NEMO manuals
This repository collects NEMO documentation manuals in LaTeX format.
- NEMO physical core components
- TOP interface for passive tracers
- SI3 sea ice model
Building the documentation
To generate the PDF version of manual(s) use the following:
./ [-p] [-r version ] manual_name
: Chose one model manual among NEMO SI3 TOP or all (if not provided compile "NEMO")
Optional commands : -p Produce manual with figures and disable draft watermark -r Specify the release version number of the manual(s) instead of the branch name
The documenation is linked to the namelists
and gallery
projects, so when cloning this repository
it is necssary to clone also the related submodule.
This can be done using the following git clone --recurse-submodules <reponame>
Known troubles
If you get an error due to the missing location of FontAwesome
, it is necessary to set the local path
of LaTeX fonts in the file latex/global/packages.tex
at \defaultfontfeatures