## NEMO manuals
This repository collects NEMO documentation manuals in LaTeX format.
- NEMO physical core components
- TOP interface for passive tracers
- SI3 sea ice model
## Cloning with submodules
This repository uses the `namelists` and `gallery` documentation projects as git `submodules`.
So when cloning this repository it is necessary to clone also the related submodules, using the following command
`git clone --recurse-submodules <reponame>`
If the repository was cloned in a standard way, it is possible to checkout submodules using
`git submodule update --init `
## Building the documentation
To generate the PDF version of manual(s) use the following:
./ [-p] [-r version ] manual_name
`manual_name` : Chose one model manual among `NEMO`, `SI3`, `TOP`, or `all` (if not provided compile `NEMO`)
`-p` Produce manual with figures and disable draft watermark
`-r` Specify the release version number of the manual(s) instead of the branch name
### Known troubles
If you get an error due to the missing location of `FontAwesome`, it is necessary to set the local path
of LaTeX fonts in the file `latex/global/packages.tex` at `\defaultfontfeatures`. Be carefull not to commit this modification to the remote code.