Jan 1, 2023–Dec 31, 2023
2023 WP
Developments implemented in year 2023
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Burndown chart
Burnup chart
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- removing isolated lbc_lnk from ice and ocean codes
- RK3 shuman averaging
- review and imprive timing
- PISCES Optimization
- linssh cleaning
- optimization of FCT routine
- RK3 1st_euler cleanning
- RK3 restartability (ln_bt_av=F/T)
- reduce or delay global communications
- possibility to run SETTE pipeline with/without debug options
- bug in snow-ice management
- duplicate definition of sbcssm variables in field_def_nemo files
- minor update of timing report
- RK3: source & sink requires Kmm time index
- PISCES diagenetic module updates
- remove ctl_stop when SAS and ln_linssh=F
- cannot trigger SETTE pipeline from web interface
- ln_crt_fbk not working in debug mode with main branch
- activate SETTE CI directly on development branches instead of main branch
- New scheme to treat particles sinking in TOP
- more changes for XIOS3
- SI3 read landfast ice mask
- wrong update of e3wx arrays over parent mesh in case of s-coordinates and an AGRIF zoom
- Bug in p4zmeso and p5zmeso
- Add in makenemo a feature to source environment file if available for the chosen architecture
- Add ln_dept_mid option to ME vertical coordinate to be compatible with AGRIF
- Are we going to drop the freshwater budget option fwb=2 and check fwb=3 (JC)
- Revision of SETTE PHYOPTS test-case variants
- Avoidance of undefined-variable use in OBS
- Test-type categorization of the ORCA2_ICE_OBS SETTE test
- cleaning and update to the timing
- overflow coordinate choice
- correct bug in overflow + zps
- fix restarting issues with unconventional restart files
- SI3: optimization and debug of salinity drainage and flushing
- Improvement of the PISCES diagenetic module
- Reduce log prints of TOP boundary conditions
- RK3: compute advective flux in stprk3_stg
- Improve 3rd order dynamic advection scheme
- Reduce dimensionality of working arrays in ZDF
- rebuild_nemo restart slow
- ICB: rebuild trajectory simplification and speedup
- Compilability of non-MPI configurations
- remove wrongly introduced "ORCA2_ICE_ABL" configuration in cfgs directory
- Minor corrections in namelist_top_cfg and in field_def_nemo_pisces.xml
- Tiling of TRP subroutines
- code cleanup: rm _e array from icb code
- code cleanup: delete MPP_PREP and REBUILD
- Add option to prevent unexpected empty icb restart
- debugging the main
- SI3 heat budget for melting/growing sea ice
- Bounds issue in AGRIF sponges preventing from identical rotationally symmetric results
- Bugfix on PISCES and sette updating
- Remove BDY_TOOLS
- SIREN is used but needs to be updated (GS will ask at MOI for someone to do it)
- Delete list : MPP_PREP, REBUILD (PM)
- Remove some not necessary tools: MPP_PREP, remove REBUILD (REBUILD_NEMO is doing the job), NESTING* (same capability in the DOMAINcfg ?)
- Can we go through available TOOLS to check what is still working, what need updates, or what can be safely removed so we may setup an action on this
- Remove sea-ice dependent global volume initialization ?
- As nn_hls 2 is now the default and nn_hls=1 is not working any more, clean the ICB code (no more *_e 2d array)
- Another example: remove &nam_dia25h and ln_dia25h and define this averaging in the field_def.xml
- Remove ln_ldfeiv_dia and more generally all namelist variable needed to perform a diagnostic :use instead iom_use( xml name of the diag ) All dia io request logicals in the namelist are useless and need to be managed by iom use.
- Remove the wetting & drying iterative limiter option (ln_wd_il) option
- Is ln_use_jattr = .false. really used ?
- Remove ln_hpg_zps and associated subroutine (hpg_zps) which is no more used add a note that this option has been replaced (+ add to doc)
- Remove ln_dynvor_eeT option which has been proved inefficient (if not unstable)
- &nam_diadct ! transports through some sections?
- &namflo ! float parameters?
- Merge fiesta :tada: code cleanup session
- makenemo from main branch does not compile anymore on apple/darwin architecture
- Introducing Multi-Envelope quasi-Eulerian vertical coordinates in DOMAINcfg
- Synchronisation of SETTE test directories
- add XIOS3 compatibility
- DOMAINcfg + AGRIF not compiling anymore with main branch
- Compilation of the RK3-version of OFF
- Compilation of the RK3-version of TOP
- add C1D_PAPA reference configuration to SETTE tests
- Management of multiple pre-processing keys by the build control script
- ABL pressure gradient improvement
- Restoration of the full SETTE AGRIF_DEMO test suite
- small bug in array size for zdfgls in main branch
- Wrong comment in namelist_top_cfg
- Incorporation of PSyclone processing into the NEMO build process
- Wrong ICB melting flux depending on nn_fsbc
- automatic definition of the arch file
- Wrong automatic definition of the laplacian coefficient
- New developments on mass flux convection scheme for active tracers
- reducing communications in dynspg_ts
- Improve fld_read time management for instantaneous fields