&namdyn ! Ice dynamics
ln_dynALL = .true. ! dyn.: full ice dynamics (rheology + advection + ridging/rafting + correction)
ln_dynRHGADV = .false. ! dyn.: no ridge/raft & no corrections (rheology + advection)
ln_dynADV1D = .false. ! dyn.: only advection 1D (Schar & Smolarkiewicz 1996 test case)
ln_dynADV2D = .false. ! dyn.: only advection 2D w prescribed vel.(rn_uvice + advection)
rn_uice = 0.5 ! prescribed ice u-velocity
rn_vice = 0.5 ! prescribed ice v-velocity
rn_ishlat = 2. ! lbc : free slip (0) ; partial slip (0-2) ; no slip (2) ; strong slip (>2)
ln_landfast_L16 = .false. ! landfast: parameterization from Lemieux 2016
rn_lf_depfra = 0.125 ! fraction of ocean depth that ice must reach to initiate landfast
! recommended range: [0.1 ; 0.25]
rn_lf_bfr = 15. ! maximum bottom stress per unit volume [N/m3]
rn_lf_relax = 1.e-5 ! relaxation time scale to reach static friction [s-1]
rn_lf_tensile = 0.05 ! isotropic tensile strength [0-0.5??]
cn_dir = './' ! root directory for the grounded icebergs mask data location
! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interp.! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation ! land/sea mask !
! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing ! filename !
sn_icbmsk = 'NOT USED' , -12. , 'icb_mask', .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , ''