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sbccpl.F90 188 KiB
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Guillaume Samson committed
         IF( nn_components == jp_iam_oce ) THEN
            zotx1(:,:) = uu(:,:,1,Kmm)
            zoty1(:,:) = vv(:,:,1,Kmm)
            SELECT CASE( TRIM( sn_snd_crt%cldes ) )
            CASE( 'oce only'             )      ! C-grid ==> T
               IF ( TRIM( sn_snd_crt%clvgrd ) == 'T' ) THEN
                  DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
                        zotx1(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( uu(ji,jj,1,Kmm) + uu(ji-1,jj  ,1,Kmm) )
                        zoty1(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( vv(ji,jj,1,Kmm) + vv(ji  ,jj-1,1,Kmm) )
! Temporarily Changed for UKV
                  DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
                        zotx1(ji,jj) = uu(ji,jj,1,Kmm)
                        zoty1(ji,jj) = vv(ji,jj,1,Kmm)
           CASE( 'weighted oce and ice' )      ! Ocean and Ice on C-grid ==> T
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Guillaume Samson committed
               DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
                  zotx1(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( uu   (ji,jj,1,Kmm) + uu   (ji-1,jj  ,1,Kmm) ) * zfr_l(ji,jj)
                  zoty1(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( vv   (ji,jj,1,Kmm) + vv   (ji  ,jj-1,1,Kmm) ) * zfr_l(ji,jj)
                  zitx1(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( u_ice(ji,jj  )     + u_ice(ji-1,jj    )     ) *  fr_i(ji,jj)
                  zity1(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( v_ice(ji,jj  )     + v_ice(ji  ,jj-1  )     ) *  fr_i(ji,jj)
               CALL lbc_lnk( 'sbccpl', zitx1, 'T', -1.0_wp, zity1, 'T', -1.0_wp )
            CASE( 'mixed oce-ice'        )      ! Ocean and Ice on C-grid ==> T
               DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
                  zotx1(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( uu   (ji,jj,1,Kmm) + uu   (ji-1,jj  ,1,Kmm) ) * zfr_l(ji,jj)   &
                     &         + 0.5 * ( u_ice(ji,jj  )     + u_ice(ji-1,jj    )     ) *  fr_i(ji,jj)
                  zoty1(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( vv   (ji,jj,1,Kmm) + vv   (ji  ,jj-1,1,Kmm) ) * zfr_l(ji,jj)   &
                     &         + 0.5 * ( v_ice(ji,jj  )     + v_ice(ji  ,jj-1  )     ) *  fr_i(ji,jj)
            END SELECT
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Guillaume Samson committed
            CALL lbc_lnk( 'sbccpl', zotx1, ssnd(jps_ocx1)%clgrid, -1.0_wp,  zoty1, ssnd(jps_ocy1)%clgrid, -1.0_wp )
         IF( TRIM( sn_snd_crt%clvor ) == 'eastward-northward' ) THEN             ! Rotation of the components
            !                                                                     ! Ocean component
            IF ( TRIM( sn_snd_crt%clvgrd ) == 'T' ) THEN
               CALL rot_rep( zotx1, zoty1, ssnd(jps_ocx1)%clgrid, 'ij->e', ztmp1 )       ! 1st component
               CALL rot_rep( zotx1, zoty1, ssnd(jps_ocx1)%clgrid, 'ij->n', ztmp2 )       ! 2nd component
               zotx1(:,:) = ztmp1(:,:)                                                   ! overwrite the components
               zoty1(:,:) = ztmp2(:,:)
               IF( ssnd(jps_ivx1)%laction ) THEN                                  ! Ice component
                  CALL rot_rep( zitx1, zity1, ssnd(jps_ivx1)%clgrid, 'ij->e', ztmp1 )    ! 1st component
                  CALL rot_rep( zitx1, zity1, ssnd(jps_ivx1)%clgrid, 'ij->n', ztmp2 )    ! 2nd component
                  zitx1(:,:) = ztmp1(:,:)                                                ! overwrite the components
                  zity1(:,:) = ztmp2(:,:)
               ! Temporary code for HadGEM3 - will be removed eventually.
