Nicolas Martin authorede3c35821
NEMO currently exploits OASIS-3-MCT (versions 1 to 4) to implement a generalised coupled interface (:manhtml:`Coupled Formulation <node50.html>`). It can be used to interface with most of the European atmospheric GCM (ARPEGE, ECHAM, ECMWF, Ha- dAM, HadGAM, LMDz), as well as to regional atmospheric models (WRF, COSMO, Meso-NH, AROME). To implement the coupling of two independent NEMO components, ocean on one hand and sea-ice plus other surface processes on the other hand (:manhtml:`Standalone Surface Module - SAS <node46.html>`).
To enable the OASIS interface the required compilation key is key_oasis3
You must also add key_oasis3_v1v2
if you use OASIS-3-MCT version 1 and 2.
The parameters to set are in sections &namsbc_cpl
in case of using of SAS also in section &namsbc_sas