add up3 advection scheme for momentum
Add a ln_dynadv_up3 in namelist_ref and namelist_cfg for using a 3rd order upstream biased scheme to advect momentum in the flux form framework.
Modifications of versioned files: Fortran routines (
), namelists (namelist\_*cfg
It will replace ubs in the next nemo release.
This scheme comes in addiction with former 2nd order centered (ln_dynadv_cen2) and upstream biased (ln_dynadv_ubs). It is based on dynadv_ubs.F90.
Add dynadv_up3.F90
Horizontal advection
- remove the 4th order
- refactor the code accordingly
Vertical advection
- remove the 2nd order
- implement a 3rd order
Addition files to be updated
- dynadv.F90
- dynvor.F90
- namelist_ref
- namelist_cfg