               ! Only applies when we want uvel on U grid and vvel on V grid
               ! Rotate U and V onto geographic grid before sending.
              DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
                     ztmp1(ji,jj)=0.25*vmask(ji,jj,1)                  &
                          *(zotx1(ji,jj)+zotx1(ji-1,jj)    &
                     ztmp2(ji,jj)=0.25*umask(ji,jj,1)                  &
                          *(zoty1(ji,jj)+zoty1(ji+1,jj)    &
               ikchoix = -1
               ! zotx1 and zoty1 are input only to repcmo while ztmp5 and ztmp6
               ! are the newly calculated (output) values.
               ! Don't make the mistake of using zotx1 and zoty1 twice in this
               ! call for both input and output fields since it creates INTENT
               ! conflicts. 
               CALL repcmo (zotx1,ztmp2,ztmp1,zoty1,ztmp5,ztmp6,ikchoix)

               ! Ensure any N fold and wrap columns are updated. 
               CALL lbc_lnk( 'sbccpl', zotx1, ssnd(jps_ocx1)%clgrid, -1.0_wp,  zoty1, ssnd(jps_ocy1)%clgrid, -1.0_wp )

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Guillaume Samson committed
         ! spherical coordinates to cartesian -> 2 components to 3 components
         IF( TRIM( sn_snd_crt%clvref ) == 'cartesian' ) THEN
            ztmp1(:,:) = zotx1(:,:)                     ! ocean currents
            ztmp2(:,:) = zoty1(:,:)
            CALL oce2geo ( ztmp1, ztmp2, 'T', zotx1, zoty1, zotz1 )
            IF( ssnd(jps_ivx1)%laction ) THEN           ! ice velocities
               ztmp1(:,:) = zitx1(:,:)
               ztmp1(:,:) = zity1(:,:)
               CALL oce2geo ( ztmp1, ztmp2, 'T', zitx1, zity1, zitz1 )
         IF( ssnd(jps_ocx1)%laction )   CALL cpl_snd( jps_ocx1, isec, RESHAPE ( zotx1, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )   ! ocean x current 1st grid
         IF( ssnd(jps_ocy1)%laction )   CALL cpl_snd( jps_ocy1, isec, RESHAPE ( zoty1, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )   ! ocean y current 1st grid
         IF( ssnd(jps_ocz1)%laction )   CALL cpl_snd( jps_ocz1, isec, RESHAPE ( zotz1, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )   ! ocean z current 1st grid
         IF( ssnd(jps_ivx1)%laction )   CALL cpl_snd( jps_ivx1, isec, RESHAPE ( zitx1, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )   ! ice   x current 1st grid
         IF( ssnd(jps_ivy1)%laction )   CALL cpl_snd( jps_ivy1, isec, RESHAPE ( zity1, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )   ! ice   y current 1st grid
         IF( ssnd(jps_ivz1)%laction )   CALL cpl_snd( jps_ivz1, isec, RESHAPE ( zitz1, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )   ! ice   z current 1st grid
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      !  Surface current to waves !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      IF( ssnd(jps_ocxw)%laction .OR. ssnd(jps_ocyw)%laction ) THEN
          !                                                  j+1  j     -----V---F
          ! surface velocity always sent from T point                    !       |
          !                                                       j      |   T   U
          !                                                              |       |
          !                                                   j   j-1   -I-------|
          !                                               (for I)        |       |
