&namctl ! Control prints (default: OFF)
sn_cfctl%l_runstat = .TRUE. ! switches and which areas produce reports with the proc integer settings.
sn_cfctl%l_trcstat = .FALSE. ! The default settings for the proc integers should ensure
sn_cfctl%l_oceout = .FALSE. ! that all areas report.
sn_cfctl%l_layout = .FALSE. !
sn_cfctl%l_prtctl = .FALSE. !
sn_cfctl%l_prttrc = .FALSE. !
sn_cfctl%l_oasout = .FALSE. !
sn_cfctl%procmin = 0 ! Minimum area number for reporting [default:0]
sn_cfctl%procmax = 1000000 ! Maximum area number for reporting [default:1000000]
sn_cfctl%procincr = 1 ! Increment for optional subsetting of areas [default:1]
sn_cfctl%ptimincr = 1 ! Timestep increment for writing time step progress info
nn_ictls = 0 ! start i indice of control sum (use to compare mono versus
nn_ictle = 0 ! end i indice of control sum multi processor runs
nn_jctls = 0 ! start j indice of control over a subdomain)
nn_jctle = 0 ! end j indice of control
nn_isplt = 1 ! number of processors in i-direction
nn_jsplt = 1 ! number of processors in j-direction
ln_timing = .false. ! timing by routine write out in timing.output file
ln_diacfl = .false. ! CFL diagnostics write out in cfl_diagnostics.ascii