Andrew Coward
&namldf_eke ! GEOMETRIC param. (total EKE equation) (nn_aei_ijk_t = 32)
rn_ekedis = 100. ! dissipation time scale of EKE [days]
nn_eke_dis = 0 ! dissipation option
! ! = 0 constant in space
! ! =-20 read in file
rn_geom = 0.04 ! geometric parameterization master coefficient (>0 & <1)
rn_eke_init = 1.e-1 ! initial total EKE value
rn_eke_min = 1.e+0 ! background value of total EKE
rn_ross_min = 4.e+3 ! tapering of aeiv based on min Rossby radius [m]
! ! set to zero to not taper it
rn_eke_lap = 500. ! Laplacian diffusion coefficient of EKE
! ! this is in all options below, so set it to zero and nothing is done
rn_aeiv_min = 1.e+1 ! minimum bound of eiv coefficient
rn_aeiv_max = 1.5e+4 ! maximum bound of eiv coefficient
rn_SFmin = 1.0 ! minimum bound of Structure Function
rn_SFmax = 1.0 ! maximum bound of Structure Function
nn_eke_opt = 1 ! options for terms to include in EKE budget
! ! = 0 PE->EKE conversion, dissipation only
! ! = 1 as 0 but with advection
! ! = 2 as 1 but with additional KE->EKE conversion
! ! for testing purposes:
! ! = 88 only advection by depth-averaged flow
! ! = 99 only Laplacian diffusion
ln_adv_wav = .false. ! include advection at long Rossby speed
ln_beta_plane = .false. ! beta plane option for computing long Rossby speed (default: sphere option)