          !                                                             i-1  i   i
          !                                                              i      i+1 (for I)
          SELECT CASE( TRIM( sn_snd_crtw%cldes ) )
          CASE( 'oce only'             )      ! C-grid ==> T
             DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
                zotx1(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( uu(ji,jj,1,Kmm) + uu(ji-1,jj  ,1,Kmm) )
                zoty1(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( vv(ji,jj,1,Kmm) + vv(ji , jj-1,1,Kmm) )
          CASE( 'weighted oce and ice' )      ! Ocean and Ice on C-grid ==> T
             DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
                zotx1(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( uu   (ji,jj,1,Kmm) + uu   (ji-1,jj  ,1,Kmm) ) * zfr_l(ji,jj)
                zoty1(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( vv   (ji,jj,1,Kmm) + vv   (ji  ,jj-1,1,Kmm) ) * zfr_l(ji,jj)
                zitx1(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( u_ice(ji,jj  ) + u_ice(ji-1,jj    ) ) *  fr_i(ji,jj)
                zity1(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( v_ice(ji,jj  ) + v_ice(ji  ,jj-1  ) ) *  fr_i(ji,jj)
             CALL lbc_lnk( 'sbccpl', zitx1, 'T', -1.0_wp,  zity1, 'T', -1.0_wp )
          CASE( 'mixed oce-ice'        )      ! Ocean and Ice on C-grid ==> T
             DO_2D( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
                zotx1(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( uu   (ji,jj,1,Kmm) + uu   (ji-1,jj  ,1,Kmm) ) * zfr_l(ji,jj)   &
                   &         + 0.5 * ( u_ice(ji,jj  ) + u_ice(ji-1,jj    ) ) *  fr_i(ji,jj)
                zoty1(ji,jj) = 0.5 * ( vv   (ji,jj,1,Kmm) + vv   (ji  ,jj-1,1,Kmm) ) * zfr_l(ji,jj)   &
                   &         + 0.5 * ( v_ice(ji,jj  ) + v_ice(ji  ,jj-1  ) ) *  fr_i(ji,jj)
          END SELECT
         CALL lbc_lnk( 'sbccpl', zotx1, ssnd(jps_ocxw)%clgrid, -1.0_wp, zoty1, ssnd(jps_ocyw)%clgrid, -1.0_wp )
         IF( TRIM( sn_snd_crtw%clvor ) == 'eastward-northward' ) THEN             ! Rotation of the components
         !                                                                        ! Ocean component
            CALL rot_rep( zotx1, zoty1, ssnd(jps_ocxw)%clgrid, 'ij->e', ztmp1 )       ! 1st component
            CALL rot_rep( zotx1, zoty1, ssnd(jps_ocxw)%clgrid, 'ij->n', ztmp2 )       ! 2nd component
            zotx1(:,:) = ztmp1(:,:)                                                   ! overwrite the components
            zoty1(:,:) = ztmp2(:,:)
            IF( ssnd(jps_ivx1)%laction ) THEN                                     ! Ice component
               CALL rot_rep( zitx1, zity1, ssnd(jps_ivx1)%clgrid, 'ij->e', ztmp1 )    ! 1st component
               CALL rot_rep( zitx1, zity1, ssnd(jps_ivx1)%clgrid, 'ij->n', ztmp2 )    ! 2nd component
               zitx1(:,:) = ztmp1(:,:)                                                ! overwrite the components
               zity1(:,:) = ztmp2(:,:)
!         ! spherical coordinates to cartesian -> 2 components to 3 components
!         IF( TRIM( sn_snd_crtw%clvref ) == 'cartesian' ) THEN
!            ztmp1(:,:) = zotx1(:,:)                     ! ocean currents
!            ztmp2(:,:) = zoty1(:,:)
!            CALL oce2geo ( ztmp1, ztmp2, 'T', zotx1, zoty1, zotz1 )
!            !
