Nicolas Martin authored21e8e75e
Code owners
sphinx.rst 2.20 KiB
NEMO Quick Start Guide
The NEMO guide is made up of several files written in
ReStructuredText (.rst extension),
a WYSIWYG markup language used in the Python community, and scattered all over the NEMO sources.
You can view them one by one in plain text from ./source folder, or export all to a user-friendly guide under ./build (only HTML format at the moment, PDF expected later).
Build and export the guide in HTML
Install Sphinx documentation generator, its BibTeX extension and "Read The Docs" theme thanks to pip packages tool
$ pip install sphinx sphinxcontrib.bibtex sphinx_rtd_theme
Build the HTML export with make in ./build/html
$ make html
Finally browse the guide by opening ./build/html/NEMO_guide.html
Edit the sources and check the output in real time
To facilitate the update of the guide, editors can install a useful package that will automatically trigger a new build and the reload of the HTML page for every recorded change in the sources.
So the reviewer saves time by controlling on-line their modifications almost as it types and also by avoiding repeated interactive rebuilds.
Install sphinx-autobuild package
$ pip install sphinx-autobuild
Launch a local web server hosting a draft export of the guide (build this time in ./build/livehtml)
$ make livehtml
Open in the same time the 2 formats of the content to review: the source file and the web page by browsing from the new guide hosted by your local server on
Start the update, save your changes and verify instantly the HTML export in your browser.
Your modifications are not taken into account?
For symlink file, you will have to close it to update the HTML export. Otherwise look at the log of the Sphinx build, you probably made a typo!
Are there broken links? Fix "Page not found" errors by running make linkcheck