
Create and compile a new configuration based on a reference configuration
in the following example) but with different pre-processor options.
For this either add add_key
or del_key
keys as required; e.g.
$ ./makenemo –n 'ORCA2_ICE_PISCES_MINE' -r 'ORCA2_ICE_PISCES' -m 'my_arch' del_key 'key_xios' add_key 'key_diahth'
Option 3: Use the SIREN tools to subset an existing model
Define a regional configuration which is a {sub,super}-set of an existing configuration.
This last option employs the SIREN software tools that are included in the standard distribution. The software is written in Fortran 95 and available in the :file:`./tools/SIREN` directory. SIREN allows you to create your own regional configuration embedded in a wider one.
SIREN is a set of programs to create all the input files you need to run a NEMO regional configuration.
Demo: | Set of GLORYS files (GLObal ReanalYSis on the ORCA025 grid), as well as examples of namelists are available here. |
Doc: | :forge:`chrome/site/doc/SIREN/html/index.html` |
Support: | Any questions or comments regarding the use of SIREN should be posted in :forge:`the corresponding forum <discussion/forum/2>`. |
Option 4: Use the nesting tools to create embedded zooms or regional configurations from an existing grid
(see :coderepo:`NESTING README </tools/NESTING/README>`).
Creating a completely new configuration
From NEMO version 4.0 there are two ways to build configurations from scratch. The appropriate method to use depends largely on the target configuration. Method 1 is for more complex/realistic global or regional configurations and method 2 is intended for simpler, idealised configurations whose domains and characteristics can be described in simple geometries and formulae.
Option 1: Create and use a domain configuration file
This method is used by each of the reference configurations,
so that downloading their input files linked to their description can help.
Although starting from scratch,
it is advisable to create the directory structure to house your new configuration by
duplicating the closest reference configuration to your target application.
For example, if your application requires both ocean ice and passive tracers,
then use the ORCA2_ICE_PISCES
as template,
and execute following command to build your MY_NEW_CONFIG
$ ./makenemo –n 'MY_NEW_CONFIG' -r 'ORCA2_ICE_PISCES' -m 'my_arch'