&nam_vvl ! vertical coordinate options (default: z-star)
ln_vvl_zstar = .true. ! z-star vertical coordinate
ln_vvl_ztilde = .false. ! z-tilde vertical coordinate: only high frequency variations
ln_vvl_layer = .false. ! full layer vertical coordinate
ln_vvl_ztilde_as_zstar = .false. ! ztilde vertical coordinate emulating zstar
ln_vvl_zstar_at_eqtor = .false. ! ztilde near the equator
rn_ahe3 = 0.0 ! thickness diffusion coefficient
rn_rst_e3t = 30.0 ! ztilde to zstar restoration timescale [days]
rn_lf_cutoff = 5.0 ! cutoff frequency for low-pass filter [days]
rn_zdef_max = 0.9 ! maximum fractional e3t deformation
ln_vvl_dbg = .false. ! debug prints (T/F)
nn_vvl_interp = 2 ! interpolation method of scale factor anomalies at U/V/F points
! =0 linear even at the bottom (old)
! =1 linear with bottom correction
! =2 proportionnal to scale factors at rest ("qco" like)