Temporal discretization of the system above follows a three-time step Generalized Forward
Backward algorithm detailed in \citet{shchepetkin.mcwilliams_OM05}. AB3-AM4 coefficients
used in \NEMO\ follow the second-order accurate, "multi-purpose" stability compromise as
defined in \citet{shchepetkin.mcwilliams_ibk09} (see their figure 12, lower left).
@@ -194,8 +215,8 @@ barotropic equations starting from \textit{before} time step
\np{nn_e}{nn\_e} additional iterations are indeed necessary), the baroclinic to barotropic
forcing term given at \textit{now} time step become centred in the middle of the
integration window. It can easily be shown that this property removes part of splitting
errors between modes, which increases the overall numerical robustness.
%references to Patrick Marsaleix' work here. Also work done by SHOM group.
errors between modes, which increases the overall numerical robustness.%references to
Patrick Marsaleix' work here. Also work done by SHOM group.
As far as tracer conservation is concerned, barotropic velocities used to advect tracers
@@ -209,151 +230,64 @@ is here the key to obtain exact conservation.
One can eventually choose to feedback instantaneous values by not using any time filter
In that case, external mode equations are continuous in time,
\ie\ they are not re-initialized when starting a new sub-stepping sequence.
This is the method used in the POM model for example, the stability being maintained by
refreshing at (almost) each barotropic time step advection and horizontal diffusion terms.
Since the latter terms have not been added in \NEMO\ for computational efficiency,
removing time filtering would be inevitably unstable. One can however add some dissipation, but in the time domain, by slightly modifying the barotropic time stepping coefficients (\citet{demange_JCP19}). This is implemented here through an additional parameter (\np{rn_bt_alpha}{rn\_bt\_alpha}), which controls the amount of temporal diffusion.
(\protect\np[=3]{nn_bt_flt}{nn\_bt\_flt}). In that case, external mode equations are
continuous in time, \ie\ they are not re-initialized when starting a new sub-stepping
sequence. This is the method used in the POM model for example, the stability being
maintained by refreshing at (almost) each barotropic time step advection and horizontal
diffusion terms. Since the latter terms have not been added in \NEMO\ for computational
efficiency, removing time filtering would be inevitably unstable. One can however add some
dissipation, but in the time domain, by slightly modifying the barotropic time stepping
coefficients (\citet{demange_JCP19}). This is implemented here through an additional
parameter (\np{rn_bt_alpha}{rn\_bt\_alpha}), which controls the amount of temporal