&namflo ! float parameters (default: OFF)
ln_floats = .false. ! activate floats or not
jpnfl = 1 ! total number of floats during the run
jpnnewflo = 0 ! number of floats for the restart
ln_rstflo = .false. ! float restart (T) or not (F)
nn_writefl = 75 ! frequency of writing in float output file
nn_stockfl = 5475 ! frequency of creation of the float restart file
ln_argo = .false. ! Argo type floats (stay at the surface each 10 days)
ln_flork4 = .false. ! trajectories computed with a 4th order Runge-Kutta (T)
! ! or computed with Blanke' scheme (F)
ln_ariane = .true. ! Input with Ariane tool convention(T)
ln_flo_ascii= .true. ! Output with Ariane tool netcdf convention(F) or ascii file (T)