&namp4zzoo ! parameters for microzooplankton for PISCES std - ln_p4z
part = 0.75 ! part of calcite not dissolved in microzoo guts
grazrat = 2.0 ! maximal zoo grazing rate
resrat = 0.02 ! Linear mortality rate of zooplankton
mzrat = 0.005 ! zooplankton mortality rate
xprefc = 0.15 ! Microzoo preference for POM
xprefn = 1. ! Microzoo preference for Nanophyto
xprefd = 0.8 ! Microzoo preference for Diatoms
xthreshdia = 1.E-8 ! Diatoms feeding threshold for microzooplankton
xthreshphy = 1.E-8 ! Nanophyto feeding threshold for microzooplankton
xthreshpoc = 1.E-8 ! POC feeding threshold for microzooplankton
xthresh = 3.E-7 ! Food threshold for feeding
xkgraz = 20.E-6 ! half sturation constant for grazing
epsher = 0.4 ! Efficiency of microzoo growth
epshermin = 0.4 ! Minimum efficiency of microzoo growth
sigma1 = 0.6 ! Fraction of microzoo excretion as DOM
unass = 0.3 ! non assimilated fraction of phyto by zoo
xsigma = 0.5 ! Predation window size
xsigmadel = 1.0 ! Predation window size scaling