@@ -303,6 +303,12 @@ The 1-d arrays $mig0(1:jpi)$ and $mjg0(1:jpj)$ are used to get original global d
\caption{\forcode{&nambdy & nambdy_index}}
@@ -328,11 +334,11 @@ The BDY module is activated by setting \np[=.true.]{ln_bdy}{ln\_bdy} .
It is possible to define more than one boundary ``set'' and apply different boundary conditions to each set.
The number of boundary sets is defined by \np{nb_bdy}{nb\_bdy}.
Each boundary set can be either defined as a series of straight line segments directly in the namelist
(\np[=.false.]{ln_coords_file}{ln\_coords\_file}, and a namelist block \forcode{&nambdy_index} must be included for each set) or read in from a file (\np[=.true.]{ln_coords_file}{ln\_coords\_file}, and a ``\textit{coordinates.bdy.nc}'' file must be provided).
(\np[=.false.]{ln_coords_file}{ln\_coords\_file}, and a namelist block \forcode{&nambdy_index} must be included for each set) or read in from a file (\np[=.true.]{ln_coords_file}{ln\_coords\_file}, and a ``\textit{coordinates.bdy.nc}'' file must be provided for each bdy segment).
The coordinates.bdy file is analagous to the usual \NEMO\ ``\textit{coordinates.nc}'' file.
In the example above, there are two boundary sets, the first of which is defined via a file and
the second is defined in the namelist.
For more details of the definition of the boundary geometry see section \autoref{subsec:LBC_bdy_geometry}.
In the example above, there are two boundary sets, the first of which is defined via a file (namelist \ref{lst:nambdy}) and
the second is defined through namelist parameters choice (namelist\ref{lst:nambdy_index}).
For more details of the definition of the boundary geometry and coordinate files see section \autoref{subsec:LBC_bdy_geometry}.
For each boundary set a boundary condition has to be chosen for the barotropic solution
(``u2d'':sea-surface height and barotropic velocities), for the baroclinic velocities (``u3d''),