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Nicolas Martin committed
&namsbc_blk    !   namsbc_blk  generic Bulk formula          (ln_blk =T)
   !                    !  bulk algorithm :
   ln_NCAR      = .true.     ! "NCAR"      algorithm   (Large and Yeager 2008)
   ln_COARE_3p0 = .false.    ! "COARE 3.0" algorithm   (Fairall et al. 2003)
   ln_COARE_3p6 = .false.    ! "COARE 3.6" algorithm   (Edson et al. 2013)
   ln_ECMWF     = .false.    ! "ECMWF"     algorithm   (IFS cycle 45r1)
   ln_ANDREAS   = .false.    ! "ANDREAS"   algorithm   (Andreas et al. 2015)
      rn_zqt       = 10.     !  Air temperature & humidity reference height (m)
      rn_zu        = 10.     !  Wind vector reference height (m)
      nn_iter_algo = 5       !  Number of iterations in bulk param. algo ("stable ABL + weak wind" requires more)
      ln_skin_cs   = .false. !  use the cool-skin parameterization  => use at least nn_iter_algo > 10
      ln_skin_wl   = .false. !  use the warm-layer parameterization => use at least nn_iter_algo > 10
   rn_pfac    = 1.          !  multipl. factor for precipitation (total & snow)
   rn_efac    = 1.          !  multipl. factor for evaporation (0. or 1.)
   ln_crt_fbk = .false.     !  Add surface current feedback to the wind stress (Renault et al. 2020, doi: 10.1029/2019MS001715)
         rn_stau_a = -2.9e-3   !     Alpha from eq. 10: Stau = Alpha * Wnd + Beta
         rn_stau_b =  8.0e-3   !     Beta 
   ln_humi_sph = .true.  !  humidity "sn_humi" is specific humidity  [kg/kg]
   ln_humi_dpt = .false. !  humidity "sn_humi" is dew-point temperature [K]
   ln_humi_rlh = .false. !  humidity "sn_humi" is relative humidity     [%]
   ln_tair_pot = .false. !  air temperature read in "sn_tair" is already POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE, NOT ABSOLUTE (ECMWF => ln_tair_pot=.false.)
   !! Bulk transfer coefficients over sea-ice: (relevant IF: nn_ice >=1 )
   ln_Cx_ice_cst = .true.     ! use constant ice-air bulk transfer coefficients (value given below)
      rn_Cd_i  = 1.4e-3       ! sea-ice drag coefficient
      rn_Ce_i  = 1.4e-3       !    "    sublimation coefficient
      rn_Ch_i  = 1.4e-3       !    "    sensible heat flux coefficient
   ln_Cx_ice_AN05  = .false.  !  (Andreas et al. 2005)
   ln_Cx_ice_LU12  = .false.  !  (Lupkes et al. 2012)
   ln_Cx_ice_LG15  = .false.  !  (Lupkes & Gryanik 2015)
   cn_dir      = './'      !  root directory for the bulk data location
   !           !  file name              ! frequency (hours) ! variable  ! time interp.!  clim  ! 'yearly'/ !       weights filename               ! rotation ! land/sea mask !
   !           !                         !  (if <0  months)  !   name    !   (logical) !  (T/F) ! 'monthly' !                                      ! pairing  !    filename   !
   sn_wndi     = 'u_10.15JUNE2009_fill'       ,    6.        , 'U_10_MOD',   .false.   , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''  , 'Uwnd'   , ''
   sn_wndj     = 'v_10.15JUNE2009_fill'       ,    6.        , 'V_10_MOD',   .false.   , .true. , 'yearly'  , ''  , 'Vwnd'   , ''
   sn_qsr      = 'ncar_rad.15JUNE2009_fill'   ,   24.        , 'SWDN_MOD',   .false.   , .true. , 'yearly'  , '' , ''       , ''
   sn_qlw      = 'ncar_rad.15JUNE2009_fill'   ,   24.        , 'LWDN_MOD',   .false.   , .true. , 'yearly'  , '' , ''       , ''
   sn_tair     = 't_10.15JUNE2009_fill'       ,    6.        , 'T_10_MOD',   .false.   , .true. , 'yearly'  , '' , ''       , ''
   sn_humi     = 'q_10.15JUNE2009_fill'       ,    6.        , 'Q_10_MOD',   .false.   , .true. , 'yearly'  , '' , ''       , ''
   sn_prec     = 'ncar_precip.15JUNE2009_fill',   -1.        , 'PRC_MOD1',   .false.   , .true. , 'yearly'  , '' , ''       , ''
   sn_snow     = 'ncar_precip.15JUNE2009_fill',   -1.        , 'SNOW'    ,   .false.   , .true. , 'yearly'  , '' , ''       , ''
   sn_slp      = 'slp.15JUNE2009_fill'        ,    6.        , 'SLP'     ,   .false.   , .true. , 'yearly'  , '' , ''       , ''
   sn_uoatm    = 'NOT USED'                   ,    6.        , 'UOATM'   ,   .false.   , .true. , 'yearly'  , '' , 'Uoceatm', ''
   sn_voatm    = 'NOT USED'                   ,    6.        , 'VOATM'   ,   .false.   , .true. , 'yearly'  , '' , 'Voceatm', ''
   sn_cc       = 'NOT USED'                   ,   24.        , 'CC'      ,   .false.   , .true. , 'yearly'  , '' , ''       , ''
   sn_hpgi     = 'NOT USED'                   ,   24.        , 'uhpg'    ,   .false.   , .false., 'monthly' , 'weights_ERAI3D_F128_2_ORCA2_bicubic', 'UG'     , ''
   sn_hpgj     = 'NOT USED'                   ,   24.        , 'vhpg'    ,   .false.   , .false., 'monthly' , 'weights_ERAI3D_F128_2_ORCA2_bicubic', 'VG'     , ''