!            IF( ssnd(jps_ivx1)%laction ) THEN           ! ice velocities
!               ztmp1(:,:) = zitx1(:,:)
!               ztmp1(:,:) = zity1(:,:)
!               CALL oce2geo ( ztmp1, ztmp2, 'T', zitx1, zity1, zitz1 )
!            ENDIF
!         ENDIF
         IF( ssnd(jps_ocxw)%laction )   CALL cpl_snd( jps_ocxw, isec, RESHAPE ( zotx1, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )   ! ocean x current 1st grid
         IF( ssnd(jps_ocyw)%laction )   CALL cpl_snd( jps_ocyw, isec, RESHAPE ( zoty1, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )   ! ocean y current 1st grid
      IF( ssnd(jps_ficet)%laction ) THEN
         CALL cpl_snd( jps_ficet, isec, RESHAPE ( fr_i, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      !   Water levels to waves   !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      IF( ssnd(jps_wlev)%laction ) THEN
         IF( ln_apr_dyn ) THEN
            IF( kt /= nit000 ) THEN
               ztmp1(:,:) = ssh(:,:,Kbb) - 0.5 * ( ssh_ib(:,:) + ssh_ibb(:,:) )
               ztmp1(:,:) = ssh(:,:,Kbb)
            ztmp1(:,:) = ssh(:,:,Kmm)
         CALL cpl_snd( jps_wlev  , isec, RESHAPE ( ztmp1, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )
      !  Fields sent by OCE to SAS when doing OCE<->SAS coupling
      !                                                        ! SSH
      IF( ssnd(jps_ssh )%laction )  THEN
         !                          ! removed inverse barometer ssh when Patm
         !                          forcing is used (for sea-ice dynamics)
         IF( ln_apr_dyn ) THEN   ;   ztmp1(:,:) = ssh(:,:,Kbb) - 0.5 * ( ssh_ib(:,:) + ssh_ibb(:,:) )
         ELSE                    ;   ztmp1(:,:) = ssh(:,:,Kmm)
         CALL cpl_snd( jps_ssh   , isec, RESHAPE ( ztmp1            , (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )

      !                                                        ! SSS
      IF( ssnd(jps_soce  )%laction )  THEN
         CALL cpl_snd( jps_soce  , isec, CASTSP(RESHAPE ( ts(:,:,1,jp_sal,Kmm), (/jpi,jpj,1/) )), info )
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Guillaume Samson committed
      !                                                        ! first T level thickness
      IF( ssnd(jps_e3t1st )%laction )  THEN
 CALL cpl_snd( jps_e3t1st, isec, CASTSP(RESHAPE ( e3t(:,:,1,Kmm) , (/jpi,jpj,1/) )), info )
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Guillaume Samson committed
      !                                                        ! Qsr fraction
      IF( ssnd(jps_fraqsr)%laction )  THEN
         CALL cpl_snd( jps_fraqsr, isec, RESHAPE ( fraqsr_1lev(:,:) , (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )
      !  Fields sent by SAS to OCE when OASIS coupling
      !                                                        ! Solar heat flux
      IF( ssnd(jps_qsroce)%laction )  CALL cpl_snd( jps_qsroce, isec, RESHAPE ( qsr , (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )
      IF( ssnd(jps_qnsoce)%laction )  CALL cpl_snd( jps_qnsoce, isec, RESHAPE ( qns , (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )
      IF( ssnd(jps_oemp  )%laction )  CALL cpl_snd( jps_oemp  , isec, RESHAPE ( emp , (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )
      IF( ssnd(jps_sflx  )%laction )  CALL cpl_snd( jps_sflx  , isec, RESHAPE ( sfx , (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )
      IF( ssnd(jps_otx1  )%laction )  CALL cpl_snd( jps_otx1  , isec, RESHAPE ( utau, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )
      IF( ssnd(jps_oty1  )%laction )  CALL cpl_snd( jps_oty1  , isec, RESHAPE ( vtau, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )
      IF( ssnd(jps_rnf   )%laction )  CALL cpl_snd( jps_rnf   , isec, RESHAPE ( rnf , (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )
      IF( ssnd(jps_taum  )%laction )  CALL cpl_snd( jps_taum  , isec, RESHAPE ( taum, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info )

#if defined key_si3
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      !                                                      ! Sea surface freezing temp !
      !                                                      ! ------------------------- !
      ! needed by Met Office
      CALL eos_fzp(ts(:,:,1,jp_sal,Kmm), sstfrz)
      ztmp1(:,:) = sstfrz(:,:) + rt0
      IF( ssnd(jps_sstfrz)%laction )  CALL cpl_snd( jps_sstfrz, isec, RESHAPE ( ztmp1, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), info)
      IF (ln_timing) CALL timing_stop('sbc_cpl_snd')
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Guillaume Samson committed
   END SUBROUTINE sbc_cpl_snd
