&namsbc ! Ice surface boundary conditions
rn_cio = 5.0e-03 ! ice-ocean drag coefficient (-)
nn_snwfra = 2 ! calculate the fraction of ice covered by snow (for zdf and albedo)
! = 0 fraction = 1 (if snow) or 0 (if no snow)
! = 1 fraction = 1-exp(-0.2*rhos*hsnw) [MetO formulation]
! = 2 fraction = hsnw / (hsnw+0.02) [CICE formulation]
rn_snwblow = 0.66 ! mesure of snow blowing into the leads
! = 1 => no snow blowing, < 1 => some snow blowing
nn_flxdist = -1 ! Redistribute heat flux over ice categories
! =-1 Do nothing (needs N(cat) fluxes)
! = 0 Average N(cat) fluxes then apply the average over the N(cat) ice
! = 1 Average N(cat) fluxes then redistribute over the N(cat) ice using T-ice and albedo sensitivity
! = 2 Redistribute a single flux over categories
ln_cndflx = .false. ! Use conduction flux as surface boundary conditions (i.e. for Jules coupling)
ln_cndemulate = .false. ! emulate conduction flux (if not provided in the inputs)
nn_qtrice = 0 ! Solar flux transmitted thru the surface scattering layer:
! = 0 Grenfell and Maykut 1977 (depends on cloudiness and is 0 when there is snow)
! = 1 Lebrun 2019 (equals 0.3 anytime with different melting/dry snw conductivities)